HHS Weekly Preview

Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Weekly Announcements
Early Holiday Edition email this week! As always, 3 PM on Friday is our Weekly Email.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! We are thankful to have such a great school with wonderful students and parents and community!
The Fordss are in the Championship Game tomorrow at 10AM. If they win, they are Central League Champions. We look to bring the Turkey Bowl and CLC Trophy back to HHS! Tickets are $5 at the ticket booths. Exact change will assist you to move quickly through the lines. Get there early to avoid lines.
DANCE DATES: Senior Prom-May 9th, Junior Prom-April 25th, Fresh/Soph Dance-April 4th
CLASS OF 2025 Diploma Link
368 Seniors have signed up. 144 to go! Diplomas will be ordered on December 6th.
Strategic Planning
Dear Haverford Community,
The School District of Haverford Township is embarking on a journey to shape the future of our schools, and we need your input! As part of our strategic planning process, we’re hosting a series of in-person and Zoom focus groups to gather insights from parents/guardians and community members.
Your perspectives are invaluable in helping us create a shared vision and actionable goals for the district. These focus groups are an opportunity to voice your thoughts on key topics.
Focus Group Details - K-12 Parents/Guardians, Community Members
- When: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 7-8:00 PM
- Where: Haverford Middle School Library
- When: Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 7-8:00 PM
- Where: ZOOM link (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82841834754)
- When: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 9-10:00 AM
- Where: Haverford High School Auditorium Lobby
Your involvement will make a lasting impact on the success and direction of our schools. Together, we can ensure a bright future for every student in our district.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Yearbook Sales
Yearbook sale runs until December 16 at the cost of $75.00. Scan the QR code to purchase one. Prices do go up after December 16.
College and Career Ready
College and Career Ready Information
SAVE THE DATE: Financial Aid Night Presentation-SIGN UP BELOW!!!!
SAVE THE DATE: FAFSA Completion Night - 12/17
To assist Haverford families completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), HHS will be hosting an in-person FAFSA Overview & Completion Night. Led by PHEAA Access partner, Fran McKeown, this evening will offer two sessions for FAFSA completion and will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 from 6-7 pm & 7-8 pm in the high school library. It will be free to Haverford parents and students.
DCTS (Delaware County Technical School) OPEN HOUSES-See Pictures Below
Nurses' Department
State Medical Requirements
Send documents to mosullivan@haverfordsd.net or ashubert@haverfordsd.net
- Haverford HS Athletic Website Boys' Basketball starts their season this Friday! Check the website for more games beginning in December.
- Winter Sports Family ID is open. Families can access it using this link: HHS Winter Athletics Family ID
"H" Magnets
1) $5 "H" Magnets on sale in the main office. A great presnt during the Holiday Season! See Mrs. MCCormick in the main office.
2) Boys' Basketball Swag Sale-See Below for link