Silver Firs Monthly Newsletter
November 2024

Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It’s hard to believe it's already the month of November. There are several important events happening this month, so please make sure to mark your calendars.
We hope you enjoyed our recent Parent-Teacher Conferences! Remember, conferences aren’t the only time to connect with your child's teacher. We’re here to support your child’s learning journey, so feel free to reach out anytime.
November 8th Early Release
Just a reminder that we will have an early release day on November 8th. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM. Please plan accordingly for this schedule change.
Veterans Day Assembly
Join us as we honor our veterans at our Veterans Day Assembly! We invite veterans in our school community to attend, and we would love to acknowledge their service in a special slideshow. If you'd like to participate:
- RSVP: Please contact our school counselor, Hannah Sands, at hsands@everettsd.org or call (425) 385-6510 to let her know you are coming.
- Send a Photo: Email a photo of your veteran along with their name, branch of service, and time and location of service. We’ll make sure to thank them in our presentation.
We appreciate your help to make this a memorable event, and we look forward to recognizing those who have served.
As always, we appreciate your continued partnership and engagement with us in your child’s education.
Warm regards,
Aleta Smoot, Principal
Important Dates
Annual Update Forms
Paper packets are due November 22!
Paper packets were sent home with students for families who have not yet completed the annual update form. These forms are for parents/guardians to review and update their student's information. You can either complete the paper packet or go online to complete the year-round update form.
The online process is quick and easy. Simply sign into Home Access Center (HAC) using your parent account. Do not use your student's ID and password as there will be no links to the online forms when logged in as a student. Click here to sign in to HAC. The image below displays how you will find the year-round updates: under Registration, Update Enrollment...
... and then click start next to the Year-Round Updates.
You may log into RapidIdentity (https://arms.everett.k12.wa.us) to request your username or change your password. You must have updated security/challenge questions.
For other username or password help, please email LMS@everettsd.org to request a parent password reset. Please include your name and your student’s name. This should be done from the email address on file with the school office.
PTA Corner
Check out what's happening with our PTA in their monthly newsletter by clicking below.