Ranger Report
November 15th, 2024
Upcoming Events
November 19th: Elk Ridge PTA Takeover Panda Express
November 20th: Career Spirit Day (Chosen by Mrs. Joyce's class for having the highest attendance rate in October!)
November 21st: Picture Retake Day
November 25th: 3rd-5th Grade Ranger Way Assembly, 2:30
November 28th & 29th: Thanksgiving Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Attention Parents/Guardians:
Student Demographic Forms were sent home with some students. If your child brought one home, please take a moment to review the information, make any necessary updates, and return the form to school as soon as possible.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter!
Superintendent and Board Star
Congratulations to this month's Superintendent and Board Star, Gracie! Gracie was selected for her eagerness to learn, determination, and always putting in her best effort.
Community Preparedness Survey & WRSD Mitigation Plan
The White River School District and Department of Emergency Management are in the process of updating 2020 - 2025 WRSD Mitigation Plan. Mitigation planning includes the following elements: Public Involvement, Risk Assessment, and Mitigation Strategy around hazard related losses. Mitigation planning helps reduce the physical, financial and emotional losses caused by disasters. Mitigation Plans are required of all state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, per RCW 90.74.020 and hazard mitigation plans are updated every five years.
As a requirement of this plan, we are seeking community feedback related to emergency preparedness. The survey is:
Optional to Complete
Open Friday, November 8, 2024 and closes Monday, January 6, 2025.
Click on this link to complete the survey: Community Preparedness Survey
Thank you for your feedback. If you are having technical difficulties with the form, have further questions, or would like to complete a paper copy of the survey, please reach out to the White River School District Assistant Superintendent’s Office (360-829-3817).
Picture Retake Day
We’re excited to inform you that the student picture packets have arrived this week and should have been sent home with students.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s photos, please feel free to contact O'Connor Photography directly at 1-800-993-4929 or customerservice@oconnorphotographystudio.com.
Additionally, please note that Picture Retake Day has been rescheduled to give parents extra time to review their child's photos. The new date will be Thursday, November 21st.
Thank you again for your understanding, and we hope you enjoy the pictures!
Giving Tree
The holiday season is fast approaching. This time of year can be truly stressful, especially for some of our families who are experiencing financial difficulties. If you are in need of gifts for your children this holiday season please scan the QR code below to begin the application.
We are proudly working with the Christmas Giving Project hosted by the Buckley Firefighters Association. For over 20 years now, the Buckley Firefighters Association has assembled a district-wide toy drive serving the children in the White River and Carbonado School Districts.
Elk Ridge Elementary School
Email: cmarkey@whiteriver.wednet.edu
Website: https://elkridge.whiteriver.wednet.edu/
Location: 340 White River Park Road, Buckley, WA 98321, USA
Phone: 360-829-3354