Viking Family Digest
May 14, 2024
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Viking Families:
Thank you to our PTO for a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week! What a great celebration!
The end of the school year is quickly approaching. We have a busy two weeks ahead of us. For the most updated information, please visit the school website and current newsletters.
Attendance is very important these last few weeks as grade books are finalized and the many events occurring though out the school day. Thank you for reinforcing this at home.
If you have any questions, give us a call!
Thank you for your partnership!
Ms. Marks
Important Dates
- 05/14: Adjusted Learning to CLS HS
05/14: Wildcats Main Beach Field Trip
05/14: CCAT - Kane County Cougars
05/14: RBMS Symphonic Band/Beginning Band Concert
05/15: Badgers to Main Beach
05/15: 8th Grade Lippold
05/15: Bruins Water Treatment Plant
05/16: Huskies Field trip to Main Beach
05/16: Bruins Water Treatment Plant Field Trip
05/16: Band Awards - for all Band Students 6pm-8pm
05/16: Last day for Activity Buses
05/17: 8th Grade Dance 6pm-8pm
05/20: 8th Graders Last Day of Attendance 2:14pm Dismissal
05/20: 8th Grade Honors Night 7pm-8pm
05/20: Scholastic Bowl
05/20: Fly Up Day 5th Graders
05/23: Kona Ice - 7th Graders
05/24: Last Day of School 6th & 7th - 9:10am Dismissal
Parents & Students Year-End FAQ ON 1:1 Chromebooks
Are you Moving?
Are you planning on moving over the summer and will not be attending D47 in the Fall? If yes, please contact Mrs. Smith Administrative Assistant at the RBMS school office by May 24th.. RBMS will transfer your student's records to the District 47 Office before the summer. When you register at the new school, have the new school reach out to the District 47 Office, not RBMS, for the students records.
Social Media
We are asking for your continued support to make sure that all students feel safe so that they can focus on learning. We have been supporting students at each grade level with peer concerns that have impacted student safety.
A significant contributing factor to negative peer interactions is the communication between students after school hours through social media, text messaging, and phone calls. The social media apps being used have age requirements that are older than the age of many of our middle school students.
Many of these exchanges outside of school have led to students talking at school, arguing, and in one case led to a physical altercation. Please continue to be vigilant in talking with your students about the things that they say and do to peers. Every student must feel safe in order to access their education.
As educators and parents ourselves, we understand that every parent wants their child to feel safe and supported at school. We all share that goal and are looking for your continued support in ensuring that this is possible. Through our annual B3 Program (Be Safe, Be Smart, Be Kind Online), we educate students on internet safety and the impact of their words and digital footprint. We encourage you to extend these conversations at home; our website offers additional resources to support parents in these discussions.
If you are allowing your child to communicate with peers via a cell phone, please be vigilant and look at how they are talking to peers and what apps they are using. Children of this age are not equipped to handle the pressure and impulsive opportunities that social media apps and cell phone communication may present.
We thank you for your continued partnership that will allow all students to feel safe at school.
8th Grade Events
Light Up the Night - Glow Dance - Friday, May 17th
8th graders can pick up their tickets OR buy tickets this week during lunch up until Friday.
More chaperones & donations are needed to make this event a success. Please see the Parent Volunteer Sign-up for ways to donate & help.
8th Grade Honors Night - Monday, May 20th
8th grade "graduation" ceremonies in District 47 are referred to as Honors Night. All 8th grade students and families are encouraged to attend this event. It will be held at Crystal Lake Central High School on Monday, May 20th at 7:00pm. Students will participate in our practice ceremony during the morning of May 20th at CLC. Students were given transportation permission slips by their core 1 teachers this week. For Honors Night, please have your student(s) at CLC no later than 6:30 pm. For more informaiton see the frequently asked questions document.
Washington, D.C. Inauguration Tour (CURRENT 7TH GRADERS)
Enrollment for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration/DC Tour will close on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. This trip is open to all current seventh grade students who will be in eighth grade during the 2024-2025 school year.
There are still spots available! If you are interested, please visit our tour’s website for more information and the enrollment link:
If you have any questions about the tour, please contact Mr. Matt Jonker ( or contact the EF Explore America Traveler Support line: 888-333-9756. (You will need the school name and/or tour code from the URL above if you call.)
8th Grade Math 2024-2025 School Year
Each school year brings new opportunities, and the ‘24-25 school year is no exception. The RBMS 8th grade math team will be piloting a course structure that allows all 8th grade students (not in EC or modified curriculum classes) to be enrolled in Algebra. It was determined this will best serve RBMS students and provide access to higher level mathematics for every student; therefore, 8th Grade Algebra will not be offered at Bernotas. Algebra addresses the same combination of 8th grade and high school math standards as have been addressed in this course for years. As with any pilot, student needs and performance will be closely monitored throughout the year and any information gathered will inform decisions about math course structure of the ‘25-26 school year and beyond.
Bricks of Hope LEGO Drive
Join Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 in partnership with Bricks of Hope for a LEGO® Drive! Support sick children during their hospital stays by donating NEW LEGO® sets. The Bricks of Hope charity brings joy and hope through the gift of LEGO®. Drop off your donations at the school from now until May 17th. Read more about their mission here. Bricks of Hope Flyer
We need your feedback! 2024 D47 Communications Survey
Please take a moment to share your thoughts on our District 47 communications. Your input helps us improve how we keep you informed. This survey is anonymous and does not collect email addresses.
D47 Boundary Review
A new Boundary Update page is now available on the District website. It will be regularly updated to share new information and feedback opportunities. The boundary committee met for a second time on Monday, May 13th. The page will soon be updated with insights from the discussions held during that session.
ABC Spirit Day Celebration 2024
Winter/Spring Sports!
Activity Bus
Does your student stay after school for sports or clubs? We offer activity buses. Activity buses run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All activity buses leave Bernotas Middle School at 4:15pm from the front of the building and all drop off times are approximate. Activity Bus Schedules.
Last day for Activity bus: Thursday May 16th
Car Pick Ups: If you are picking up your student from a sport or club at 4pm please be aware of the elementary buses that are loading. If the STOP sign is out and the lights are flashing, do not pass the bus.
Help Needed! 2024-2025 School Year
The Bernotas PTO is looking for a Vice President and Food Fundraiser Chair for next school year. These are low-commitment volunteer positions, that help fund many student activities for the year. If you are interested, please contact