SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
- Friday, 9/16: Spirit Wear - Look for in person sales at the Ice Cream Social and online sales coming soon!
- Monday, 9/26: NO SCHOOL
- Thursday, 9/29: Back to School Night at 7pm
- Thursday, 10/6: PTO Meeting at 7:30pm
~ TONIGHT Ice Cream Social, 6pm-8pm ~
This event is so popular that tickets are SOLD OUT!
There will be no additional sales at the door.
A few reminders:
- The Gaga Pit will be CLOSED
- Parents / caregivers are responsible for their children. This is a school event and all playground and field rules enforced during the school day still apply.
- Please don't litter. Plenty of garbage cans will be available for your empty bowls, spoons, and other trash.
Last day to order your Mums for the fall season!
Support the PTO and make your neighbors jealous by purchasing beautiful mums. ORDER YOUR MUMS TODAY for pickup at CAS on 9/28 & 9/29.
Purchase your 9 inch mums, available in orange, yellow, white, burgundy, and purple, for $10 each. Click button below to order!
Download flyer below for additional info.
You are in luck as we are still looking for Volunteers to help sell spirit wear during ice cream social. Click the sign-up button below for the Sign-Up Genius to volunteer.
Select CAS spirit wear will be on sale at the Ice Cream Social TONIGHT and also at Back to School Night on 9/29. Come check out our T-shirts, drawstring bags, magnets, and water bottle stickers. Online sales with additional styles will be available starting in mid-October.
Our amazing teachers have come up with a fantastic line-up of enrichment classes! Support the PTO and give your child a fun after school experience. Registration runs Monday, September 19 at 5:00pm through Friday, September 23. For your convenience, both registration and payment will be offered online at www.caspto.com.
Separate transactions are required for each child you wish to register. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis and only online through www.caspto.com. Please retain your email confirmation for proof of enrollment and to refer to class dates throughout the session.
Classes begin the week of October 3rd and are held at CAS, Tuesday through Thursday from 3:15-4:20 pm, unless otherwise noted. Grade levels vary per class. All classes meet right after school and run until 4:20 pm. Children who are not picked up by 4:20 pm will be excluded from continued participation in the program. Questions or comments can be directed to the PTO at caspto@gmail.com. Thank you.
Download the flyer below for all details, including dates, pricing and description for each class.
Will meet directly after drop-off.
See flyer below for more details.
Friday, Sep 23, 2022, 08:30 AM
Dodge Field - right across from CAS
Thank you, from MEF!
Thank you to all who came to “An Evening of Glamping” and bid on the auction… at the event or from home. It was a beautiful night and a hugely successful fundraiser for MEF. We raised over $25,000 for our schools! But of course, we could always use more. Stay tuned for more ways to help MEF - including continuing to fuel up at the “Giving Pump” - Pump 6 at the Madison Shell Station. One cent from every gallon purchased goes back to MEF
We are so excited to have parent volunteers back in the building this Fall! Lunch duty is BACK! Be on the lookout for more details after school starts. There are all sorts of ways you can volunteer to help, here are our immediate needs:
May Day Prep Chair
- Like to get your hands dirty and shovel mulch? Then this is the job for you! Our May Day Prep Chair coordinates and communicates with volunteers and Town representatives for May Day at CAS! If you are interested, please email CASPTO@gmail.com to let us know!
Thank you all for paying PTO dues which support activities including monthly assemblies, enrichment programs, and teacher appreciation and supplies to name a few. There is still time to pay the suggested amount of $40.00.
To pay dues click here
Did you know that CAS has a courtyard? Unfortunately, during the COVID shutdown, our beautiful courtyard reading garden fell into disrepair. This year, the PTO will be working with the building to revitalize and rebuild this outdoor learning space for our children to enjoy. Be on the lookout for more information regarding paver sales and big fundraising efforts to make this happen!
Home Connection: Understanding Zones of Regulation
The focus of Zones of Regulation is to positively support the acquisition of self-regulation skills, especially in school-age children as they learn to work together as a group. Zones are not discipline or punishment. It’s worth repeating: our behavior DOES NOT determine the Zone! Our behavior is a by-product of how we manage our Zone.
Click button below to read this week's Home Connection.
Notes from Nurse Jackie
I wanted to place this in our newsletter since many parents are still unsure of our Covid 19 and return to school policies. Remember students need to be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications and symptoms should be resolving. Students should be tolerating a regular diet and not have vomited within 24 hours of return. There will be times when a doctor’s note (clearance) may be requested depending on the situation. If that is the case the parent/guardian will be notified. Hoping for a healthy and happy school year :)
Continue Reading: September 22 newsletter - Google Docs
Perspectives from the Guidance Office
One of the most frequent questions I get at the beginning of the school year is “how is my child doing?” It’s completely understandable why a nurturing parent would ask this. Let’s talk about what the first few weeks of school look like at CAS.
The first 4-6 weeks of school are an important time that builds community, establishes boundaries, and engages the students in their new classrooms. As a social worker who has spent the last 20+ years working with school-age children and their families, I had no idea the time and effort that goes into classroom management at the beginning of each year. This time is crucial to creating a warm, welcoming environment in which our students can learn.
The primary focus of the first week of school is getting students acquainted with classroom management routines and procedures. The students learn that their classroom is a community built on mutual respect and understanding.
In the following weeks, these routines and procedures are practiced all the time, and students learn about the expectations of their teachers. Effective teachers set these expectations and procedures early, and spend the next few weeks reinforcing them until the class is running smoothly. At the same time, teachers are reviewing content from last year, and slowly adding new information.
After the summer break, many students don’t pick up where they left off. It can take time to get their stamina back as it relates to learning. Stamina in young learners is necessary for all areas: reading, writing, sitting, listening, etc. Teachers have a variety of strategies to grow this ability to complete tasks while staying focused, without getting tired, and without distracting other students. I hope this helps to understand what the days are like for your student! Onward to a great 2022-2023 year!
Tune in to my podcast titled "CAS Chats" on our Home Connection Website Link.
Important: Star Assessments
Our first window of STAR administration will be occurring during the month of September. The STAR assessments are diagnostic assessments designed to provide educators and parents with important information about a student's progress. Students in grades 1-5 take the STAR reading and/or early literacy assessment as well as the STAR mathematics assessment benchmarked for their specific grade. To read general information about the STAR assessments, parents are encouraged to visit their family resources page.
Kindergarten teachers administer the STAR CBMs (Curriculum Based Measures) in both reading and mathematics. The Fall kindergarten reading assessments assess a student's understanding of letters and their sounds, basic phonological awareness, and early decoding. The kindergarten math assessments include recognizing numerals and their value. Often times the CBMs may be administered in other grade levels, on an as-needed individual basis. For more information regarding the STAR CBMs, please click here.
See links below to download flyers for the following:
- Join Cub Scouts
- Multicultural Table at Bottle Hill Day - volunteers needed
- CAS Learning Garden
- Sign-up for Chess