September 28, 2017
Vanguard Activity Points
View your current total or submit new activities.
We're getting down to the last few notifications for GaETC registration!! You have until OCTOBER 13th if you plan on having Vanguard cover your registration and substitute.
Here are some things to note:
- Full registration directions can be found on this VanWeekly.
- You CAN NOT transfer your Vanguard registration to another person.
- Vanguard will pay for your substitute if your position is a sub-eligible position. The payment cannot take place until after the absence has occurred. Chris Olateru will communicate all of the necessary information with your school's bookkeeper.
- You do not have to attend every day, however, subs will be covered only for the days you attend.
- Your principal is permitted to prevent you from going (though I hope that does not occur.)
- Those who are accepted into Vanguard after the upcoming interviews will get a chance to register for GaETC as soon as they've been added to the team.
There are more than 350 observations in the TIM system that have not been published. Please log in to the system, select Observation Tool and look to see whether your observations are listed as "UNPUBLISHED" or "PUBLISHED." If they do not say PUBLISH, please click that button.
Vanguard Sweatshirt
We have almost hit our goal for Vanguard sweatshirts. For the order to be placed, we'll need at least one more! The order deadline has been extended until Monday, October 2. Grab one before the cold sets in! They're SOO comfortable that you won't regret it!
Using Microsoft Teams
Please remember to try and sign-in/open Microsoft Teams every day. If you have questions, put them on Teams before emailing Heather.
#FCSVanguard Twitter Chats
September 21 Topic: TBA
Hosted By: Beth Valentine @bivlms
Remember, all of your tweets need to contain: #fcsvanguard
This year twitter chats will be twice a month on Thursday at 7:30PM.
1st Semester: Oct 5 &19, Nov 2 & 16, Dec 7
SAVE the DATES!! *8:45am-Noon
- October 21 - AUTREY MILL
- February 24 - TBA
- March 24 - TBA
LEARN MORE & RSVP: EdCampFulton Oct 21
TIM System Updates
If adjustments need to be made to your TIM school list, please enter that information here.
FCS Vanguard Team
Our mission as a Vanguard team is to build the capacity of FCS educators and leaders to personalize learning through coaching and instructional technology.
Twitter: @FCSVanguard