Early Steps Updates ~ Summer 2024
August 2024

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Principal Updates 3 - September 15, 2024
Dear Early Steps Families:
Your children---our students--- are transitioning well to the caring and welcoming classrooms that make up Early Steps! Our staff is nothing short of inspirational as they thoughtfully meet the needs of our youngest learners and excite them to learn and play. The students are focused on learning routines, making friends, and regulating their own behavior, as important goals of building community for our 3-5 year olds. Teachers will share more in their classroom newsletters.
Thank you all for your cooperation in maintaining a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal process at Early Steps! My original detailed message is included near the bottom of this newsletter for reference, as needed. Please be sure to arrive on time for pick up as staff have meetings to attend thereafter.
Be sure to read the section of my newsletters 'Some Important Dates' and note these dates/times on your calendars. Our Cunniff and Lowell School friends may have slightly adjusted times. Those PreK students/families will receive newsletters from both the Cunniff Principal, Julia MacEwan or the Lowell Principal, Stacy Phelan, and me. Please be sure to review them both. Next up:
Below are pics of our school and some information for your planning purposes.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Keep each other well,
Dr. Theresa McGuinness
Every Child...Every Classroom...Every Day
Quick Resources: Early Steps Website (Under Construction)
Student Attendance
If your child is sick or will need to be absent from school, here is the process to follow:
- Email your child's teacher as soon as you know, but at the latest by 7:00 AM the day of the absence.
Miss Meaghan Teehan's PreK Class at Lovely Lowell School
Nurse Reynolds' Important Updates
1. Over-the-Counter Meds
Hi Early Steps families! It's been really great getting to meet all of your students during the first couple of weeks of school! I'm looking forward to a healthy and safe school year. If you would like your child to be able to receive any over-the-counter medications while they are in school, please fill out this OTC Medication Form.
Also, just another reminder for families of students with allergies, asthma, seizures, or another condition that requires rescue medication to please bring the medication and an action plan from a physician to my office. Thanks!
2. Protocols for Keeping Sick Children Home
A child must stay home for at least 24 hours if any of the following symptoms are present the morning of school or the previous day. If your child is sent home from school with any of these symptoms they must stay home for a full school day following the day they were sent home.
Fever over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. A child should not come back until they are fever free for a full 24 hours without medication.
Excessive coughing or sneezing
Vomiting and/or diarrhea
Additionally, if antibiotic medication is prescribed for any illness, children should stay home until they have been on the antibiotics for a full 24 hours. Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent germs and infections from being passed around. Please encourage your kids to practice good hand hygiene!
Kaitlyn Reynolds, RN, BSN
Miss Emily Hartford's Cute PreK Class at Cunniff School
Back to School Night
Caretakers - Please join us to visit classrooms and
hear from your child's teachers and support personnel.
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024, 05:30 PM
1 Concord Road, Watertown, MA, USA
Lunch Menu
Caregiver Meetings w/ the Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Please see this press release and flyer that lists opportunities for various groups of caregivers across the district to meet and talk with our Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Dr. Ceronne Daly. The first session is next week September 18, 2024 with Caregivers of Incoming Sixth Graders.
Watertown Community Foundation Event
Who will be crowned 2024 Watertown's Top Talent??
Announcing Watertown's Got Talent, a partnership between Arsenal Yards and the Watertown Community Foundation, is BACK for a third year! Please save-the-date for a fun-filled evening of talent, entertainment & more. Open to all ages, and Talents must be family-friendly.
When: Thursday, October 10th
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Where: The River Green at Arsenal Yards
Applications are due no later than Friday, September 27th. All proceeds from this event benefit the Watertown Community Foundation. For more information and to sign up, visit https://www.arsenalyards.com/events/29144/watertowns-got-talent-2024/
Contact: Heather R. McManus, PhD
Director of Operations, Watertown Community Foundation
***Arrival & Dismissal Procedures*** (REPEAT for Reference, if needed)
(Our Cunniff School & Lowell School PreK students/families will follow the directions provided by their school's principals. The information provided below is for those students attending at the Early Steps location.)
1. DROP OFF/Arrival
Drop off starts at either 7:50 a.m. or 9:00 a.m., depending on the start time of your child’s day,
and the locations are different. The following procedures are created to maintain an orderly and safe environment during arrival and dismissal. Please carefully read the details below.
For students in our programs that start at 8:00 a.m.:
- Our Drop & Go begins at 7:50 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and can be accessed from Winthrop St. off of Mt. Auburn St.
- The drop off cue is from the stop sign at the corner of Hancock St. and Chauncey St. and along the right hand side of Hancock Street.
- We ask families to please pull up to the next available spot in the drop off cue. This drop off area is for PRESCHOOL/PREK students ONLY. Students/siblings attending the Hosmer are to be dropped off according to the Hosmer drop off plans.
- Cars are to have their hazard lights on to let us know that your car needs assistance.
- Procedure: At drop off, a staff member will help your child out of the car and bring them into their classroom. PLEASE REMAIN IN THE CAR. This helps to move the drop off line along. Drop & Go ends at 8:00 a.m.
- In summary, kindly remain in your car. Please tie shoes, zip zippers, pack the backpacks and kiss goodbye before you arrive at the drop-off point.
***If you anticipate that your child may have a difficult time transitioning from the car, we respectfully ask that you park on Mt. Auburn Street and walk your child down to a staff member in front of the school.
For students in our programs that start at 9:00 a.m.(a small number of students):
- The drop off time for the 9:00 - 12:00 session is at 9:00 a.m.
- Procedure: Families are to legally park on Concord St. or Mt. Auburn St. and walk their child to the front door of the school at 9:00. Staff will meet you there to escort your child to their class.
- There is NO ACCESS to the Preschool from Winthrop St. during the school day other than the early Drop & Go @7:50 or for buses, as the sign reads "while school is in session between 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m." Hancock St. is one way "while school is in session" as well.
It is very important that children arrive at school on time. When children arrive late it disrupts their morning school routine. We understand that this may happen occasionally however we ask that this is not a regular occurrence. Late is considered arriving after 9:05 a.m..
Dismissal starts at the end time of your child’s scheduled day (either 12:00, 1:00, or 2:00),
and on Early Release days it is at 11:45 a.m. for all students.
For students in our programs that end at 2:00 p.m.:
- Your child’s teacher will inform you of the meeting location for dismissal. It is either the playground area or the front door of the preschool.
- Procedure: Families are asked to legally park along Hancock and Winthrop Streets and walk to gather your child. PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS or DOUBLE PARK on Winthrop Street.
- Please note that parking on the right side of Hancock Street is 'live parking' just for picking up children. There is no extended parking in that area. This space is reserved for the buses at the Hosmer dismissal. Please do not park in this area for longer than 10 minutes.
For students in our programs that end at 12:00 or 1:00 p.m. (a smaller number of students):
- Procedure: Families are asked to legally park along either Concord St. or Mt. Auburn St. and walk to gather your child at the front door of the Preschool.
- Procedure: If your child will be late for school, or being dismissed early, park on either Concord St. or Mt. Auburn St. and walk your child to the main entrance of the preschool. Ring the doorbell to be let into the building and enter the main office to sign your child in or out, and your child will be escorted to their classroom or to you.
- If you know that your child is going to be late or dismissed early, please inform your child’s teacher. You may also call the main office (617-926-7765 ) and a message can be relayed to your child’s teacher.
- There is NO ACCESS to the Preschool from Winthrop St. during the school day other than the early Drop & Go @7:50 to 8:00 or for buses, as the sign reads "while school is in session between 7:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m." (The Town is going to modify the sign soon.)
- Hancock St. is one way "while school is in session" as well.
Thank you in advance for abiding by these procedures.
Homes for Short-Term Care for Foster Children in Watertown
Dear Early Steps Parents/Guardians,
The Department of Children and Families is seeking to keep Watertown children in their schools and communities. In order to accomplish this, DCF is looking for Watertown parents who would consider opening their homes and hearts to a student in need for short-term care. Please complete this brief survey if you are interested in opening your home and your heart to a student in need.
Some Important Dates
- Wednesday, September 25th - EARLY DISMISSAL, 11:45 am (Staff Professional Development)
- Tuesday, October 1st - Back to School Night 5:30-7:00 pm
- Monday, October 14th - NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples Day Observed
- Wednesday, October 16 - School Picture Day
- Tuesday, October 22nd (Day) Adult & Teacher Conferences 1:00-2:30 pm
- Thursday, October 24th - (Night) Adult & Teacher Conferences 5:00-7:00 pm
- Tuesday, October 29th - (Night) Adult & Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 pm
- Friday, November 1st - (Day) Adult & Teacher Conferences 1:00-2:30 pm
- Tuesday, November 5th - No School (Election Day & Teacher's Professional Development)
Past Principal Newsletters
- Principal Updates 1 - August 12, 2024
- Principal Updates 2 - August 29, 2024
Early Steps Contacts
Early Steps Early Childhood Center
1 Concord St.
Watertown, Ma 02472
Phone: 1-617-926-7765
Principal - Dr. Theresa McGuinness
Administrative Assistant - Tricia D’Amelio
Special Education Team Chair- Ilana Sommer
Nurse - Kaitlyn Reynolds