Week 7: Adobe Spark PAGE
EDCI318 Tech for Teaching & Learning-Spring 2018
- REMEMBER: a new page (subpage) for each assignment we do.
- We are in Week 7, so working on your website should be PRETTY simple by now.
- Don't forget to TWEET using the class hashtag and whatever else is listed in the assignment. Starting Week 7 (this week), if you lose points for not tweeting, you won't be able to fix and earn the point back, so don't forget. By week 7, you should be able to Tweet successfully for each assignment. We have been practicing every week now!
- Make sure you always.......
- link to everything you discuss,
- include images, at least one, but more is better.
- include links to your social media on every page of your website (Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube),
- when discussing an app, always include the app icon and link to where to get the app
- when discussing a teacher, link to their site and to their twitter
- Keep adding to your Pinterest, by the end of Week 7 you should have over 100 pins
Grading Breakdown for the Adobe Spark PAGE assignment
- 100 point total + another 20 for adding to the Padlet wall
- 75 points: Complete Lesson project is embedded on the subpage and includes all the parts and pieces. Include Text (remember this is a lesson, so explain, include details ……TEACH US, assume a kid is absent and he has to get everything about the lesson from your Spark Page.)
- Include Images (lots of high-quality images)
- Include Videos-minimum of 2, but likely more, 5 point each of at least 2 links (10 points)
- Include Links -minimum of 3, but likely more, 5 points each for at least 3 videos (15 points)
- Embed your Adobe Spark PAGE on a Weebly subpage under Project.
- 20 points: for Tweeting your post with the hashtags #edci318, #sparkpage
- 20 points-Add to the Padlet Wall https://padlet.com/ded318/sparkpagespring18
Adobe Spark Page also works on your computer from your Browser
Make sure you look at lots of examples, especially A students Research Report for Ezra, a 6th grader and the lesson Design with Fractals-Nature's DNA by Kevin, an art teacher in Illinois. Your Spark PAGE should be just a good as this 6th graders and the teachers lesson.
- A Students Research Report: https://slate.adobe.com/a/78KQK/
- Design with Fractals-Nature's DNA https://spark.adobe.com/page/HogaMjEdmNTfr/
- Kindergarten Newsletter to Parents: https://spark.adobe.com/page/CkzPZn7MIxki7/
- iPad Monthly PD Newsletter: https://slate.adobe.com/a/R94Rx/
- The Unpleasantness of TouchScreens: https://slate.adobe.com/a/20Kw9/
- Do's & Don't of Infographic Design https://spark.adobe.com/page/GgYWxC7JMfNYB/
- Composition Techniques" https://spark.adobe.com/gallery/education/example/composition-techniques/
- The RFevolution that Started it All: https://spark.adobe.com/gallery/education/example/the-revolution-that-started-it-all-/
- Principal Shannon Demel Weekly News for her teachers: https://spark.adobe.com/page/pc04QrflELioV/
More examples from a teacher and his class
TEACH A LESSON with your Adobe Spark PAGE assignment
In this project, you are going to TEACH A LESSON.
You will be using photographs, words, videos, and links using Adobe Spark PAGE to create your lesson. Yes, I said LESSON!!
Select a topic that you are interested in teaching for a class period. Think of this as the way you will present your complete lesson to your students.
It must be appropriate for use in the classroom in your content area/level.
- Once you select your topic, start the process of researching your topic and writing up the text you plan to include on the Spark PAGE.
- Gather your photos into your camera roll
- Gather Links to Youtube videos that support the lesson.
- You can include things like headings, bulleted text, and quotes to help improve the effectiveness of your text’s ability to communicate.
- If you come across any images while doing your research please download them to your device as you find them and keep track of the URL so you can cite the resource.
- Make sure to include at least three (3) hyperlinks to websites that include more information about your topic and that you would use with your students.
- Include at least two (2) videos
- Lots of images and text.
- Photographs: Take this opportunity to take your own photographs of your topic, don’t just use ones you find on the internet!!
- Post your Weebly on a subpage under PROJECTS. Call the subpage Adobe Spark PAGE
- Also, add your project to the Padlet https://padlet.com/ded318/sparkpagespring18
Project Requirements
- Your Spark Page needs to be a complete lesson! Teach the entire lesson, tell the whole story. Assume you are teaching a full class period for students.
- Elementary majors: 5th grade and up only…….
- A couple images and a few sentences is not a complete project. Your project must have all the elements…. and be a full lesson. Assume a substitute has to teach your lesson fro you!!!
- Include Images (lots of high-quality images)
- Include Videos (minimum of 2, but likely more)
- Include Links (minimum of 3, but likely more)
- Include Text (remember this is a lesson, so explain, include details ……TEACH US, assume a kid is absent and he has to get everything about the lesson from your Spark Page.)
- Embed your Adobe Spark PAGE on a Weebly subpage under Project.
- Just make sure it is an exemplary project!!
- •Instructions on how to embed your project on your Weebly subpage are in the tutorial, link below
More tutorials on Youtube
A variety of tutorials on Youtube for Adobe Spark Page
Starting Week 7 (this week), if you lose points for not tweeting, you won't be able to fix and earn the points back, so don't forget. By week 7, you should be able to Tweet successfully for each assignment. We have been practicing every week now! you should be a pro by now!!
To EMBED your Project on your Weebly Subpage
Title your Project with your Topic, then put your First and last name on the second line were it says write smething
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn