Tamanend Connections
We Are Tamanend Together!
June 9, 2023
Tamanend Friends Forever Mural Dedicated to Ms. Brenda Scheffey
On June 1, we unveiled the "Friends Forever" mural near Room 211. The mural was designed to honor the impact of the Friends program at Tamanend. It was designed by 9th Graders Gianni Perretta and Aditi Chathuruthy. The mural is dedicated to Ms. Brenda Scheffey in honor of her endless dedication to Tamanend and her passion for the Friends program. Friends from the regional Autistic Support program at Holicong were on hand for the unveiling. A special thank you to Art Teacher Ms. Kerri Fedorowicz for overseeing the process.
Tamanend Talent Show--Friday, June 9 (during school day)
Freshman Celebration--Friday, June 9 7:30 PM to 10:00 (details below)
9th Grade Laptop Collection--Wednesday, June 14 (details below)
Freshman Day--Wednesday, June 14--during school day (details below)
Final Awards & Closing Ceremony / Last Day of School--Thursday, June 15
Last Newsletter of the 22-23 School Year--will be sent out Thursday, June 15
4th Marking Period and Final Course Grades--posted to Parent Portal Tuesday, June 20 at 8:00 AM
"Welcome Back" Newsletter--will be sent out Friday, August 4
Open House for the 2023-2024 School Year--Friday, August 24 (tentative); details to follow
Freshman Celebration is Friday, June 9 from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
We are holding our evening Freshman Celebration on Friday, June 9. Join us for an evening of music, dancing, food, and fun! Please note that this is not a prom. Students are encouraged to dress nicely, but do not have to dress for a formal. Students do not need a date to attend. The cost is $21. Tickets and permission forms are now available on MyPaymentsPlus.
Freshman Day is Wednesday, June 14 during School Day at Camp America
9th Grade Laptop Collection is June 14
The Technology and Innovation Department is preparing to collect all devices from students in grades 6, 9, and 12. Students in grades 3-5, 7-8, and 10-11 will keep their device over the summer. *Note: The Technology and Innovation Department will work with buildings to re-deploy devices students entering 7th and 10th grade in August 2023. Return Information:
· 9th Grade Tamanend students will turn in their laptops, chargers, and pens the morning of Wednesday, June 14.
· Please be sure your child is able to locate their device, charger, and pen (if applicable).
· Laptop bags do not need to be returned. Your child will be reusing this bag next year.
· If there are any technical issues with the device, please be sure to place a help desk ticket so we can resolve the issue prior to summer.
· All hotspots must be returned with the device (if applicable).
· Please remove any non-CBSD stickers or USB devices from laptops before returning.
· Missing Accessories: Please go to MyPayments Plus to pay for items that you lost or damaged while in your possession. Bring a receipt with you to collection as proof of payment.
· Laptops: Your AC adapter must be a manufacturer-issued (Lenovo) charging cable. Generic brands are not accepted. All screen breaks must be fixed and/or reported prior to collection. Students who turn in a broken screen on collection day will be subject to a fee.
· Device Pens: All laptops must be returned with a pen.
· Devices/Accessories not Returned: If a student does not return his/her device, hotspot, pen or charger a fee will be issued per student. Devices not returned will be disabled and unusable.
Mandala Coloring Enrichment During Tiger's i
Origami Enrichment Activity During Tiger's i
Strategic Games Tiger’s i Enrichment Group
Reminder--Pennsylvania Seal of Biliteracy
Visit the CBSD website at www.cbsd.org/sealofbiliteracy to learn more. You can learn how to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy by watching this video.
Reminder--Are You Interested in Volunteering at Tamanend?
Reminder--Volunteer Required Paperwork
Pennsylvania law requires all persons having direct contact with school children to obtain background checks and clearances. If you are planning on volunteer in in a Central Bucks school during the 2022-2023 school year, you will need to go to Volunteer Required Paperwork, and complete what is needed to be an approved volunteer in our school. Thank you!
Reminder--Warrington Warriors Football and Cheerleading Seasons Begin August 1
Reminder--CBSD Summer Camp
Tamanend Middle School empowers students to grow academically, socially and emotionally. Students, staff, and families work collaboratively to model the acronym ROAR.
Respect yourself, others, and property.
Own your behaviors.
Act appropriately.
Remember Kindness.
We believe that a caring, positive school culture and learning environment foster respectful, thoughtful, appropriate, and kind citizens.
In order to operationalize our mission, Tamanend utilizes a school-wide positive behavioral intervention and support plan (SWPBIS). This plan helps us establish a social culture in which students expect and support appropriate behavior from one another— creating school environments that are socially predictable, consistent, safe, and positive. This helps to reduce problem behaviors that lead to office discipline referrals and suspensions, and to change perceptions of school safety.
This Week's ROAR Focus Area: Bus
- Verifications for current 7th Grade students were to be confirmed in the Parent Portal Thursday, February 16th.
- Verifications for current 8th Grade students were to be confirmed in the Parent Portal Tuesday, February 28th.
- Verifications for current 9th Grade students were posted in the Parent Portal on Friday, March 17th and are to be confirmed by Wednesday, March 29th. (If using the Parent Portal app, select the menu and go to “More”, then “Backpack” in order to view and confirm.)
- The CB South Curriculum Fair for next year's 10th Graders was held on Thursday, January 5th. CB South's Program Planning & Curriculum page contains videos from across their various departments and can help give a sense of their offerings. Paramount to the high school transition are relationships and connectedness. Tamanend and CB South counselors will continue to plan and program for relationship-building opportunities as your child transitions to high school, including the forthcoming program planning assembly with high school and middle school counselors, curriculum fair, Q&A with high school counselors during the Intervention and Enrichment time, and welcome days at the high schools. We will share more information about these exciting events soon. Please reach out to your child’s counselor for additional assistance and information as we work together to support this transition.
- MBIT’s Open House was held on Thursday, December 1st at 6:00. Please visit their website (www.mbit.org) to see all of the amazing programs that MBIT has to offer.
- MBIT offers a Summer Exploration Program. Information can be found at Summer Career Exploration Program / Overview (mbit.org).
Reminder--Creating a Parent Canvas Account
Reminder--If Your Child's Laptop Screen Breaks
A Reminder About Returning to School After an Illness
A reminder that in order to attend school, students need to be fever free for 24 hours without medication. A fever is considered 100.4 or higher.
Reminder--Universal Free Breakfast Now Available at Tamanend
Reminder--Free & Reduced Lunch/Breakfast Application
Reminder--Consent to Use Free/Reduced Lunch Status (Information Sharing)
Dear Parents/Guardians,
CBSD is currently accepting applications for Free & Reduced Lunch. Students who qualify for the Free and Reduced School Meals Program may also qualify for a variety of needs-based assistance based on their program eligibility. Federal law requires the family’s consent before Central Bucks School District can use or share eligibility status for purposes other than the provision of free or reduced lunch. This information will only be shared if you consent to help provide needs-based assistance to your student that may be beneficial to your family. Your decision to share or not share this information will not in any way affect your eligibility status for the Free and Reduced School Meals Program; it is completely optional.
If your student(s) qualifies for the Free and Reduced School Meals Program, you will receive a notification of a document that needs your attention in the Parent Portal. The Free/Reduced Lunch Information Sharing Consent Form requests permission to use the eligibility status to qualify for various needs-based assistance and programming. You may consent for all areas listed below, decline consent to all areas, or provide partial consent. See the link below for instructions to complete this consent form.
Free/Reduced Lunch Information Sharing Consent Form Instructions
Best wishes for a wonderful start to the school year.
Arrival to School
Middle School Physical Education Attire
Students are not required to purchase a CBSD issued physical education uniform; however, students will be required to change into athletic attire and sneakers to participate safely and practice good hygiene. Student attire must adhere to the dress code guidelines presented in the student handbook. CB locks will still be required to purchase to ensure personal items are secured in a locker. Locks are available for purchase on MyPaymentsPlus.
Morning Car Line
When the weather is poor (heavy rain, low temperatures, etc.), more and more parents/guardians choose to drive their children to school. A reminder that students are expected to be in their 1st Period classes by 7:30 AM. If a child is late to school because of CBSD transportation, their tardiness will be excused. If a student is late to school because of car trouble, over-sleeping, or they are in the car drop-off line, their tardiness is unexcused. Typically, there are few cars in the drop off line from when the doors open at 7:10 until about 7:20. After 7:20, the line begins to get very long.
If you drive your child to school and the weather is poor, please consider leaving home earlier so that your child arrives to class on time.
Thanks for your assistance!
Regular School Hours
7:10: Students may be dropped off at Tamanend.
7:10--7:20*: 7th Graders wait in the Auditorium; 8th Graders wait in the Cafeteria; 9th Graders wait in Main Gym
7:20: Classrooms open to students
7:27: Reminder bell rings
7:30: First period classes begin
*Breakfast is available to students in all grades beginning at 7:10 in the Cafeteria.
Middle School Bell Schedule
Communicating Absences
You may report your child's absence in any of the following ways:
- Phone (Attendance hotline): 267-893-2920
- Written note to be turned in to Main Office
- Through Portal. Click here to learn how to report student absences through Portal.
Help with Resources
Tamanend is committed to ensuring that every child has a positive experience at our school. We work hard to ensure that we have financial supports in place for families in need. Please be aware that we can help with the following resources:
- Food--pantry with healthy snacks and personal care items available all day outside of Guidance; meals to take home (students and/or parents and guardians can contact Mrs. Consoletti in the Guidance Office or Mrs. Myrtetus in the Health Office); weekend food packages to take home (students and/or parents and guardians can contact Mrs. Consoletti in the Guidance Office or Mrs. Myrtetus in the Health Office)
- Clothing
- Internet access
- Field trips, school supplies, fees
- Holiday gifts
If your family experiences a financial hardship, please feel free to email one of the staff members below so that we may help:
Brian Caughie (Principal) bcaughie@cbsd.org
Kyle Dudley (Assistant Principal) kdudley@cbsd.org
Lauren Myrtetus (Certified School Nurse) lmyrtetus@cbsd.org
Jeff Klein (Guidance Counselor and Athletic Director) jklein@cbsd.org
Mandy Cammann (Guidance Counselor) mcammann@cbsd.org
Andrea Consoletti (Guidance Secretary) aconsoletti@cbsd.org
Food Assistance in CB
Please click on the link below to learn about food assistance for families in Central Bucks:
https://vimeo.com/748146211 (English version)
https://vimeo.com/748143109 (versión en español)
The CB Farmers Market at Barclay is Every Second and Fourth Thursday of the Month
Reminder--Need a New Backpack?
Brian Caughie, Principal bcaughie@cbsd.org
Patti Hartz, Secretary phartz@cbsd.org
Andrea Consoletti, Student Service Secretary aconsoletti@cbsd.org
Housing Information
Ways to Stay Connected with Tamanend
Here is a list of ways Tamanend communicates with students, families, and the community:
- Tamanend website: includes important information, resources, calendar of school events, and daily announcements
- Calendar of school events (posted on our website)
- Daily announcements (Posted each school day morning on our website and in Canvas. Look for the “Tamanend Announcements” course. Students will self-enroll in this course during the first week of school.
- TV show (weekly, during Advisory period)
- Email blasts from Tamanend administration regarding important news, new procedures, and reminders
- Parent Portal: student information, grades, and attendance
- Tamanend Connections newsletter: useful information, important reminders, and school highlights emailed weekly during school year and posted on Tamanend website
- Twitter: @CBTamanendMS highlights of activities, events, and daily life at Tamanend
- CBSD app: highlights of activities, events, and daily life in Central Bucks
Para nuestras familias hispanohablantes...
¡Bienvenidos a Tamanend! Yo soy Brian Caughie, Director de Tamanend Middle School. Soy hispanohablante. Pasé mucho de mi vida en España. Estoy aquí para apoyarles a todos los estudiantes y familias en Tamanend. Favor de llamarme or escribirme (en inglés o en español) si Ud. tiene cualquier duda o pregunta.
Correo electrónico: bcaughie@cbsd.org
Oficina: (267) 893-2900
Daily Announcements
Share Good News About Tamanend Students
Tamanend Middle School
Email: tms@cbsd.org
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/25
Location: 1492 Stuckert Road, Warrington, PA
Phone: 267.893.2900