Superintendent Spotlight
January 2023
Central Office has a new location!
We were so proud of the turnout at our open house for the newly relocated Seymour Board of Education Central Office on December 15. Thank you to all of you who took time out of your evening to attend. Your presence made the evening a huge success! Mr. Fred Stanek, Chairperson of the Central Office Relocation Committee welcomed the crowd to the open house and First Selectwoman Annmarie Drugonis spoke about the success of the project and thanked those who were so dedicated to making it a reality. Mr. Connors also spoke about his involvement with the project and presented the old Board of Education sign from 98 Bank Street to Dr. Compton. The Superintendent made the closing remarks, thanking everyone who was involved with making this move possible. She thanked the Central Office Relocation Committee, the Board of Education, the Town of Seymour, Mr. Tim Connors and the custodial staff, who worked diligently doing whatever was asked of them, and the staff of Central Office who kept working throughout the move. Central Office staff is excited to have a welcoming place for all who need to visit.
Champion Awardee Emily Masotta
Superintendent Awardee Caden Drezek
SHS Hope Club Coat Drive
Seymour High School
Seymour High School News Blast 1/13/2023
Special Recognitions
Emily Masotta – is a highly motivated student who tries to do her best in all that she does. She is an active member of the National Honors Society, Link Crew, and Student Council. When not in school Emily is engaged in gymnastics. Last year while participating with the Xcell Gold Gymnastic Team she won a Silver Medal at the state Gymnastics Tournament in Vault. When not competing, Emily serves as a volunteer gymnastics assistant instructor for Children’s Studios For Performing Arts. Her teachers report that she provides superior effort in her classes and is conscientious.
Caden Drezek is our senior class president and has been a three-year starter on the basketball team and a two-year starter on the football team. As a quarterback, he was named Class S All-State as a junior (football) and Republican American Athlete of the Week multiple times. He was named All-NVL twice and was named to the top 26 All-State by the Connecticut High School Coaches Association. He finished his senior year 5th in the state with 2,608 passing yards and was 2nd in the state in passing touchdowns with 33. He set school records for most passing yards in a season (2,608), passing touchdowns in a season (33), and passing touchdowns in a game (7 vs Torrington). He finished his career at Seymour with 4,360 passing yards (6th in school history) and 54 passing touchdowns (tied for 4th in school history). As our starting quarterback, he led us to two state Class S playoff appearances.
In basketball, Caden earned All-NVL Copper two years in a row and is a two-time captain. He accepted a full scholarship to continue his academic and athletic career at the University of Maine where he plans to study finance and play Division I football.
Important Dates
1/16/23 - Martin Luther King Day Recess - Schools Closed
1/18/23 - The last day of the second quarter
1/19/23 - Midterm Exams Periods 1 and 2 (Early Dismissal)
1/20/23 - Midterm Exams Periods 3 and 4 (Early Dismissal)
1/23/23 - Midterm Exams Periods 5 and 6 (Early Dismissal)
1/24/23 - Midterm Exams Periods 7 and 8 (Early Dismissal)
1/25/23 - Ski Trip to Mohawk Mountain 4:00 - 9:30
2/4/23 - Ski Trip to Berkshire East Ski Resort
2/11/23 - Valentine’s Dance 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
2/15/23 - Ski Trip to Mohawk Mountain 4:00 - 9:30
3/17 and 3/18 - Performing Arts Show
Midterm Exam information can be accessed using the following the link below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lf0wOE-XGc_11NhDZivKXXfWeUVDV4M3NgmAXSutWu8/edit?usp=sharing
Special Education Parent Training - The new IEP
On Thursday, Jan 19th at 7:00 pm Dr. Boyle, Laura Pellerito, Melissa Anelli, and Mrs. Brett will be conducting a parent workshop on CT SEDS. They have created a flyer for this event which can be accessed using the link below.
If you have any questions in reference to this please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Brett (abrett@seymourschools.org)
Ski Trips - Seymour High School will be offering the opportunity for our students to participate in school ski trips.
One of the trips will be to Berkshire East with an estimated cost of $160 per student, this is scheduled for February 4, 2023. Additional information will be forthcoming, interested students are to sign up at the main office.
Three of the trips will be to Mohawk Mountain with an estimated cost of $60 per student, these trips will occur on Wednesdays after school from 4 - 9;30 p.m. The scheduled dates of these trips are January 25, and February 15.
Additional information for the ski trips will be sent out as a separate Eblast.
Return to Free Meals Announcement
Dr. Compton and Ms. Cindy Brooks are happy to report that beginning January 16 to January 31 meals will once again be free to all students. This is a result of having a balance from the SMART Funding that we had received from the state.
Meals will return to being charged on February 1, 2023. If you receive SNAP benefits you automatically receive free meals. Families are encouraged to complete a free or reduced application to see if they qualify. The full return to free meal announcement may be accessed using the link below.
Link to Free Meal Announcement
Special Notice from the Athletic Department - Healthcare providers have notified us that wellness appointments will be limited from January through March due to the number of scheduled sick children visits. This may have an impact on athletes who have physicals set to expire during this time. Please contact your physician as early as possible to see if you can schedule a wellness visit. Otherwise, please consider a walk-in clinic to satisfy physical requirements.
Notice From The Nurse - All parents who would like to permit us to treat their children with Tylenol and or Ibuprofin when needed are to fill out a permission form and return it to the nurse. This form can be downloaded using the following link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14iiH52TY05RGeXvrl9fgkjAjw4CbpQr4/view?usp=sharing
Attention Seniors, if you still need to do so there is only a limited time and sessions to schedule your Senior Portraits. You can do this by using the following link. https://seniors.legacystudios.com/seymour-hs-ct/
Social Studies CloseUp Trip to DC - We are gauging interest for this year’s trip to Washington D.C. through the CloseUp Foundation. The trip is available to all juniors and seniors and sophomores enrolled in AP Government & Politics. For more information go to www.closeup.org or email Mr. Willadsen at dwilladsen@seymourschools.org
Yearbook Sales have begun. Take advantage of your opportunity to purchase a book at the early bird cost and secure your copy today. You may order using the following link. https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/
Student Academic Progress Monitoring - Parents should practice checking on their child's progress regularly. At a minimum, these checks should occur mid-way and at the end of each quarter. These regular checks will help you understand the grades and allow you to provide academic support as needed. If you observe a class where your child is struggling, please email the course teacher to see why the grades are so low. If you do not have access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal please email Jocelyn Idarola (jiadarola@seymourschools.org) and request that she send you the necessary information to use your PowerSchool Parent Portal. She will email you a document with the information needed to access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
From the Senior Class Advisors - Mr. McCasland and Ms. Brown are accepting payments for senior activity fees between now and May 1st. These activity fees cover the cost of cap and gown ($30) which students will keep, the end-of-the-year trip to Holiday Hill ($55), and the Senior Banquet ($65). The entire fee is $150 which can be made in increments over several months. If students are only planning on attending one or two events, they can pay for what they wish to attend - a la carte. All payments must be made by May 1st, 2023, by either cash, money order, or check made payable to Seymour High School. Thank you.
Technology Support - If you need technical support you can utilize our district help desk form by clicking here. Complete the helpdesk form for all issues related to student Chromebooks, emails, and user accounts.
Below is a series of links to access relative district information
Student Attendance - If you know your child is absent from school, please call the office at (203) 888-2561 and leave a message. Also, please print and submit a Reason for Absence Note.
Seymour Middle School
Seymour Middle School Highlights for December and January
Recognition: Delaney Catlin and Luca Tecci were honored at the Valley CAPPS banquet on December 12th.
Recognition: A shout out to our SMS Band as they performed at the Seymour Senior Center and delighted relatives at the Winter Concert on the same day!
Recognition: The following students received Upstander phone calls during December: Kaia S, Hailey E, Li’Ani D, Colin H, Lily F, Juan F, Kaylii A, and Dan B.
Recognition: 94% of our students participated in a combined November-December PBIS celebration.
Recognition: Students and teachers have met with success during their Envisions blocks. A gallery walk was established to support new learning for next semester.
Recognition: We have a number of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders whose essays will be submitted to the Elks Americanism Essay Contest.
Recognition: The SMS community raised $850 for the CCMC Pajama Day on December 9th.
Recognition: The SMS community participated in the Hour of Code also on December 9th.
Upcoming Events:
Winter MAP Assessments will begin on January 5th
The first semester closes on January 20th
Chatfield-LoPresti Elementary School
CLS Recognitions and Activities
December 20, 2022
CLS Wins Best Float at the 2022 Seymour Christmas Parade!
CLS PJ Day for Kids
We raised $1,062.52 for kids battling cancer at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center on Wednesday, December 14, on our PJ Day for the Kids! We far surpassed our target of $600!
CLS Seymour CHAMPIONS - Motivated
A big shout-out to all of the CLS students who were nominated for December for being “Motivated!” Our nominated students were: Frank Adams, Mackenzie Baldino, Leighton Bell, Peyton Billy, Alicia Breda, Adysen Champagne, Carter Crespo, Camden Cunningham, CJ Edwards, Aylin Efe, Gledis Faskaj, Dylan Franzese, Lexi George, Evelynn Hicks, Aizlyn Hirth, Alisia Hysesani, Adelyn Murad, Dominic Raucci, Victoria Sokhatska, and Liani Soto.
Our overall winners for “Being Motivated” were Frank Adams, Adysen Champagne, and Gledis Faskaj. Congratulations to all who were nominated!
2022 CAS Elementary Leadership Conference
On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, the following CLS Grade 5 students will be attending the 2023 CAS Elementary Leadership Conference at Naugatuck Valley Community College.
The students, who were nominated by their classroom teachers, will engage in hands-on activities designed to foster critical 21st century leadership skills, including creative problem-solving, communication, decision-making, and productive thinking.
Congratulations go to:
Savanna Bednar
Sydney Dushi
James Hoffman
Cara Liposky
Allie Lovisolo
Sophia Miranda
Madison Petruny
Ryan Wolf
CLS Club Invention for Grades 1 - 5
Club Invention began the first week of December and has been an exciting experience for many of our students at CLS. This program became available to us through a grant. Students are working in two groups, one with Ms. Wendland and one with Ms. Savoie.
Ms. Wendland’s friends have been working to create structures to help save endangered species. Ms. Savoie’s group has been working in teams to create structures that fly. We are looking forward to providing more of these enrichment opportunities to our students in the spring!
CLS PTA Family Skating at Milford Ice Pavilion – Saturday, January 21, 2023 - 5:00 p.m.
This annual fun family event will be at the Milford Ice Pavilion, with the rink closed to the public during our time.
CLS Family Outing to Quinnipiac Men’s Basketball Game – Sunday, February 5, 2023
We will be having a CLS family and staff outing to the Quinnipiac University Men’s basketball game on Sunday, February 5, 2023, versus Mount St. Mary’s.
Tickets are FREE! The game starts at 2:00 p.m. and the tickets for students, family, and staff are complimentary, courtesy of Quinnipiac University!
You may sign-up for your free tickets by clicking on the Registration Link below. The tickets will then be waiting for your family at Will Call. Will Call is located at the ticket office near the main entrance.
CLS Family Outing to Bridgeport Islanders – Saturday, February 25, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.
CLS will be having a family outing to the Bridgeport Islanders game on Saturday, February 25, 2023. Students who read 5 books during our CLS Winter Reading Challenge will earn a FREE ticket to the Bridgeport Islanders game on Saturday, February 25. Members of the Grade 4 and Grade 5 CLS chorus will also be singing a song during the first period intermission that night, so we should have a fantastic CLS presence at the game!
Seymour Christmas Parade
Seymour Christmas Parade
PJ Day for Childhood Cancer
Bungay Elementary School
Bungay Elementary School
BOE Recognition and Activities
January 4, 2023
Bungay School presents two Seymour Champions (Motivation):
Sara Nesteriak (Grade 1: Mrs. Goletz)
Sara has shown she is highly motivated to improve. She is determined to grow her learning in all areas. Sara is attentive during lessons and is not afraid to try something new. She does not let a mistake stop her and uses those to continue to grow. Sara is excited to learn new things and looks for ways to share her learning. She has demonstrated growth in math and reading. Even when things have been challenging for Sara, she always has a smile and wants to keep trying. (Submitted by: Mrs. Goletz)
Nalani Desther (Grade 3: Mrs. Mucci)
Nalani is a motivated learner. She comes in everyday ready to learn and help others. She has been at the top of the Leaderboard on IXL since we started it with 194 proficient skills. She has already earned a bronze medal in our Reading Olympics by reading more than 75 books in the first marking period and she exceeds her goal in Lexia each week. Nalani sets goals for herself and achieves them with all her hard work. (Submitted by: Mrs. Mucci)
PJ Day to Support Childhood Cancer
Bungay Student Council ran a fundraiser today to raise money for Connecticut Children's Medical Center for children with Childhood Cancer. Students and staff wore their pajamas and holiday headwear in support of this cause! In support of the event, KC 101 came to deliver Dunkin Donuts to the staff.
We raised a total of $1201.57 so far!!!
December 22, 2022
Dear Bungay Elementary School Community,
Happy Holidays! As we come to the end of 2022 and break for the winter holiday, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all who help to make Bungay an amazing school with such a positive culture! We are a community with many gifts and talents, which we share with one another and most important, our students.
Walt Disney once said, “You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” The reality is that the learning experiences and activities that take place at Bungay School could only happen with a great deal of commitment and support from our wonderful community: staff, parents and students.
I cannot thank everyone enough for their endless hours of volunteering, reading in our classrooms, planning special projects and activities, donating and doing everything to support our students – both at home and at school. Special thanks goes to our PTA who, as always, goes above the call of duty to provide whatever is necessary to add to our students’ already rich school experiences. We are “A Great Place to BEE!” because of you.
We are excited about all the wonderful things happening at Bungay School. Students started IXL Mathematics, an online program, this month in all of their classrooms; thus far, our students have answered 280,538 questions and mastered nearly 6,000 skills! In kindergarten, our students presented a wonderful Rockin’ Holiday Program to parents. Our third through fifth grade classroom spelling bee finalists are busy preparing for the SCRIPPS Spelling Bee. A very successful afterschool pilot program called Club Invention is underway and students are working on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) activities. Our high school students are enjoying their time mentoring some of our littlest Bungay Bees—such a treat. We are appreciative of our traditional Senior Mentor program, where nearly fifteen senior citizens visit once a week to offer their time to support students in reading and mathematics. Recently, staff and students have contributed over $1500.00 to the CT Children Foundation. Collaboratively, we have provided food and gifts to several families during the holidays. Thank you to all!
One of the highlights of the holiday season is spending time with loved ones. I wish you all a healthy, safe and joyful holiday, not only now but also throughout the New Year. See you in 2023!
Mary Sue Feige
Seymour Christmas Parade
Thank you to the many families that supported us by coming out to watch the parade.
A special thank you to the kindercats, the Student Council, SHS and Bungay teachers for their support and for marching with us in the Seymour Parade. It was so nice to see so many of students march in the parade with the Scouts, Cheerleaders, Football teams, and so many others groups too.
The day was perfect for a parade!