Week of January 26th
6th Graders reading to their buddies in Kindergarten during Guidance with Mrs. Foley.
I have a number of timely updates to share as follows:
NWEA Winter Testing
Winter testing begins this week and continues through the week of February 10th. We administer tests in reading and math to all students in grades K to 8. Each of the tests takes a little over an hour although we give students extra time, within reason, as needed. This is part of our ongoing efforts to support individual student growth AND to evaluate the effectiveness of our curriculum and instruction. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions.
Wit & Wisdom Coaching Visit
On Tuesday, K to 4 teachers and 5th through 8th ELA and Social Studies teachers will have the opportunity to engage in a "lesson study" with a coach from Wit & Wisdom. Mrs. Ellis and Ms. Russo will teach their ELA lessons incorporating Wit & Wisdom resources while other teachers look on. Then they will all be able to sit down with the coach and talk about what is working well and where they can make some changes/improvements as we deepen our implementation of this new resource.
There are two more formal opportunities to learn about the middle school project and next year's school budget in general:
January 28, 2025 - School Board Meeting, Public Hearing @ 5:30pm in PES Library. At this meeting, the Board shares the full budget and all warrants they plan to put forward. It's the last opportunity for input that can impact any changes before the actual District Meeting in March. The Board also appreciates feedback about their presentation and questions the public might have about the information they share. ZOOM LINK:
January 29, 2025 - Middle School Information Session (ONLINE ONLY) ZOOM LINK:
Please be reminded the filing period for declaration of candidacy for the following Offices begins January 22, 2025 and ends January 31, 2025 at 5:00 pm. You must be a Plainfield resident and registered voter. You must file no earlier then Jan. 22nd. No fees required. File with the Town Clerk.
Town of Plainfield Open Offices
*One Town Clerk for a three (3) year term
*One Selectmen for a three (3) year term
*One Trustee of Trust Funds for a three (3) year term
*One Cemetery Trustee for a three (3) year term
*Two Library Trustees for three (3) year terms
*One Supervisor of the Checklist for a five (5) year term
Plainfield School District Open Offices
*School Clerk for a one (1) year term
*School Moderator for a one (1) year term
*School Treasurer for a one (1) year term
*Two School Board members for three (3) year terms
A huge thanks to the extra volunteers that responded to my SOS last week. Many hands not only make light work but also expand students' opportunities for growth and learning during FAST. Selfishly, we also love the opportunity to connect with you less formally than parent teacher conferences. Thanks again for helping out!
You can also help with FAST in another very important way. This week the front office spent an inordinate amount of time tracking down individual students' equipment and plans. Please be sure your child has all of their equipment, and you have updated Pick-up Patrol as indicated in the FAST Reminders and Office Notes sections below. We appreciate your help to make sure everyone can safely enjoy the afternoon activities and get where they need to go in a way that is sustainable and allows the front office to be available for our day-to-day operations.
Enjoy the FAST photos throughout the newsletter!
Audra Bucklin, Principal
603.469.3250, ext 223
28 - K-4 School sing- 8am Lobby
28 - Wit & Wisdom Coaching Visit (picture to right is student work from a Wit & Wisdom lesson)
28 - Public Hearing/ Bond hearing, PES library 5:30
29 - Wednesday, January 29 - 7 pm - Middle School Proposal Informational Meeting (via Zoom)
30 - Math team practice- 2:50
30 - Drama Club, 3-4
31 - FAST (K-4 have ice time)
31 - Drama Club, 3-4
Looking ahead
2 - Lego League, 6-7:30
4 - K-4 School Sing-8am lobby
4 - Middle School Information Session, in person Philip Read Library
5 - 5th grade (Stout) to Hood museum
5 - XC skiing 3:15-4:15
5 - Drama Club, 3-4
6 - 5th grade (Russo) to Hood museum
6 - Math meet at Lebanon 3:45-6
6 - Drama Club, 3-4
7 - FAST (K-4 have ice time)
7 - Drama Club, 3-4
7 - Winter School Dance, 7-9pm
9 - Lego League, 6-7:30
11 - K-4 School Sing-8am lobby
12 - XC skiing 3:15-4:15
13 - Math team, 2:50
14 - No study hall
17-21 - February break, no school
Participants enjoyed a bit of trivia yesterday. Proceeds benefitted the Class of 2028 Trip Fund!
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - 2 pm to 6 pm
KUA has once again reached out to invite our girls to join KUA athletes for activities, workshops, games, snacks and dinner on the KUA campus. See below for more details. You must pre-register using the form below. Once registered there will be a permission form to complete from KUA.
Students who attended last year had SO MUCH FUN!
"COLD" Options: (offered daily)
Assorted Pre-made Deli Sandwiches, ham and turkey. Sunbutter/Jelly sandwiches
Yogurt Parfait with Fruit and Granola
Fresh Fruit and Veggie Bar with Dinner Roll
See Abbey Group Website for full details and to upload funds.
FAST Equipment needs
Please be sure your student has all necessary equipment for FAST starting next Friday! All equipment will need to be packed in a bag that your student can carry. Here’s what you need by activity:
Skating - helmet (ski/hockey or bike) and skates
Whaleback - skis/boots, helmet, goggles, ski pants, jacket, gloves or mittens, etc OR signed up for rentals
If you have your own skis and boots, you should bring them to school clearly labeled with your last name and grade (both skis, both poles).
Ms. Lizotte’s truck will be outside in the morning (over by the gym) so you can put them right in the back when you get dropped off.
NO skis or poles allowed on the buses. Skis/boards need to be dropped off at PES no later than noon the day of skiing.
Boots, helmet and goggles should be packed in a bag and brought to the classroom.
Snowshoeing/Winter Hiking - snowshoes (we have some here too), snow pants, jacket, hat, mittens, etc You may also choose to cross country ski and should bring your own skis and poles.
If you are bringing your own equipment, you will need to drop it to the right of the gym upon arrival. Again, this large equipment is NOT allowed on the bus so a parent will need to drop it off before noon if you ride the bus.
Snow Sculptures - snow pants, boots, jacket, hat, mittens, etc
Depending on temperatures, you may want to consider the little hot packs hand and foot warmers for outside activities.
- If activities are cancelled for ANY reason, there is NO make up day.
- If school is cancelled, all activities are cancelled. Students signed up for skiing at Whaleback MAY opt to attend their lessons if families feel they can safely get them to their afternoon lesson/free ski.
- If Whaleback is closed due to lack of snow, extremely low temperatures, OR rain/ice conditions, all activities will be cancelled, and students will attend regular classes
- If Whaleback is open but there is little or snow on the ground here at PES, the snowshoeing and snow sculpture groups will participate in alternative outdoor activities. Skating and Skiing will take place as scheduled.
Please see below for specific reminders and updates by activity.
If your student is signed up for skiing at Whaleback during our FAST Fridays, please see these important notes below:
- Be sure to select the appropriate dismissal procedure in Pick UP Patrol
- You may reload your child's ski pass with money for snacks if you would like.
- Speaking of their ski pass, I held on to passes for most students in grades K to 4 (unless it was a season pass they will use with their family.) Upper grades students kept theirs. If your child has their card, please be sure it comes back next Friday. It will save us time distributing cards so groups can get organized and out on the slopes more quickly. Also, Whaleback charges $5 per card to replace lost cards.
- Lessons end at 4:30 which is a great time to meet your child on the back deck to help them gather their things. Thank you all for making sure to get their by 5 pm. This was the first year I had every student matched with a caregiver on time!
- CHAPERONES - Please plan to arrive closer to 1:30 if you are able. Also, if there is a parent or two that can help with sign-out, please contact Audra Bucklin at
Thank you!
REMINDER: Due to the overwhelming popularity of the skating option, students enrolled in skating will attend skating at the rink two of the days and will participate in snow activities the other two days as follows:
Skaters in grades 5 to 8
- Skating on Friday, January 17 and Friday, January 24
- Snow activities on Friday, January 31 and Friday, February 7
Skaters in grades K to 4
- Snow activities on Friday, January 17 and Friday, January 24
- Skating on Friday, January 31 and Friday, February 7
Please make sure your child comes dressed appropriately for their assigned activity. They should have boots, a helmet (hockey, skiing, or bike helmets are all acceptable) snowpants, coats, hats and gloves/mittens for the outdoor snow days.
We have lots of snowshoes to share and students are also welcome to bring their own (or cross country skis if they would like to do that instead!)
Depending on size needs on any given day, students may have to take turns and we will have other activities they can participate in while they await their turn.
Please make sure your child comes dressed appropriately for their assigned activity. They should have boots, snowpants, coats, hats and gloves/mittens for the outdoor snow days.
Important Reminders from the Plainfield School Office
Substitute Teachers Needed for 2024-2025 school year
The Plainfield School is seeking individuals who would be comfortable working with K-8th grade students in our building during the 2023-2024 school year. Applicants must be able to follow teacher substitute plans, be dependable, and enjoy working with children. If you are interested in applying, please contact Katie Lowery in the office at (603) 469-3250.
2024-2025 Lost and Found…please take a look at our lost and found site and see if your children are missing anything. We already have some clothing hanging up. Please take a look and if anything looks familiar to your family, have your child stop and take it home.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that you cannot see, taste or smell and because of this, is often called the “invisible killer.” It is created when fuel-burning appliances, such as heating devices, grills, clothes dryers and vehicles, do not burn all the fuel they need to function.
Young children process CO differently than adults, so they may experience more severe side effects and show signs of poisoning quickly. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, nausea and drowsiness. At its worst, CO can cause severe side effects or even death. However, there are steps you can take to keep your family safe from carbon monoxide poisoning.
The Hard Facts of Carbon Monoxide
In 2017, poison control centers reported 3,248 cases of carbon monoxide exposure in children 19 and under.
Top Tips for Carbon Monoxide Safety
Install carbon monoxide (CO) alarms. Make sure there is one on every level of your home, especially around sleeping areas.
Test CO alarms every month. Replace them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Avoid using gas appliances inside your home. Use generators and grills outside of your home, away from windows and doors. Warm up vehicles outside of your garage.
In a CO emergency, leave your home immediately. If the CO alarm sounds, quickly leave your home. Move to a safe location outside where you can breathe in fresh air before you call for help.
Upcoming Events
Thank you to all who attended our January PTA meeting!
Winter Carnival, Sunday, February 9th, 12pm-2pm. Come have fun in the snow with our school community! Crockpot cook-off! Sled races! Snowbowl flag football! Sign up here:
- Crock Pot Cook-Off Signup: []
- Donations/Volunteer Signup: []
Scholastic Book Fair, March 18-20th (one of our main fundraisers for the year). Mark your calendar if you are interested in volunteering at this popular event. Signups to follow. Such a fun way to interact with kids from all grades.
Beaupre Community Service Day on April 22nd. Mark your calendars! This will be a day of community service projects at PES and is an incredible opportunity for caregivers to take some time off work if you are able and volunteer side-by-side with our kids.
Movie nights for grades K-2 and 3-5, dates TBD
Basketball has started! Please check the athletic calendar for updates and schedules.
All teams will be practicing this week. For the most up to date schedule, please visit the co-circular calendar. ATHLETICS. Don’t forget to check the website under Athletics for the most up-to-date practice and game schedules!
Melinda Russo ( and Amanda Lighthiser ( have emailed families of cast and crew members the rehearsal schedule through the end of January. This schedule includes the specific dates your child is expected to attend rehearsal and a sign-up to bring snacks. Please contact Melinda or Amanda if you did not receive this email or if you have any questions! And please remember to update Pick Up Patrol with the "Play Rehearsal" dismissal option for the days your child will stay after school for rehearsal.
Community Resource Room & Food Pantry
1st Thursday & 3rd Friday & Saturday of each month at the Christ Community Church; Route 12A Plainfield. Nutritious pre-packaged bags of nonperishable food items, frozen meat, bread, eggs, milk and fresh veggies & fruit. This is a drive thru pantry for Plainfield & Cornish residents. Free Cat & Dog food on the 3rd Friday & Saturday provided by the Upper Valley Humane Society. Please stop by between 9-10:30 a.m. to help stretch your grocery budget.
Christ Community Church FREE Clothing Rooms
WHAT: FREE Clothing for all ages, Home goods, Toys etc.
WHERE: Christ Community Church; 1259 Route 12A Plainfield - 1-603-675-5673
WHEN: Tuesdays 9-11 a.m. Everyone is Welcome!
Fight 68 Hours of Hunger Care Package Program:
A box of nutritious food is delivered to your home each Wednesday afternoon to help fight hunger. The box contains a variety of foods for the entire family to help stretch your grocery budget.
Willing Hands
FREE Fresh veggies, fruit, milk, eggs, bread & proteins Every Wednesday from 11:45-12:15 p.m. Cornish Town Hall is located on the fairgrounds. Everyone is welcome!
Southwestern Community Services: Claremont NH
Providing Heating Fuel & Electrical Assistance. They also have Rental or Mortgage Assistance programs. Completed applications for eligibility are needed. These programs are open to all Sullivan County Residents please call 542-9528 for more information.
Listen Community Services
Providing Plainfield Residents with the following:
- Heating & Electrical Assistance
- Food Pantry resources
- Holiday Gift Baskets
- School Supplies Drive
- Community Dinners
- Housing Helper Grants
- Summer Camp Scholarships
- Thrift Store Vouchers for clothing & furniture.
Located at 60 Hanover Street, Lebanon
Call for an appointment to discuss individual needs: 1-603-448-4553
Any Plainfield or Meriden resident requiring assistance for housing, heating fuel assistance, electricity assistance, medication assistance and or nutritional support from the Town should contact the Community Resource Director, Stephanie Schell. Contact information: 603-469-3201 or email All information is confidential.
Food Pantry
Residents of the Town of Plainfield can access the following local services.
Note: The food pantry and clothing swap rooms are located in the Christ Community Church on Route 12A (across from the Plainfield Fire Department). The Food Pantry is open the 1st Thursday and the 3rd Friday and Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and warmly welcomes all Town residents.
Free Clothing Rooms
The Christ Community Church has (2) very well organized rooms that contain FREE clothing for adults and children. All clothing is donated and in great condition. In addition to clothing there are also Free household items, toys & books as well. These rooms are open to the Public each Tuesday morning from 9-11 a.m.
Free Fresh Veggies & Fruit
Free fresh produce provided by Willing Hands: please check the Town calendar for dates and times.
Cory Taber Memorial Field, Plainfield Village, Behind the Plainfield Community Church on Route 12A
Email to be added to the email list for updates on conditions/open and close notifications
Shovels, bonfire pit, and wood are available. BYO ice skates. Partial lights overhead. THANK YOU to our local volunteer firefighters for filling our rink each year, and to the Tabers for hosting the rink at their park.
NESA LEGOS and Robotics Vacation Camps
February & April Breaks
New England School of the Arts will be offering February and April camps focused around LEGOs and Robotics. Camp will run 8am-4pm and programming will vary depending on elementary or middle school cohort (elementary will be more LEGO focused and middle school Robotics focused). NESA's summer camp registration is also open and each summer camp has a different theme. We can't wait to meet your camper in 2025!