June 8, 2024
Greetings TVMS families,
Last week of school reminders
We are approaching our last week of school! Please encourage your student to check grades in Canvas, turn in any final assignments and contact their teachers via Canvas with any questions or concerns. Students who have been issued a locker will clean out their belongings on Tuesday, June 11th during their first period class. Students do not need to bring their computers to school the last three half days of school. Encourage your student to check out our lost and found area in the cafeteria if they have misplaced any jackets, lunch boxes, water bottles or any other missing items. We will be donating all clothing items at the end of the school year.
8th grade reminders
We had a fun time dancing the night away with our 8th graders last Thursday during the 8th grade Dance. The students looked amazing and had a great time! We look forward to celebrating with them on Monday, June 10th for our 8th Grade Farewell Ceremony. See reminders below.
When: Monday, June 10 at Guilford Park High School
- Students will enter building at 5:45 pm - please be on time!
- Guests will begin entering at 6:00 pm (must have ticket)
Ceremony starts at 6:30 pm
Students are encouraged to dress in smart, semi-formal attire. We ask that all students avoid casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts to ensure the event maintains a respectful and celebratory atmosphere.
Dress shirts with slacks or khakis, dresses, skirts, or dress pants with blouses
Tickets were distributed during period 7 on Friday, June 7th.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Denise Young, Principal
Important Dates
Monday, June 10- 8th grade Promotion Celebration, GPHS
Wednesday, June 12- Professional Work Day, Schools dismiss 3 hours early
Wednesday, June 12- Field Day for all grades
Thursday, June 13- Schools dismiss 3 hours early
Friday, June 14- Last day of school, Professional Work Day, Schools dismiss 3 hours early
Yearbook Distribution
Our yearbooks will be distributed this week! 8th graders will receive their yearbooks on Wednesday, June 12th. 6th and 7th graders will get theirs on Thursday, June 13th.
Return all borrowed media books and instructional materials
Please check in your backpacks, at home on your bookshelves, under your bed, behind your dresser, and get those books turned in! Thank you! Ms. McNeill and Mrs. Considine
Surprise reward and honors to some scholar students!
Game Truck
On Wednesday, June 5th we surprised 24 male students who have been excelling academically and showed respect to peers and adults throughout the year. Their reward was two hours of non-stop gaming provided by Next Level Gaming Trucks!
Honor Grams
On Thursday, students who were recognized as high achievers in their classes received a certificate and sweet treat delivered to the classroom with a little celebration. Each teacher selected one scholarly student who showed tremendous growth, has been a positive peer or an overall fantastic student all year to receive the award. Congratulations to all of our students who were recognized.
Thank you Ms. Leverett, our 6th grade administrator for organizing and bringing these awesome rewards to our scholars!
TVMS Field Day Lite-- June 12th
Oakland Mills High School is Celebrating its 50 Year Anniversary!
OMHS alumni are invited to come out and enjoy:
- Alumni dinner on June 7
- 5K Run and Walk on June 8
- "ScorpFest" on June 8
Guilford Park HS - Athletic Update
Volleyball Camp Added! GPHS Boosters is excited to announce the addition of a Volleyball Boosters Camp for Rising 4th-9th Graders on 8/5-8/9 from 9-12pm in the GPHS Gymnasium. Registration is NOW open - go to https://gphsboosters.com/summer-camp to register and for a full list of camps!
Girls Soccer Summer 7v7 Opportunity for Rising 9th Graders - GPHS will play in a summer 7v7 soccer leagues with games over the summer. If your are a Rising 9th grader, you are eligible to participate with the team. Please reach out to Coach Molly_Schaefer@hcpss.org for more information.
Boys Soccer Summer 7v7 Opportunity for Rising 9th Graders - GPHS will play in a summer 7v7 soccer league with games over the summer. If your are a Rising 9th grader, you are eligible to participate with the team. Please reach out to Coach Tomas_Potts@hcpss.org for more information.
Fall Academic Eligibility for Sports:
Athletes returning to high school must earn a MINIMUM of a 2.0 weighted GPA for 4th quarter of THE CURRENT school year to be academically eligible to participate in fall sports.
Rising 9th Graders are ALL academically eligible for to participate in fall sports. HOWEVER, this is a one time exemption from the policy.
REMINDER: Rising 9th Grade Fall Sports Information Night - 6/4/24 @ 6:30PM - Cafeteria
- A brief presentation will be given by the Athletic Director followed by break-out sessions led by coaches for fall athletes and their parents.
Need More Information About GPHS Athletics? Go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YTsOFoK3c_f0Tu0Cx52r0VcHFizXYSIfip-zMPJCzvA/edit?usp=sharing
Repeat Reminders
Summer Food Distribution!
Location: Atholton High School (6520 Freetown Road, Columbia)
Dates: June 4th, July 17th, and August 21
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
Reminder: Clothing to Cash Recycling Program!
Our large white collection bin is at the edge of the school parking lot nearest Hanover Hills Elementary School. Please help us fill our bin with as many plastic bags of new or gently used clothing, shoes and other textiles. Our school will continue to earn money for every pound we collect.
Important Immunization Requirements for 2024-2025 School Year - 7th Grade Students
Effective the first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) are required by the state of Maryland for all students entering grade 7. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your student’s doctor and send or fax an updated copy of your student’s immunizations to the Health Room or schedule an appointment to have your student receive these immunizations. Our fax number is 443-973-5510. The Health Department provides immunization opportunities for kids who are not up-to-date on school-required vaccinations. Call the Health Department at 410-313-7500 for more information and to schedule a vaccination appointment for your child.
If you have further questions, please email Cheryl Harris, TVMS School Nurse, at cheryl_harris@hcpss.org.
Cell Phone Expectations
To support this, please refrain from calling or texting your child during school hours. If you need to get a message to them or contact them, please call the Front Office at 410-313-8711
Outside Food Expectations
Thomas Viaduct Middle School
Website: http://www.tvms.hcpss.org
Location: 7000 Banbury Drive, Hanover, MD, USA
Phone: 410-313-8711