The LaVorgna Lions' ROAR
Summer 2024

Pancake Fundraiser Outside on Wednesday after school! By the Bus Loop
LES Title 1 Family Literacy Night
Don't Forget if you RSVP'ed you are attending the Literacy Night this Thursday 5:00 - 6:30!
Please sign up to attend Our Veterans Day Celebration! 11/8/24
Give THANKS for Great Attendance!
Please Talk to your Children - Kindness Matters and it starts at HOME!
It may seem like the children are with us more than they are at home but it is not true. They are home and in your care the most so please help us reinforce good behavior. Let's all just be good kind people. In order to keep all children happy and safe at school please remind your children of all ages in all grades to:
1. Think before they act!
2. Keep their hands and feet to themselves.
3. If someone is bothering them tell the adult or teacher, DO NOT bother them back!
4. If you can not say anything NICE then DO NOT say anything at all!
5. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
6. DO NOT put anything in the toilets. We have children clogging toilets on purpose and playing in the bathroom.
7. NO sports equipment from home brought to school.
8. No cell phone or watch use at school during school hours - texting, calling or anything else.
PTA Events Calendar
Important Family Notifications
Susan LaVorgna Elementary
Website: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us/LES
Location: 31777 Algarve Avenue, Winchester, CA, USA
Phone: 951-294-6385