Badger Weekly
August 16th, 2024
Badger Weekly 9.23.24-9.27.24
9.23: (Marbie out)
9.23.24 My View/Guided Rdg Mtg Schedule w/Charmonique
- 8:20: Shaver Team Meeting
- 9:30: Official Fire Drill with Bolingbrook Fire Department at 9:30 am
- 3:45: ILT Mtg
9.24: 2nd & 5th Cogat Testing Schedule (Marbie out)
- 2:30-end of day: Adrienne out of building
Family Picnic List (during lunchtimes)
- PD Wed: K-5 Teachers Choose your own adventure- Please complete the google form below to share what your SIP work and focus will be during this Teacher Driven time.
- PD Wed: Special Ed/Support Staff District PLCs
- 12:30-dismissal: Adrienne at CEC
9.26: 2nd & 5th Cogat Testing Schedule (Marbie out)
9.27: 5th Grade Field Trip Isla a La Cache (Marbie out)
Teacher Innovation Grants-IPEF
The 2024-25 grant cycle opened on 9/9/24. Grant applications are due 10/21/24. Please share the following link and encourage your staff to participate in the opportunity to receiving funding for their classrooms. A total of $10K will be awarded this year; checks will be delivered prior to the holiday break. Teacher Innovation Grants
Upcoming Dates
10.1: @ 8:20 MTSS Leader Mtg (Ashley C, Carol, Marybeth, Allison) in 107
10.2: Custodian's Day; Learning Walk at Builta: 9:30-10:30; Rosh Hashana begins
10.4: 3rd Grade Planetarium, World Smile Day
10.7-10.11: LMC Book Fair Week
10.7: MTSS Meetings-10.7.24 MTSS Mtg Schedule & ILT @3:45
10.9: Open House 6:00-6:45
10.14: No School: Indigenous People's/Columbus Day
10.20: IPEF Run
10.24: Retake Picture Day
10.25: End of 1st Quarter
10.30: PTA Fall Parties (More information to come)
10.31: Kindergarten Pumpkin Lab
Yes, I'm a Member of the PTA
PTA Membership Please consider becoming a member of the PTA. The PTA does many great things for our students and staff. A staff membership is $10. When you join the PTA please complete the google form above for a thank you gift from Adrienne.
PD Wednesday Dates
8:05 AM Start Time
- 10.2: Grade level team time for reviewing data and preparation for mtss data meeting-meet in lmc
- 10.9: SIP/PLC in lmc
- 10.16: Eureka PLC & Collaboration
- 10.23: End of First Quarter Individual Time
- 10.30:
- PD Wed: K-5 Teachers Choose your own adventure- Please complete the google form below to share what your SIP work and focus will be during this Teacher Driven time.
- PD Wed: Special Ed/Support Staff District PLCs
Fall iReady Resources and Testing Window (9.3-9.20)
Staff Person of the Week
Lisa Yore (For this week, please park up front in the employee of the week spot)
Lounge Duty
Items for Calming Box
Items Needed for Calming Box (if you need item refills for calming box, please complete)
Self-Care Thought of the Week
Lunch is the perfect opportunity for us to get a bit of a mental break, whether by getting up and going for a walk, socializing with colleagues or by simply focusing on something besides work.
Blue Ticket Winner Link
Please use the link above to add in your Blue Ticket Winner for the week. Please have your name added in the link by Friday morning at 8:30 am.
Blue ticket winners are announced every Friday morning.
Builta School Improvement Goals
Reading-Increase iReady Growth Progress from 60% to 62%
- Implement the MyView ELA curriculum with fidelity to include:(Shared Reading, Reading Bridge, Small Group, Foundational Skills/Word Study, Writing)
- What I Need (WIN) executed with fidelity with tier 2 and 3 students receiving daily prescribed reading instruction according to their needs.
- Tier 2 reading students will participate in IOPI reading support with their homeroom teacher
Math-Increase iReady Growth Progress 62% to 64%
- Implementing the Eureka Math program with fidelity to incorporate: (Fluency Practice, Concept Development, Application Problem, Student Debrief )
- Math What I Need (WIN) executed with fidelity with tier 2 and 3 students receiving daily prescribed reading instruction according to their needs.
Social Emotional Learning to have 100% Tier 1 Staff Implementation
Support and develop students' positive behavior and emotional/mental wellness through developing and strengthening teacher and student relationships and connections by having 100% of classroom teachers:
Conduct weekly classroom meetings and Second Step (SEL) lessons
Incorporate the use of Restorative Circles during classroom meetings
Make at least 1 positive phone call home for every child in their class before November conferences
Designate a clearly identified calming corner and teach students how to use it
Display a Bugs and Brags Box and teach students how to utilize it
Post Zones of Regulation Strategies in Every Learning Space
Implement daily afternoon mindfulness activities following recess