KCPS Grading Policy Survey
May 9, 2024

Important information on KCPS' grading policy & survey
Dear members of the KCPS family,
Discussions and work to improve the KCPS Grading Policy began in the Fall of 2021. A committee of teachers, curriculum coordinators, and administrators worked to develop an updated grading policy that would offer consistency in grading, eliminate subjectivity, and minimize the punitive impact of grading practices.
The grading policy received additional agreed-upon updates during the '22-'23 school year, and the pilot implementation began this '23-'24 school year.
There were updates made to four of the six sections within the policy. Most notable were the changes made to the Grading Categories and Grading Methods.
Grading Categories now include Student Engagement, Student Progress, and Student Proficiency. Assignments and categories are more clearly defined and provide a variety of ways for students to demonstrate understanding and mastery of standards.
Grading Methods now include “NI,” indicating content “Not Yet Introduced” for grades K-1 and Montessori students, and the failing grade range has been adjusted to 40-59 percent from 0-59 percent for grades 2nd-12th (excluding Montessori).
These changes are intended to reduce the adverse effects of zeros on students’ grades, emphasizing growth and progress, support and intervention, and authentic learning and equity.
During this early implementation of the updated grading policy, we have been seeking feedback from our KCPS community. After a full semester of implementation, this is now an especially valuable opportunity for families & staff to communicate their thoughts.
Please take a moment to scan the QR code above or click the link here to share your thoughts about the KCPS Grading Policy Updates.
We appreciate your time and continued support.
Dr. LaTanya Franklin
Chief Academic & Accountability Officer
Kansas City Public Schools