St. Louis Catholic High School - Thurs. Aug. 22, 2024
Celebrating St. Louis, King of France - by Ms. Guth
I often say the name “St. Louis” or “St. Louis Catholic High School” or “St. Louis King of France” and don’t think twice about it. Sometimes, though, I say his name and think, “Who is this man that we refer to so much?” He must have been an incredible person if we are still saying his name daily and naming cities, churches, and schools after him eight centuries after his death.
I love that his Feast Day is in August (25th) because that means that each year as we head back to school, we also get to reacquaint ourselves with our old friend, St. Louis. This past summer, I had the privilege of a lifetime to go to Saint-Chapelle in Paris, his private chapel. If you ever get to be in Paris, do yourself a favor and visit this gem. I was taken aback by its awe-inspiring beauty and felt like it was a chance to truly meet this Saint. What did I learn there?
- He acquired the Crown of Thorns along with 19 other relics of the True Cross and built this chapel specifically to house them. The King of France daily bowed his crown to venerate the crown of the King of Kings.
- His mother, Queen Blanche of Castile, taught and modeled the faith, taking Louis and his siblings to daily Mass.
- As an adult, prayer was his priority. He would attend daily Mass (sometimes twice) and even prayed the Liturgy of the Hours that priests and religious pray.
- He had a holy marriage and 11 children!
- His sister, St. Isabelle of France, is a canonized Saint, too!
- On his deathbed, he wrote a letter to his oldest son and heir with 25 points of advice. The first was this: “Love God, the Almighty, above all else.”
As we focus on our service pillar this year, I think we will do well to look to our namesake. He loved God above all else, loved his family deeply, and served his people with selfless devotion. St. Louis, King of France, pray for us!!!
Student Handbook - Uniform Reminders
We appreciate your students' efforts in adhering to the new policies and procedures on campus. For clarification purposes, please note the following:
- Shirts must be tucked in with all buttons buttoned, with the exception of the top button.
- Skirts must be no more than 4 inches from the ground when the student is kneeling.
School Pictures Are Ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Back-to-School Reminders
- Weekly newsletters with important information are emailed to those listed in our SIS FACTS system every Thursday afternoon. Check your SPAM folder. To update contact information, call the front office.
- Lunches, practice clothes, etc. for students should be sent with students each morning. We understand the occasional hurried morning, but please help teach responsibility and executive functioning skills by having your student prepared for the day.
- Not clear on something? Please have your student ask the appropriate adult either in person or by email. All faculty and staff should respond to questions within 24 hours.
Parking Tags- All student drivers must purchase a parking tag each year in the front office for $35. The deadline to purchase is August 25. After August 25th all Juniors and seniors will be charged through FACTS for a parking tag. If your student will not drive, please email Mrs. Melissa before Aug 25th.
Lunch on campus – All students that eat the school lunches will be billed through FACTS. You will receive a statement each month. Each lunch is $2.75. If approved for Free/Reduced lunch then it will be .40. There will be no free lunches this year unless your family is approved for DC.
All families should complete the free/reduced lunch application even if the student will not eat lunch. Please return to Dawn Mayo in the office or by email. This allows us to qualify for federal money! Thanks for your help!
Medication Form- Please complete if your student will be taking medication at school & return it to the front office.
Attention NEW Saints!
New students and parents must complete these steps to set up their FACTS account. The parent AND the student will each need to create an account. Please email Mrs. LeJeune with any issues.
August 26-30
Congratulations to Saints AP Scholars!
- AP Scholar is granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams.
- AP Scholar with Honor is granted to students who receive an average score of at least a 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
- AP Scholar with Distinction is granted to students who receive an average of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
Virtual Day (no classes on campus) - August 30
Students will have virtual assignments on Friday, August 30 to allow teachers to participate in professional development activities. We will follow the 4-day schedule, so students will meet their classes three times and have an assignment to complete at home on that Friday. The virtual assignments will be due by 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 3 and teachers will review these with students in their weekly agendas.
Academic Help
Whenever a student begins to experience academic difficulty in a specific course, he/she should contact his/her teacher immediately to request extra help. Teachers may also request with a 24- hour notice that certain students report to the teacher for extra help either before school, at lunch, or after school. Such a request takes precedence over all other activities. At times, the counselor may also contact a student concerning a need for extra help. St. Louis Catholic High School offers weekly Academic Study Hall throughout the school year, free of charge for any student, regardless of grades.
Academic Probation/Remediation
I. At the first 4½ week grading period (Progress Report) of each quarter, students with 2 or more F’s in any subject will be placed on academic support and have the Academic Review team:
a. Student, teacher(s), counselor and coach will create an academic improvement plan
b. Student will attend weekly tutoring sessions offered on campus.
II. At the second 4½ weeks grading period (Report Card) of each quarter, students with 2 or more F’s in any subject will remain on academic support and continue remediation with the following guidelines:
a. Student, teacher(s), counselor and coach will meet to revise a plan to improve grades
b. Student cannot participate in any extra-curricular activity outside the school day
c. Student cannot practice with the team
d. Student will attend weekly tutoring sessions offered on campus (study hall or teacher meetings)
Counseling Corner
Schedule Request Form - Due Aug. 28
Any schedule change requests must be turned in on our schedule change request document with all parts filled out to be considered for a schedule change. This document can be emailed to your students' counselor or dropped off to the Counseling Department.
Click here for the schedule change request form.
Back-to-School Parent Meetings
The Counseling Department appreciates all freshmen, sophomore and junior parents who were able to attend the back to school parent night. Please review the presentations given and reach out to your students' counselor if you have questions.
Freshman Parent Night Presentation
Sophomore/Junior Parent Night Presentation
Senior back to school parent night is Monday, August 26 at 6pm, with a special guest to review FAFSA 24-25 presenting at 6:30pm. See you then!
Lunch & Learn!
The Counseling Department is hosting their first Lunch and Learn next Tuesday, August 27 in the library for seniors. The topic is "College Scholarships."
Countdown to Kickoff - August 29
Calling all lovers of Saints and sports!! Countdown to Kickoff TABLES & TICKETS are ON SALE NOW!!
Click HERE to go marching in with our SAINTS and secure your buy.
The Saints will be in action Friday when they host Leesville in a scrimmage on campus. Action begins at 5:30 p.m. Admission is FREE for students and faculty with SLCHS ID.
Mark your calendar for the 2024 edition of the Russell J. Stutes Memorial Golf Tournament. This year’s event will cap off Homecoming Week and be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, September 28 at Contraband Bayou Golf Club. Join us for a fun day on the course benefitting Saints Clubs & Organizations!
Senior Portraits
Please contact Jill Mahoney or call 346-400-3019 to make an appointment for senior pictures and for retakes.
Picture Retakes - Aug. 30
March for Life
Those of you interested in attending this next year's March for Life: Please CLICK HERE for the information packet.
March for Life is a wonderful opportunity to witness community at its best, and for many, this is a life changing experience. Fundraising opportunities will be available leading up to the trip, so please don't let financial concerns keep you for registering! Here is a link from the March for Life website that can help give you a glimpse as to what its like. Let us know if you have any questions.
God bless,
Blaine Wyninger
Assistant Principal
Dean of Student Life
There will be a meeting on Thursday, September 5th at 5:30pm at AVE MARIA HALL to discuss the current school campus, the future school campus on Corbina Road, and the Capital Campaign. Our architects, Father Buller, Father Whitney Miller and Kelly DeMolle will present the most up to date information on these topics. This meeting is open to all stakeholders in the St. Louis Catholic community who are interested in attending.
SLCHS, class of 1999
Alumni Association Membership Levels
Alumni Association
Do you have your membership secured with the Alumni Association? CLICK HERE to join us and make sure you have access to all things Saints Homecoming in September. See membership details above.
Missed an edition of Halo Notes? Not a problem!
Can't find the most recent email with the current edition of Halo Notes? Halo Notes can be accessed anytime on our website!
On the home page, click on "News" at the top of the page and you will see the link to Halo Notes. We also keep previous editions on file for your convenience. This way you can always access everything St. Louis Catholic!
SLCHS Coffee Co.
Contact Information
Wonder - Identity - Community - Service
Email: saintsmail@slchs.org
Website: www.slchs.org
Location: 1620 Bank Street, Lake Charles, LA, USA
Phone: 337-436-7275
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slchssaints
Twitter: @slchs_saints