College Park High School
Commitment, Pride, Honor, Success

Volume 20, Issue 11 September 27, 2024
Robert MacFarlane - Principal
Dr. Debra Creel - AST Headmaster
Chris Allen - Associate Principal Curriculum
Melanie Davis - Associate Principal Student Services
Clint Holden - Associate Principal Operations
This Week at TWCP
242 Traffic Update
The College Park Entrance at Honor Roll Drive will be closed from 5:00 p.m. Friday, 9/27, until 5:00 a.m. Monday, 9/30. We do not anticipate this will affect car rider drop-off on Monday morning. We will communicate updates as they become available.
National Merit Commended
Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program
Sajid Alam, Daniel D. Alvarez, Sophie M. Blevins, Devin C. Bjelland, Connor A. Blackman, Sarah R. Borjas Moron, Samuel J. Bronner, Adam L. Bryan, Dovonan J. Burke, Juhee G. Cho, Logan B. Clark, Caitlyn H. Corrales, Caroline M. Dana, Keira L. Dunlop, Hayden L. Fife, Chase S. Gomez, Arturo I. Gonzalez, Annabelle A. Harvey, Jubida B. Iftekhar, Cali L. Jomsky, Nicholas A. Kosarikov,
Nathaniel J. Lind, Tue G. Luong Cong, Sandul R. Manage, Jesse D. Miller, Lyla T. Mughal, Megan G. Nguyen, Ashutosh Sanu, Ayaka Saito, Fiona J. Sammer, Selina J. Song, David I. Uchime, Jessica Wang, Mia Q. Wang, Shreyas Yenneti, Grace Yuan, Dawson D. Zhang
Get your College Park Basketball Gear! The Team store is now open.
Get your College Park Basketball Gear! The Team store is now open.
THE CRUCIBLE is both a gripping historical drama and an evergreen parable of contemporary society. Don't miss this timeless classic that challenges American ideas of power, intolerance, and justice. In the Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts, a servant girl accuses a farmer’s wife of witchcraft. One accusation spirals into many, uncovering a web of bigotry and deceit that changes their lives forever.
Performances are October 16, 17, 18, and 19 at 7:00 pm in the College Park Auditorium. Tickets are available at https://collegeparktheatre.ludus.com
See you at the show!
Our current attendance rate is: 96%. It is important that your child is in class each day unless they are ill. In the event your child does miss school, please be sure to email our attendance office. Also, please remind your child to get with their teacher about any work they missed.
TWCP Attendance: TWCP Attendance
School Meal Benefits
If you need to apply for the free and reduced lunch program please visit the Conroe ISD Child Nutrition website. If you are in need of information regarding the program please see the attached flyers for information. All applications must be received by September 25.
Free and Reduced Information - English
TWCP Varsity Football Games
PLEASE HELP US PASS THIS INFORMATION ALONG TO YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS WHO DON'T HAVE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! To increase safety at our Varsity Football Games, Please be sure to read the Conroe ISD Stadium Policies.
- Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the stadium.
No spectators are allowed on the field before or after the game.
Fans are not allowed to congregate under the stands.
Stadiums open 1 hour prior to kickoff.
Only CLEAR backpacks and handbags are allowed to be brought into the stadium.
For a full list of Conroe ISD stadium policies and more information surrounding the clear bag policy follow this link Conroe ISD Stadium Policies.
Streaming Platform for Football Games
The official streaming platform for games at Woodforest and Moorhead stadium is through Conroe ISD Sports on our two YouTube channels listed below. In the case we are playing a district opponent outside of our school district such as Willis, New Caney, or Cleveland, there may be an outside streaming company such as Texan Live, Legacy Sports Network or Woodlands Online.
Woodforest Games https://www.youtube.com/@conroeisdsports-wbs
Moorhead Games https://www.youtube.com/@conroeisdsports-ms
Cell Phones
Cell phones and their use is not allowed during instructional time. Instructional time is the time in which a student is in class. This means that if a student leaves class to go to the restroom, see the nurse, or report to the AP/Counselor office (for example) they may not take their phone from class. All teachers will have a designated storage spot in their classrooms where students are to put their phones. Cell phone use is only allowed before school, after school, during class transitions, and at lunch. Cell phones and smartwatches should not be used to capture video, audio, or images at school or on the bus unless given permission by campus staff.
Parent Portal
In an effort to help our parents, we are moving to a Parent Portal for parents to access information about their child. You will login similar to the way your child does for school (similar to the SSO) to access school information. All parents/guardians will need to enroll to create an account. You will need the email address that is in your child’s record. Once you enter the email, you will be prompted to create a password. Please make sure to use this tool throughout the year to check your student’s grades, schedule, attendance and more. Teachers send notifications about grades through this portal as well.
Click Parent Portal Directions to for instructions or go to Conroe ISD Webpage then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal.
Campus Deliveries
We only allow deliveries from parents or family members who are on your child’s records. Food deliveries from food delivery companies such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc. are not allowed. Please be sure to communicate this to your child and know if food gets delivered by anyone other than a parent/guardian, they will be able to pick it up at the end of the school day.
Lunch Charges
Once a student has charged 10 times, a school administrator will contact you to make you aware of the situation and discuss options on how to clear your child’s charges, how to use My School Bucks, directions on completing a Free/Reduced application, or will consider any special circumstances.
Please be aware of the process once your child has 15 charges.
Students that reach or surpass the 15-charge limit will have charging privileges removed until a full payment has been made, a payment plan has been initiated, or a campus administrative override has occurred for extenuating circumstances.
Keep'em Safe Texas
Texas law now requires school districts to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms.
In 2021, 4,613 Texans experienced gun-related deaths. The Texas Department of State Health Services (SHS) reports that 55% of Texas firearms deaths in 2020 were suicides and that 59% of all suicides in Texas were by firearms. Suicide attempts involving firearms have a 90% fatality rate. Restricting access to guns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Acts of mass violence and interpersonal violence often end in suicide.
It is unlawful to store, transport, or abandon an unsecured firearm in a place where children are likely to be and can obtain access to the firearm. Under Texas Penal Code 46.13, a person commits the offense of making a firearm accessible to a child if the child gains access to a readily dischargeable firearm, and the person with criminal negligence:
Failed to secure the firearm; or
Left the firearm in a place to which the person knew or should have known the child would gain access
The penalty for allowing a child access to a firearm can range from a Class C misdemeanor (punishable by a $500 fine) to a Class A misdemeanor (punishable by a $4000 fine, a year in jail, or a combination of the two).
Texas exempts the purchase of firearm safety equipment from Texas Sales and Use Tax.
Remember, a gun should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere. You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas Department of Public Safety at https://safegunstoragetexas.com.
Safe gun storage is critical to preventing suicide, unintentional shootings, and other tragedies.
Vote Ready
Are you vote ready? If you’ve moved, changed your name, never registered, or are unsure about your voter registration status, visit https://elections.mctx.org by October 7 for the November 5, 2024 election. Already registered? You can confirm your information at the Montgomery County Elections website, too.
The success of the TWCP PTO depends upon the participation and involvement of all our TWCP families.
Membership does not require any volunteering, but help is always appreciated!
Senior Dues
Senior Dues must be paid through the SchoolCash Online. Please contact Mr. Robert McKnight or Mrs. Brandy Robbins prior to April 4, 2025 for more information or with concerns about payment. Dues are not a graduation requirement. Dues cover Senior Lighting, Spring Senior T-shirt*, Individual Senior Prom Tickets*. and Senior Picnic. Dues DO NOT cover Fall Senior T-shirt graduation attire (cap & gown), graduation announcements, prom date tickets (CP Seniors are not eligible to attend prom through use of a guest ticket), panoramic picture, or GradNight ‘25. *Seniors who fail to pay by the April 4, 2025 DEADLINE, will NOT be able to attend Prom nor will they receive a Spring T-Shirt
Senior Pictures
Two Weeks left to Schedule your Yearbook Photo Session at Blue Moon Photography.
Senior Dates
Mandatory Senior Meeting: 4/8 @10:00
Prom: 4/25
Honor Grad Breakfast: 4/30
Senior Awards Night: 5/15
Senior Picnic: 5/22
Graduation Practice: 5/22
Graduation 5/22
PTO Sponsored GradNight: 5/22
Regular communication and understanding are key to fostering a healthy relationship with screens and promoting positive mental health.
CPHS Guidance Lesson
Every Wednesday during Advisory, students are presented a Guidance Lesson. This week in CPHS Guidance 9/25: Suicide Prevention Awareness. Click the LINK to view the video.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life? National and local mental health services are available for those at risk of suicide.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988LifeLine.org
Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat
Call: 988
Crisis Text Line: CrisisTextLine.org
Text: "TX" to 741-741
Texas Youth Helpline: tinyurl.com/TXYHDFPS
Call: 1-800-989-6884
Text: 512-872-5777
Chat: texasyouth.org
SabÃa Ud. que el hablar de los pensamientos y sentimientos suicidas pueden salvar la vida. Hay servicios locales y nacionales para ayudar.
La lÃnea 988 de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis - 988
Chatear: Texto o Chat
Marque: 988
Crisis Text Line: CrisisTextLine.org
Chatear: "AYUDA" to 741-741
La lÃnea de ayuda juvenil de Texas: TXYHDFPS
College Rep Visits Season is here! Register in Naviance>colleges>college visits
PSAT/SAT Information
PSAT and SAT testing will take place October 16th. You can find all the study information below.
Tennis Senior Day
Tuesday Oct 1st will be Senior Day in recognition of ten senior members of the College Park Tennis Team. The ceremony will be 3pm at the CP tennis courts.
Seniors Girls:
Anna Bong
Emma Rice
Karla Salazar
Senior Boys:
Jack Arriagada
Donovan Burke
Julian Crepin
Graham Glatzel
Hutch Glatzel
George Martin
Rohit Pillutla
CP Football Schedule
CP Volleyball Schedule
CP Cross Country Schedule
CP Tennis Schedule
CP Swim/Dive/Water Polo Schedule
Conroe ISD Stadium Policies
Lil' Cause Pink Out Cheer Clinic - September 28, 2024
Sign up for the Lil' Cause Pink Out Cheer Clinic at www.twcpcheer.com.
Cheerleader Alumni - October 4, 2024
We want to hear from you!! TWCP is 20 years old and we need your help to celebrate. Join us on the field at the October 4 Pink Out Game, just complete the form here or click QR code on flyer.
Calling All Revelier Alumni
We'll be hosting an alumni event for College Park High School 20th anniversary! Please scan the QR code or link to complete our Alumni Questionnaire.
Final Exam Exemption Policy
Order your Yearbook
Click this LINK to order your yearbook.
Our greatest safety measure is vigilance.
Please report any suspicious activity or suspected dangers to the appropriate authorities.
Reports may be made through either of the resources below
The Woodlands College Park High School
Email: contactTWCP@conroeisd.net
Website: https://twcp.conroeisd.net/
Location: 3701 College Park Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77384
Phone: 936-709-3000