Counseling Corner
Hello November.
Thank You For Your Service!
“Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his country’s cause." - Abraham Lincoln
November Character Trait
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.— Kahlil Gibran
Read All About It!
Why The Animal?
What Color Is November?
Books About Generosity
October Character Award Winners!
Checkout the Greystone News to see the winners for October!
2024 - 2025 GSES PeerHelpers
Peerhelpers completed training and will begin visiting classrooms this month!
November is National Children's Grief Awareness Month
National Grief Awareness Day is Thursday, November 21, 2024. The day is meant to raise awareness of the needs of grieving children, help people understand the benefits of supporting grieving children, and honor children and their loved ones who have died.
Seeing a butterfly can be interpreted as a sign of hope, signifying that even after a loss, there is hope for new beginnings and healing. There are so many beautiful ways to remember a loved one. Here is one unique way to do so.
Create a virtual butterfly.
Please click the link below and scroll down to Create Your Butterfly.
For more information about National Children's Grief Awareness Month, please click on the link below.
November's GSES Kid Challenge!
Bring an attitude of gratitude to school every day!
Focus on Gratitude to increase Kindness and Positivity throughout Greystone.
Before your child leaves for school, talk to them about what they are most excited about.
Before your child goes to bed, discuss three things that went right in their day or three things they are thankful for.
Activities to Help with Gratitude
1. A gratitude Journal
2. The Gratitude Game
3. Random Acts of Kindness
For more gratitude activities click the link below.
GSES Counseling Program Needs Assessment
Please take a few moments to complete the Counseling Program Needs Assessment. Click the link below to get started.
World Kindness Day!
Career Day
Career day is a school event that exposes students to different careers and jobs, and helps them connect their schoolwork to the workplace. Career days can be a fun way for students to learn about new jobs and see the many opportunities available to them. If you are interested in participating, please click the link below and complete the Google Form. I will reach out soon with more details!
Counseling Services