PLD January Newsletter
"Let's Grow Together"
Update from Mrs. Allen, Principal
Happy New Year PLD families!
As we step into 2025, I hope this year brings joy, growth, and success for your children. As a reminder you can check your child's Trimester 1 grades in Genesis to stay updated on their academic progress.
Additionally, students should have fewer than 8 absences by the end of January. More than 8 absences means that your child has missed over 10% of the school year, which may require a parent meeting and/or an attendance plan. Let’s work together to ensure consistent attendance and a strong second trimester!
I wish you all a joyous and prosperous New Year!
With Drew Pride,
Jazmyn Allen
January Events
January 13th-24th PTO Spirit Wear Sale
January 18th - PTO Ice Skating Fundraiser
January 21st - 5th Grade Concert @ HHS - 6pm
January 22nd - 4th Grade Concert @ HHS - 6pm
January 23rd - 3rd Grade Concert @ PLD - 6pm
January 29th - Paint Night with Mr. Roselle sponsored by PTO
Spelling Bee
The Greater Hightstown Juniorettes Annual Spelling Bee – Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Calling all 4th and 5th grade East Windsor/Hightstown District students who would like to participate in the Annual Spelling Bee competition sponsored by The Greater Hightstown Juniorettes. Please fill out the application below and send the $10 registration fee with a check made out to Greater Hightstown Juniorettes (no cash please) and mail to the following address:
Cori Kenny/Greater Hightstown Juniorettes, 12 Woodland Drive, East Windsor, NJ 08520
Important Reminders
Early Dismissal
Please note that if you plan on picking up your child earlier than regular dismissal time it is always helpful to let us know. You can do this anyone of the following ways: enter it into Genesis, email your child's teacher or call the front office and let them know that you will be picking your child up early.
Carpool Lane & Walker Pickups
Friendly reminder: To keep the front of the building clear for carpool students, if you are picking up a student as a walker, please meet your child at the BREEZEWAY. Walkers are not dismissed at the front of the building as this area is kept open for carpool students. Regarding the carpool area, I do ask that we all work together as a community. Staff will only engage with the traffic on campus but I ask that you be courteous and mindful when entering the carpool lane. Please do not block the entry of the driveway due to the buses. Buses are unable to enter the driveway safely if it is blocked. Your support with this matter is appreciated.
Chromebooks & Water Bottles
Please remind your students to bring their charged chromebooks as well as a water bottle daily! It is extremely important that they remember to bring them everyday.
PLD Arrival & Dismissal Times
Please be advised that school starts at 8:45 am and dismissal is at 3:30. While we understand illnesses and circumstances occurring beyond your control. We encourage students to be on time. Missing precious instruction time is a loss that cannot be recovered.
Early dismissal from PLD is at 1:25
Delayed Opening arrival time for PLD is 10:15 am
The complete schedule can be found here:
PLD Lost & Found
Please remind your children that there are lots of items in the lost & found. They can check the rack during their lunch period and claim what might belong to them!
Outdoor Recess
Cooler weather may be setting in, however, we will still be having recess outdoors. Recess is a crucial part of the day, so by all means we will continue to provide this outdoor experience daily. Please be reminded to have your child properly dress for cooler weather. Coats, jackets, and hats may be needed. Checking the weather prior to the start of school would help in making sure proper attire is on daily.
Updates from Our Fine Arts Departments
Art - Mr. Roselle
Every week a student is chosen to be the Artist of the Week. Their art is then posted in the display case to be viewed for a week. Each of the chosen artists will be photographed and displayed in the newsletter.
Update from Student Council
The student council conducted a toy drive in December. All the toys collected were donated to RISE to be distributed to members of the community as needed. The toy drive was a great success!
Update from Nurse Lopatine
Hello PLD Families!!
I am still working on completing the screenings for the year. If your child fails a screening, a referral will be sent home.
The following vaccines are needed if your child turns 11: Tdap and Meningitis. Once your child turns 11, please have the child have these vaccines and submit verification to me. I will update his/her records. They must have these vaccines once they turn 11 and prior to going into 6th grade.
Please remember to send in any doctor office visits and updated immunizations to me via either your child, email, or fax.
Please remember to keep your child home if they are sick.
2024-2025 Yearbook Orders
Yearbook sales have started! Orders are taken on-line only! Please see the instructions in the attached letter below:
Parents please be sure to log in to the parent portal in order to update your child's photo release status. Students can only be photographed and put in the yearbook if you give your permission!
PLD Photo Gallery
Mrs. Mosca's class went shopping on a field trip to the Freehold Raceway Mall! Looks like a great time was had by all!!
December 9 - 12, 2024 - Holiday Fair
December 13, 2024 - D.A.R.E. Graduation
December 16, 2024 - Fancy Sock Day
December 17, 2024 - Plaid Day
December 18, 2024 - Winter Character Day
December 19, 2024 - Ugly Sweater Day
December 20, 2024 - Pajama Day
Happy New Year!
About PLD
Address: 70 Twin Rivers Drive North, East Windsor, NJ 08520
Contact: Kathleen Donohue, 609-4436-7820 X3000 - OR
Evelin Surita (Habla Espanol), 609-443-7820 X3005 -