Eckstein Weekly News
November 3, 2023
Upcoming Dates
- Nov. 1-17: EAC Campaign
- Nov. 3: Seventh & Eighth Grade Eagle Night (7-8:30 pm)
- Nov. 4: COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinic at Eckstein (9-3 pm)
- Nov. 5: Daylight Savings Time Ends (Set clocks back 1 hour)
- Nov. 7: Choir Concert (7 pm)
Yearbook Photos for Siblings during homeroom
Team photos for Frisbee 6th & 8th Graders during practice - Nov. 8: End of First Quarter
Reflections Entries Due - Nov. 9: Beginning of Second Quarter
Yearbook Photos for Music Classes
Veterans Day Assembly (See bell schedule below)
Yearbook Photos for Soccer Teams during practice - Nov. 10: Veterans Day (No School)
- Nov. 13: Last Day to Order Wreaths
- Nov. 15: Yearbook Photos for Frisbee 7th Graders during practice
- Nov. 16: Jazz Night
- Nov. 23-24: Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day
- Nov. 27 - Dec 14: Last Yearbook Ordering Period
- Nov. 30: Orchestra Concert
Seventh & Eighth Grade Eagle Night - November 3 (7-8:30 pm)
The 7th and 8th grade combined dance is November 3 from 7-8:30.
Tickets: If your student didn't preorder tickets they are $5 at the door.
Eagle Night Behavior Contracts: If your student didn't already turn in an Eagle Night Behavior Contract by the November 2 deadline they will not be able to attend.
Volunteers Needed for Seventh Grade Vision Checks - 12-1-23
Each year SPS mandates that schools perform vision checks on every seventh-grade student. We use an electronic scanner that checks the vision in about 20 seconds. We plan to perform these checks on our seventh graders on December 1, 2023.
We need volunteers to help with these vision checks. We will have two scanners so we need two people to perform the checks and two people to mark down the results.
We have two shifts: 8:55 am-12:45 pm and 1:15 pm - 3:45 pm.
Please sign up for one or more shift if you can help.
Flock of Eagles - Eckstein Annual Campaign from November 1 - November 17
All students received a packet with an envelope and EAC donation card. You can use this card to indicate your level of donation. The PTSA is aiming for full participation this year—we have daily gift card drawings, as well as contests for homerooms and grade levels. Please return the pledge card and envelope regardless of the amount you are able to contribute.
Learn about the impact of the EAC and donate here: https://ecksteinannualcampaign.org/
AM Veterans Day Assembly Schedule on November 9, 2023
Period 1: 8:55 AM – 10:40 AM (Assembly: 9:00 AM- 9:45 AM)
Period 2: 10:45 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 4: 11:40 AM – 1:00 PM
1st LUNCH: 11:35 AM - 12:05 PM (Class 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM)
2nd LUNCH: 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM (Class 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM)
Period 3: 1:05 PM - 1:55 PM
Period 5: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Period 6: 2:55 PM - 3:45 PM
Music, Sibling & Fall Sport Yearbook Pictures
We will have a professional photographer at the school to take pictures of our music classes, fall sports teams and siblings for the yearbook.
November 7 - Sibling photos; Ultimate Frisbee 6th & 8th grades during practice, bring uniform
November 9 - Music classes; Girls Soccer during practice, bring uniform
November 15 - Ultimate Frisbee 7th grades during practice, bring uniform
Girls and Boys Basketball Tryouts will Start in December
Boys: Tuesday. December 5th and Thursday, December 7th 4:00 -5:30 (possibly 5:45 7:15)
Girls:Girls: Wednesday, December 6th (time TBD) & Friday, December 8th 4:00 -5:30 (possibly 5:45 7:15)
We will have a Basketball Information meeting for students:
Boys: Tuesday, November 14th during homeroom, room 113
Girls: Thursday, November 16th during homeroom, room 113
This year, per district policy we will only have two teams for each program. There will be cuts. Coaches will make team decisions on or by December 8th.
All athletes need to be cleared by December 1st to be eligible to tryout. There will be no late tryouts. All forms will be filled out through our online platform, FinalForms. There will be a pre-season meeting the week of November 13-17, final date and time will come out soon.
If you need support getting a sports physical or completing paperwork on FinalForms, contact Nyx Lewis. Email: nclewis1@seattleschools.org or Phone: 206-252-5010.
Middle Schools have Classes November 20, 21 & 22
SPS middle and high schools are in session on Monday, November 20, Tuesday, November 21 and Wednesday November 22. Wednesday, students are released as usual at 2:30 pm.
If you plan to take your student out of school for any of those days, they need to complete a Preplanned Absence form and turn it into the Attendance Office prior to the absence for the absence to be excused.
You can download here.
Student D & D Masters Needed
Does your student attend Dungeons & Dragons Club? If so, would they like to lead either a Monday or Thursday club? Please have them reach out to Ms. Maxwell for more information.
Spirit Gear Information
Spirit Gear Pre-orders:
- Spirit gear that was pre-ordered was Distributed to Students this Week
- If your student received their Eckstein gear order and it’s the wrong size from what you ordered, please ask them to see Mrs. Poort in room 120. We cannot swap sizes that you didn’t order, but we do think a few items went to kids that are not the size or color you ordered.
- We have distributed almost all of the gear, but are finalizing a few issues. The specific issues seem to be with PJ pants and grey sweatpants. Please check your size and come swap if it’s not what you ordered.
- Mrs. Poort has a list of the orders in case you want to check. We also have a few other small issues. We will contact individual students who will need to wait for the corrected order to arrive.
- Thank you for your patience!
Spirit Gear Sales:
If you missed the opportunity to order gear during the pre-order month, we bought a limited amount of extra gear to sell. Details to come on when that sale will happen!
Private School Recommendation Process
If you plan for your student to apply to a private school for the 2024-25 school year and need transcripts and recommendations from Eckstein, the due date to request this information is December 8, 2023.
We have specific directions on how to request the items you will need. Please visit our Registrar page for more information.
Winter Wreaths and Greens Available to Order until November 13
Enjoy beautiful holiday greens while supporting your community. Our young musicians need to raise money for instrument repair, supplies and trips.
Orders can be placed through this link: https://go.dojiggy.io/eckstein-orchestra-winter-greens-fundraiser/Campaign/Details
23-24 PE Waivers Available Now
PE Waivers are available to seventh and eighth grade students. You can learn more and complete a form on our website: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/academics/registrar/
National PTSA Reflections Art Contest Entries Due at Eckstein by November 8th
This year’s theme is “I Am Hopeful Because…”
We had a great group of original artworks last year, but we’d like to see even more submissions this year. Learn more: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/news/ptsa-reflections-art-contest-eckstein/