NexTech in March
March 27, 2024

Important Announcements
State Testing Week
Spring testing will begin the first week we return from Spring Break; the week of April 8, 2024. Please review the chart below so you know when your student(s) need to be at school and when they should be working on assignments at home. Assignments are still assigned to students that week, so they should continue working on assignments throughout the week as normal.
Students who are taking the PSAT 9, PSAT 10, SAT, and MSTEP, MUST bring their school-issued Chromebook with them on test day. These tests are ALL being administered digitally. Personal laptops cannot be used. All test sessions will begin at 9:00 am. Therefore, students should plan to report to school on their testing day no later than 8:30 am. If the testing room has already started timing the test, your student will not be allowed in the testing room.
For students in grades 10 and 11, you will see a consent form for testing with this letter. If your student is in grade 9, they will not have this form; only 10th and 11th grade. Please review the consent form to opt-in or opt-out to participate in college planning with the CollegeBoard. Please return the completed form to Mrs. Cristina Zuberbier by March 31.
Juniors must participate in state testing as it is a graduation requirement. All cell phones are collected as students walk in. Students may also leave cell phones at home, but will still be checked for a phone. Cell phones or any other electronic device, besides a school-issued Chromebook, are NOT ALLOWED in the testing room. Should you have any questions please contact Cristina Zuberbier, School Counselor, at 616-458-4992 ext 304 or via email at czuberbier@gr.nextechhigh.org.
NXT Spring Break
NexTech High School Spring Break starts Friday March 29 (Good Friday/No School) and ends on Friday April 5, 2024. Classes resume on Monday, April 8, 2024!
NexTech Prom 2024
Tickets are $10 each and are on sale until April 19, 2024.
Students wishing to bring a guest from another school must complete a guest contract form, which must include a signature from the guest's school Principal.
March Moments
Check out some of the special moments our community has had this month!
NexTech Mural
Mr. Art and his students have been working hard on a custom mural that will be placed in our school. A mural is any piece of graphic artwork that is painted or applied directly to a wall, ceiling or other permanent substrate. From planning to painting, students have had a hands on experience while working on this special project!
Field Trip to Maggie's Kitchen
Future Skills: Digital Editing
Some of our students have had the opportunity to continue to develop their digital editing skills with help from David Turpen from the Delta Project. In this weekly class students get hands-on experience working with cameras, green screens, lights, as well as digital editing software.
House of Krey
Mrs. Krey's World History class has had an exciting couple of weeks as they study the medieval Europe. Students designed personal family crests, crafted mini catapults, and learned about feudalism, castle defense, and social norms of the middle ages.