Peak Points
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Kind, Be Safe
October 11th
Mt. Peak Family,
We have so many exciting things happening at Mt. Peak! First, don’t forget that the final presentation on school funding is on October 17th. Dr. Belding will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision, so please attend if you have the time.
Our students continue to learn about Hispanic Heritage through engaging classroom activities, and we’ve kicked off the Empty Bowls project—an exciting opportunity to see how our school can bless the community. We also had an amazing 4th-grade field trip to Austin, where the students represented Mt. Peak with pride and did an outstanding job everywhere we went.
Additionally, our 3rd graders put on a wonderful performance, showcasing their acting, singing, and instrumental talents—what a talented group of students! Also please check out the CKH section of the newsletter for the sweetest example of our young leaders.
As we look ahead, we’re excited for the long weekend with a student holiday on Monday and Tuesday. While students enjoy their break, teachers and staff will be hard at work on Tuesday to prepare for more great learning when everyone returns on Wednesday.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!
Adam Henke
Upcoming Dates:
Sept 15 - Oct 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
October is Persons with Disabilities History & Awareness Month (Dyslexia Awareness Month)
October is Bullying Prevention Month
Oct 14: Student/Staff Holiday
Oct 14: MEF Golf Tournament
Oct 14 - 18: Digital Citizenship Week
Oct 14 - 18: National School Lunch Week
Oct 14 - 18: Texas Native Plant Week
Oct 15: Student Holiday/Professional Learning Day for Teachers
Oct 17: Final Presentation on School Funding Presentation
Oct 18: Fall PTO Carnival
Oct 21 - 25: National School Bus Safety Week
Oct 22: Student Council Training @ The Mile
Oct 24: Picture Retake Day
Oct 25: PTO Spirit Store
Oct 25: Mt Peak Night @ MHS Football vs Tyler - Pink Out
Oct 28 - Nov 1: Red Ribbon Week
Oct 29: Special Olympic Bowling (Red Bird Lanes)
Oct 31: Fall Party
November is National Native American/ American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Nov 1: Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day
Nov 3: Father of Texas Day
Nov 8: National STEM Day/ STEAM Day
Nov 11: Veterans Day
Nov 11: 2nd Grade Veterans Day Performance (During school only)
Nov 15: ILS and ABLE Field Trip Reflection for Paws Ranch in Midlothian
Nov 18: Mt Peak Student Council Lead Pledges at Board Meeting @ 6:30
Henke/Peterman Present at Board Meeting
"The Power of Affirmation: A Sweet Reminder from Our Students"
Important District Information
Final Presentation on School Funding Election Oct. 17
Learn how the same tax rate as last year can generate $4.7M for the MISD operating budget
There’s still time to attend a School Funding Election 101 session with Superintendent Dr. David Belding. If voters approve the proposition, the overall tax rate will remain the same as last year. That same tax rate will generate an additional $4.7 million in local and state funding for the operating budget. Join us on Oct. 17 to learn more.
WHAT: School Funding Election Overview
WHEN: October 17 at 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: MISD Administration Building:
Can’t Attend the Oct. 17 Presentation?
Two videos are also available for on-demand viewing, a short overview of the School Funding Election proposition and the full video presentation of Dr. Belding explaining the Golden Penny proposition. Use the links below to view the videos and additional resources.
School Funding Election Ballot Explainer
This Week at the Peak!
In 3rd grade we have been learning about Hispanic Heritage Month, students made amate bark paintings using brown paper bags, where they can depict traditional Mexican imagery like animals, flowers, or village scenes with bright colors, mimicking the authentic bark paper art style, often incorporating a textured look by crumpling the paper.
Our 4th graders had an incredible field trip to the State Capitol in Austin! The students explored the Capitol Visitor Center and learned about Texas history before heading over to Inner Space Caverns for an exciting adventure. They had the chance to mine for minerals and explore the stunning caverns, making for a day full of discovery and learning. The kids were amazing throughout the entire trip, and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our fantastic parent volunteers, who ensured everything ran smoothly. It was truly a memorable experience for all!
Kindergarten celebrated the Letter Tt in style Friday with tie-dye, ties, tutus and tiaras.
PreK is proud to be MISD!
This week was Fire Prevention/Safety Week. The Midlothian Fire Fighters visited our campus Wednesday and taught our students all about Fire Safety and even gave a tour of the fire truck!! We are so thankful for the Midlothian Fire Fighters and all they do for our community!!!
Mrs. Fleischman's class is MISD Proud!
3rd grade rocked their performance Pumpkin Bones. Way to go!
Ms. Day’s class is MISD Proud!!
Mrs. Stelter’s class is #MISDproud.
Monday, students had the opportunity to meet authors Susan Stevens Crummel and Janet Stevens.
They shared a few of their stories and how they took small ideas into best selling books. Students also collaborated with them to come up with one of a kind artwork that will be displayed in the library.
These talented sisters have collaborated on multiple best-selling books, including Jackalope, Little Good Wolf, The Donkey Egg, The Little Red Pen, Cook-a-Doodle-Doo! and so many others.
Janet Stevens won a Caldecott Honor Award for her humorous illustrations in Tops & Bottoms. She has illustrated many engaging and comical children's book favorites, including And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon, Epossumondas, Cook-a-Doodle-Doo! and others. She lives in Boulder, Colorado.
Susan Stevens Crummel and her sister, illustrator Janet Stevens, have published a number of picture books together. She lives in Fort Worth.
Hello Families!
Last year, the first-grade students had a project for the CKH characteristic of "teamwork" that was a great success for the Manna House holiday initiative. We partnered with our fantastic art teacher, Mrs. Cobb, and each student made and decorated a pinch bowl for the empty bowls project. Their parents donated an amount of their choice for their child's creation, and we raised over $900 to give to Manna House. Sissy Franklin, Director of Manna House Midlothian, came to visit the first graders and talk to them about how their teamwork and community services was going to bless others. It was a great experience for all involved and we want to do this again, but with all grade levels!
We went to PTO and told them about our plans for the campus and how this CKH community service project would be a campus wide initiative this year, so they graciously purchased all of the air-dry clay and paint that Mrs. Cobb needs to help execute this project for our students (pretty cool, huh)! Mrs. Cobb will start the project with the students the week of October 7th. The teachers are assisting by showing this video to your students and discuss the project from the announcement below. Fliers will also be given to each student to take home and give to their parents;
There will be a form for parents to fill out, when it is time for donations. We will start collecting donations throughout the latter of October and into November. Please know that ANY cash donation is accepted and appreciated, we are not having a minimum or maximum amount required.
The students had a great time last year, learning about the project to creating and meeting with Manna House to get a glimpse of how their teamwork can make a difference in their community. I can't wait to see their creations and the impact these artists have for those in need this holiday season!
Mrs. Hanson
1st Grade Teacher
CKH Process Champion
Next Week(s) At the Peak!
MPE’s annual carnival is next Friday and we can’t WAIT! This flyer was sent home for presale tickets. You can also purchase tickets at the event for $1/each. Links in comments on Facebook for tickets, donations, and volunteers! Click the picture to get to comments!
Help your child succeed in school
Parents, you play a crucial role in your child's education. Creating healthy daily habits of attending school can make a difference in your child's success later in life. By working together, we can create a supportive environment that promotes consistent attendance and fosters a positive learning experience for your child. Check out our MISD Attendance Matters newsletter for attendance tips and positive steps you can take to help your child be successful.
School Pictures!
School pictures are ready! To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number. Your ID number can be found in Skyward. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smile safe program here.
DOGS - Dads of Great Students
We are excited to share an opportunity to get involved with the school through our Father Figure volunteer group, DOGS. This group steps in to help whenever the need arises, whether it's assisting with the drop-off car line on Friday mornings or giving our staff a break during particularly cold or rainy weather. The commitment is flexible—you don't need to be there every Friday, but when you can participate, the kids and staff truly appreciate it.
We'll also have various opportunities throughout the school year to help out with setting up for school events. It's a great way to make a positive impact, and the kids love seeing the dads and father figures involved.
If you'd like to join, please click [this link] to sign up.
Background Checks
While completing a background check isn't mandatory, it's always a good idea to have one on file in case an event comes up that requires volunteer help inside the school. You can complete the Volunteer Background Check here.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email Mr. Henke at adam.henke@midlothianisd.org.
We would love to see a strong group of men involved at Mt. Peak, so please consider signing up!
We would love you to follow along during the week for updates of what is happening at Mt Peak. You can follow along on Facebook There is an imposter site. So, please follow the one with a picture of the school in the header.
Staff Shout Outs!
The Mt Peak mission statement is the Mt Peak family will make a positive difference in the lives we touch by putting children first and challenging everyone to reach their full potential.
Our staff is working so hard for your kids! We would love for you to share the impact they are having on your child or any special information you would like to share. Please fill out this form for us.
Thank you!
Letter from the Counselor
Counselor's Corner
What a great week we have had at the Peak this week! Third grade students did an amazing job of presenting their Fall program on Tuesday with the use of their voices, musical instruments, costumes, and great smiles! Thank you Mrs. Hazelton, third grade teachers, and all third grade students.
In a few weeks, we will be recognizing Red Ribbon Week. This is a week held nationally in which we recognize the importance of making healthy choices each day. I am including a flyer below in which students can dress according to each theme! Please make sure that all dress is appropriate for school. Thanks so much for your help and support each day!
Wendy Waldroup
Wendy Waldroup
Capturing Kids Hearts
The CKH ambassador, affirmer and rater are called “The Pineapple Squad” in Ms. Day’s room. They get together to help discuss their thoughts of affirmations and ratings for the class. This was the absolute cutest meeting to discuss their thoughts before they told the class.
October's Leadworthy Character Trait is Self Direct
What does it mean to Self-Direct?
Self-Direction is the ability and learned skill to cast a vision of future goals and then take intentional steps toward who, where, and what we want to be. Instead of focusing on things to control or avoid, we emphasize our responsibility to make positive choices related to our emotions, attitudes, and actions.
Why focus on Self-Direction?
- Self-Direction strengthens relationships. Self-Direction helps to grow social skills and develop meaningful, positive relationships with others.
- Self-Direction teaches personal responsibility. Learning to Self-Direct teaches students to take responsibility for their own actions.
- Self-Direction helps us to regulate emotions: Self-Direction empowers students to regulate their impulses and emotional responses to situations and circumstances in their life.
Self-Direction in Action:
PTO Meeting Dates
Mark your calendars! Check back regularly for updates and new events added
Dec 10: 6:00 PM 5th School Performance & PTO Meeting
Feb 11: PTO Meeting
Mar 6: PTO Meeting
Apr 1: 6:00 PM 1st Grade Performance & PTO Meeting
Apr 17: PTO Auction
May 15: PTO meeting voting for new board members
Grade Level Shirts!!
PTO has done a great job working on getting everyone a Mt Peak grade level shirt. Below is a picrture of the shirts. Also a big thank you to the sponsors for making it all happen!
District News
Discover a "Whole New World!"
Tickets for MHS Theatre's production of Aladdin Jr are on sale now—don’t miss out!
Buy Tickets: midlotheatre.com
Per MISD Athletics,
- Families should enter through Gate A.
- Free admission is available only for campus students. Parents are required to purchase a ticket.
- Students can either show their student ID or wear a campus spirit shirt for entry.
MISD enforces a Clear Bag Policy.
Please note that outside drinks (including tumblers) and food are not permitted.
A campus administrator will be on duty at Gate A to welcome families and answer any questions that may come up. Thank you! It is going to be a fun season, and I cannot wait to see the kids at the big game!
YMCA After-school childcare registration is open
Mt Peak has a great director and would love to serve you. Register here for after-school childcare.
What to do if I’m no longer receiving text alerts or emails?
If you believe you have opted into the text alert feature and are not receiving text messages, go to your Skyward Family Access account and click on “Skylert” to verify your contact information. Update information if needed and allow 24 hours for our systems to recognize your changes. You should begin receiving text alerts and emails.
If you unsubscribed to receiving email notification please complete this form (https://forms.gle/3sUmoWnjT7S7cpx27) to re-activate your email notifications.
HB 3 required parent notice on practicing safe firearm storage
All Texas school districts are required by law to distribute information to parents and guardians about the safe storage of firearms. House Bill 3, Section 19 added Section 37.222 to the Texas Education Code, which requires the Texas School Safety Center, in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety, to provide information and resources to school districts for the purpose of disseminating the information to parents. The Texas DPS launched a Keep ‘Em Safe Texas website that provides safety resources, materials, and tips for practicing safe gun storage to prevent accidents and keep children safe. Remember, a gun should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere. You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas Department of Public Safety at https://safegunstoragetexas.com.
Help Guides to Assist Parents/Students with District Resources
Below are resources that have been previously shared with parents/students with accessing and logging in to district resources. As we approach mid year we wanted to share them again.
Bus Rider Contracts required annually
Does your student need MISD school bus transportation? All students must have a current Bus Rider Contract on file for each year. All contracts received by the July 12 deadline will secure route information and transportation for the first week of school. Contracts received after July 12 are being processed on a first come, first served basis and transportation is not guaranteed for the first week of school.
If you have not submitted a contract for your student, please fill one out and return to the Transportation Department by emailing to bus_contracts@midlothianisd.org or by delivering to 601 E. Avenue E, Midlothian. Please remember that your student cannot ride the bus until their contract is processed.
Free and Reduced Lunch Information!
Dear MISD Families,
You may have received this information directly from your campus, but we want to ensure all MISD families know about an update and opportunity from our Child Nutrition Department. Please disregard this message if you have already applied for free/reduced-price school meals for the 2023-24 school year.
Students who participated in the free/reduced-price meals program during the previous school year in Midlothian ISD could continue receiving free/reduced-price meals for the first 30 days of school. This 30-day grace period has now ended, and a new application must be submitted. Students will no longer receive free/reduced-price meals without application approval for the 2023-24 school year.
Please click here to visit the MISD Child Nutrition Department website for more information on school meals and to apply for the free/reduced-price meals program.
If you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach our Child Nutrition Department by emailing mandie.tucker@midlothianisd.org or calling (469) 856-5390.
MISD Communications
Skyward Family Access
Midlothian ISD uses Skyward Family Access for enrollment and to give parents real-time data about their student's grades, attendance, assignments, and more. Alerts can be set to individual preferences and information.
Skyward Family Access: 23-24 Quickstart Guide for Skyward Family Access
Skyward Family Access via the Web
If parents are needing assistance with the web-based version of Skyward Family Access, they can reference the document. Is full of videos to help.
Visitor Policy
MISD prioritizes the safety and security of our staff and students. We ask our MISD visitors to help us in the effort to keep kids as safe as possible. MISD appreciates your patience as we follow these procedures. To learn more about campus security and visitor guidelines, visit https://bit.ly/3QqqQzl.