Riverside County
Delivering the Heart of Homeschooling
Week of April 1, 2019
Hello Riverside County!
Spring is here! I couldn't be more excited! Has anyone ventured out into their garden yet to plant seeds for a vegetable garden or wildflowers in your garden beds? As busy as I am every day, each season I look for the things I can do with my children to make memories and usher in the new seasonal change. This past week I made an effort to plant every wildflower seed packet I had which actually looked more like the 5 and 3 year old shaking seeds everywhere! We will see how that turns out! I also started our sugar snap pea and herb garden bed with my 4 youngest. It is messy and dirty and can be a lot of work, but the time spent together and the educational benefit is always worth it! I have spent so much time with all 8 of my children in our garden and orchard and every moment spent there has always been filled with excellent conversations, educational opportunity, and smile-filled experiences. I encourage you to get outside and plant a garden with your kids young and old today! Don't have garden beds? Don't worry! The 99 cent store has tons of seeds, terracotta pots and also small plants that have already been started for you. I just bought our cilantro plants there last week! Have fun learning and growing with your kids this spring.
In this week's newsletter, we have a 'Curriculum Spotlight' on Phonics Flip Books! Our 'Vendor Spotlight' features Leading Edge Learning Center!
Make sure to read about both in this edition.
Also, be sure to check out Inspiration Station.
It is filled with so many amazing field trips designed by our HSTs and Liaisons just for you! Scroll through every so often so that you can see all that is being offered
throughout Southern California!
Please reach out anytime and get to know us!
We are so happy to answer all of your questions and guide you through
learning about homeschool philosophy, curriculum, and the homeschool lifestyle!
Don't let yourself drown in worry or fear over homeschooling.
If you find yourself there, reach out!
We are hoping to connect with you soon!
Audrey & Candice
The Adventure of Learning with Inspire Charter School!
Enrollment for the 2019/20 school year has opened!
Head HERE to enroll!
Your Inspire Riverside County Team!
Your Riverside County Homeschool Teachers and Family Liaisons are always here for you! Reach out to your HST or Family Liaison for support, advice, and connections with the homeschool community around you!
Look how we've grown since August!
Test Prep!
Inspire Charter Riverside County College & High School Fair 2019!
Calling all High School and Middle School students!
It's our first annual Riverside County College and High School Fair!
The Riverside County Team has prepared an amazing night of information and preparation for our current and future high school students!
We will have local colleges and vocational schools onsite to answer your questions
as well as many of our amazing high school specific vendors!
We have featured speakers from Inspire sharing all the details of what
high school looks like with Inspire!
You do not want to miss this amazing event!
It all happens on Tuesday, April 2nd at The Grove Community Church in
Riverside from 5 pm to 8:30 pm.
The Grove Community Church
19900 Grove Community Drive
Riverside, Ca 92508
Questions? Contact:
Candice at (714) 797-1209 or candicez@inspireschools.org
Audrey at (951) 541-4809 or audreye@inspireschools.org
SAVE THE DATE: Riverside County Graduation 2019
Please save the date for our 2019 promotion and graduation ceremony!
We will have many more details coming soon!
Thursday, June 6, 2019
2 pm
Sandals Church Hunter Park
150 Palmyrita Avenue
"A Night in Paris" Inspire Charter School Prom 2019
We anticipate a fun-filled evening of dinner, dancing, dessert, snacks, raffles and prizes, formal photos, and an all-night photo booth for students to enjoy.
High School Inspire students grades 9-12 are eligible to attend and
may invite up to two (ages 14 - 20) non-Inspire guests to join them at this event, so grab a friend and dance the night away at the historic Mission Inn Hotel in downtown Riverside.
Tickets are limited, so purchase yours today.
Questions? Summer Davidson summer@inspireschools.org
Thursday, May 16th from 7 - 11 pm
Mission Inn Hotel & Spa
3649 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA
Head HERE for more information
This event is not eligible for use of instructional funds.
Come celebrate your accomplishment with your fellow grads and other high school seniors from all over the country for Grad Nite at Disney California Adventure!
Inspire students attending Grad Nite can use their Instructional Funds to pay for Grad Nite. They will still have to pay out of pocket for their guests. The original deadline to purchase tickets was Friday, March 22, however due to the change the new deadline is April 5.
Book your ticket HERE!
Coachella Valley Vendor & Student Entrepreneur Fair
Coachella Valley's Vendor Event is here!
Come and explore vendors! Many Inspire approved vendors
will be there including Usborne and Discovery Toys.
Curriculum Share!
Many curricula and subscription box samples for you to browse
and plan for the summer and next school year!
High School Specialist on Site!
Schedule a one on one appointment with our high school specialist Liz Palmiter. This is open to all families! Presentation starts at 9 am with appointments to immediately follow.
Student Entrepreneurs!
Shop student creations & their efforts!
JPL Church
39001 Monterey Ave.
Rancho Mirage
April 17th
10 am - Noon
Questions? Heather Siani at (760) 848-0953 or heathers@inspireschools.org
Great News for Readers!
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer program that helps parents manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child selects a book rather than having one assigned to them and reads it at their own pace. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them. They may also read articles of interest right on the screen. When finished, your child will take a short quiz on the computer. (Passing the quiz is an indication that your child understood what was read.) In addition, when an LP meeting comes up, you can easily print up the list of books that your child read and share it with your HST.
If you are interested in signing up for Accelerated Reader, please let your HST know. They will be happy to assist you.
Inspire Special Education Department Monthly Newsletter!
Dear Inspire Parents,
Inspire Special Education Department is excited to share a new project with you – our Monthly Special Education Website and Newsletters. We hope that you find the information presented in our newsletter meaningful and applicable to your needs. We always welcome your feedback and suggestions on topics to cover.
Inspire Special Education Department Parent and Teacher Newsletter March 2019
You can also access our Inspire Cares website to support you in your homeschooling journey and view all of our newsletters!
Anna Lindahl
Statewide Parent Outreach Coordinator
Inspire Charter Schools
Ph: (619) 627-9623
Enrichment item returns!
Dear Inspire Families,
We are continuing to stock the Corona Lending Library and need your help! If you have any enrichment items, including curriculum, please let your teacher know as soon as possible.
Thank you for all of your help!
Inspiration Station Booking REMINDERS!
Happy Planning!
Utilizing Enrichment Certificates for Service Orders
High School!
Session recordings include:
- The College Application Process
- UC/CSU Application Process
- Common Application Info Session
Make sure you head over to Inspire High School Resource Site for all things High School.
Website: https://sites.google.com/inspireschools.org/highschool/home?authuser=0
Want to know what high school looks like with Inspire? Hang out with Amy Edwards, an Inspire Teacher, Teacher Trainer for High School, and Homeschool Mom! In her Virtual Info Sessions, she will cover:
What are California's high school grad requirements?
What makes Inspire unique?
~Program & Curriculum options
~Online classes, live classes, vendors, parent-created & led curriculum, community college classes, and MORE!
Next session is on Monday, April 8th at 9 am
Slide presentation followed by live question-answer time.
Zoom Room Link: https://zoom.us/j/2433924197
Inspire Preferred Vendor Programs Weekly Info Sessions!
Learn more about Inspire's unique enrichment opportunities!
Next info session is Thursday, April 4th at 4:30 pm
Join by computer:
Every Kid in a Park!
To help engage and create our next generation of park visitors, supporters and advocates, Federal Land Management agencies, launched the Every Kid in a Park initiative. The immediate goal is to provide an opportunity for each and every 4th-grade student across the country to experience their federal public lands and waters in person throughout the school year.
Every year, beginning September 1, all kids in the fourth grade have access to their own Every Kid in a Park pass at www.everykidinapark.gov. This pass provides free access to national parks across the country.
The Every Kid in a Park pass is good for the 4th grade school year, until August 31, 2019. Information on obtaining the pass is available by visiting www.everykidinapark.gov.
2018-2019 Testing Schedule
Lending Library!
1315 Corona Point Ct. #102
Corona, CA 92881
The operating hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 2 pm.
You can return INSPIRE purchased items to your HST or at the Lending Library. The online system is NOW LIVE here using your Inspiration Station login information.
Inspire School Planner Feedback Survey
Let us know your favorite (or least favorite) things about this year's planners, and what you'd like to see in your planners next school year! Follow the link below to give your feedback.
Hiking at the Oak Glen Preserve
Monday, April 1st at 10 - 1 pm
Oak Glen Preserve
39611 Oak Glen Road
Oak Glen, CA
Contact: Mindy Martin at mmartin@inspireschools.org or at (717) 827-6445
Temecula Info Session!
Tuesday, April 2nd at 10 am
Margarita Community Park
29119 Margarita Rd.
Questions? Contact Mary Collier (760) 468-6202
Inspire Charter Riverside County College & High School Fair 2019
The Riverside County Team has prepared an amazing night of information and preparation for our current and future High School students! We will have local colleges and vocational schools onsite to answer your questions as well as many of our amazing high school specific vendors!
We have featured speakers from Inspire sharing all the details of what high school looks like with Inspire!
Please RSVP for the College and High School Fair HERE:
You do not want to miss this amazing event!
It all happens on Tuesday, April 2nd at The Grove Community Church in Riverside from 5 pm to 8:30 pm.
The Grove Community Church
19900 Grove Community Drive
Riverside, Ca 92508
Questions? Contact:
Candice at (714) 797-1209 or candicez@inspireschools.org
Audrey at (951) 541-4809 or audreye@inspireschools.org
Test Prep Day! Temecula
Join us for Test Prep Day!
Hosted by Inspire Teachers!
Wednesday, April 3rd @ 10 AM - 12 PM
~ Test-taking skills
~ Test prep fun games
~ Craft to take home
Grace Presbyterian Church
31143 Nicolas Rd.
Temecula, CA.
High School Info Sessions! CORONA
Come learn all about Inspire's High School Program!
Our High School team will provide an overview of our program, including graduation requirements, curriculum options, information about concurrent enrollment, and more
Everyone is welcome to attend. Mainly geared towards 8th graders and new high school families.
Wednesday, April 3rd @ 2 pm
Inspire Corona Office
1315 Corona Pointe Court, Suite 102
Corona, CA.
Questions? Contact Liz Palmiter at lizp@inspireschools.org
Riverside Info Session
Barnes and Noble Cafe
Galleria at Tyler
3485 Tyler Street
Contact Zena Fisher at (951) 990-1415 or zena@inspireschools.org
Info Session in San Jacinto!
Inspire Charter Schools San Jacinto Information Session
Tuesday, April 9th at 5:30 pm
Please join credentialed Inspire teachers to learn more about our program.
San Jacinto Starbucks
2281 W. Esplanade Ave
Questions? Contact Jamie Corcoran at (951) 260-7803 or jamiec@inspireschools.org
Friendship through the ages
Children, their parents, and the residents of Brookdale Senior Living Community will work side by side to create a unique piece of art. At this session, Ivanna from Old Town Artisan will lead participants in creating a glass pendant. Make a perfect gift for a loved one or yourself! This unique piece of art will be fired at the studio and ready in 1-2 weeks.
Sign up on Inspiration Station!
Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center
Thursday, April 11th at 11 am - 3 pm
1 and under are free.
Ages 2 and older (including all adults) are $24.00 each
Use Educational funds or pay out of pocket HERE:
Questions? Contact: Audrey Everson at (951) 541-4809 or at audreye@inspireschools.org
Spring Fling in TEMECULA!
Friday, April 12th from 1 - 2:30 pm
Ronald Reagan Sports Park
30875 Rancho Vista Rd.
Temecula, CA.
Questions? Contact Sarah Seto or Aaron Davidsson
sarahs@inspireschools.org or aarond@inspireschools.org
Inspire Info Night in CORONA!
Join us for Inspire Info Night! Our credentialed teachers will be on site to share what Inspire has to offer!
Tuesday, April 16th
5 pm - 7 pm
3555 Grand Oaks, Corona
Questions? Contact Amber Chambers at (747) 217-3771 or at amberc@inspireschools.org
High School Info Sessions! PALM DESERT
Our High School team will provide an overview of our program, including graduation requirements, curriculum options, information about concurrent enrollment, and more
Everyone is welcome to attend. Mainly geared towards 8th graders and new high school families.
Wednesday, April 17th at 9 am
JPL Church
39001 Monterey Ave,
Rancho Mirage, CA.
Questions? Contact Liz Palmiter at lizp@inspireschools.org
Spring Egg Hunt & Egg Drop Challenge in Palm Desert!!
Friday, April 19th
Palm Desert Civic Center Park by the playground
Egg Hunt begins at 10 am
Egg Drop Challenge begins at 10:30 am
Egg Hunt Info:
Bring 12 pre-filled plastic eggs with Nut-Free Only per participating child in the egg hunt.
Egg Drop Challenge Info:
Bring a protected raw egg for an Inspire teacher to drop from a 12 ft. ladder. ***DO NOT use metal, glass, or any material that can shatter. Apparatus must free fall. No slides, parachutes, etc.***
Questions? Contact Kari Arnson at kari@inspireschools.org
74884 Country Club Dr, Palm Desert CA 92260
Susan Piron
Contact No:
What is the minimum age for this event?
There is no minimum age but the suggested age is TK-5th.
Sign up on Inspiration station!
Rock Fitness Field Trip!
Use Educational Funds or pay out of pocket HERE:
Questions? Contact Kallie Hall at kathrynh@inspireschools.org or (619) 519-1371
Pretend City!
This is a field trip to Pretend City Children's Museum. It is scheduled for May 9th, 2019, from 9:45 am-1: 00 pm. Please bring a sack lunch. There will be a scheduled lunch during the field trip. This field trip is for TK-2nd graders and their chaperones. Tickets are $9.00 for chaperones and $9.00 for TK-2nd graders. Infants 12 months and younger are free. Please RSVP by April 1st on Inspiration Station. Space is limited. Please contact louise@inspireschools.org for questions and cancellations.
Sign up on Inspiration Station!
Menifee Info Session!
Thursday, May 16th
5 pm - 7 pm
30318 Haun Rd., Menifee
Questions? Contact Lisa Mesa at (951) 642-3795 or at lisam@inspireschools.org
Inspire Charter School Prom "A Night in Paris"
We anticipate a fun-filled evening of dinner, dancing, dessert, snacks, raffles and prizes, formal photos, and an all-night photo booth for students to enjoy. High School Inspire students grades 9-12 are eligible to attend and may invite up to two (ages 14 - 20) non-Inspire guests to join them at this event so grab a friend and dance the night away at the historic Mission Inn Hotel in downtown Riverside. Tickets are limited, so purchase yours today.
Questions? Summer Davidson summer@inspireschools.org
Mission Inn Hotel and Spa
Thursday, May 16th, 7-11pm
3649 Mission Inn Avenue
Riverside, CA
This event is not eligible for use of instructional funds.
Registration and Payment:
Read more about Riverside County's Prom HERE:
Open to all 9th - 12th graders
Menifee Info Session!
Please come and join a group of our credentialed teachers to learn more about what our program has to offer.
Wednesday, May 22nd at 10 am
29121 Newport Rd.
Menifee, CA
Questions? Contact Katie Bock at (951) 733-2088 or kathryn@inspireschools.org
Inspire's Senior Grad Nite at Disney California Adventure!
Senior Grad Nite!!
We would like to invite all Inspire Seniors to Inspire’s Grad Nite at Disney California Adventure.
***Instructional Funds CAN be used as payment for this event for Inspire Students. Non-Inspire guests will still have to pay out of pocket. ***
Friday, March 22 was originally the deadline for ordering tickets, however, due to the change we are extending the deadline to April 5. It’s going to be an awesome celebration!
Your ticket includes access to Grad Nite festivities like dance parties and California Adventure rides and attractions from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Please use the Grad Nite Sign Up Link (https://www.icsinspirationstation.net/#/fieldtrip/all/9c8e69be-2066-480e-b8d6-e0d133560a70) to purchase your ticket on Inspiration Station no later than April 5. All students attending this event must meet in the parking lot outside the AMC Movie theater at the Outlets of Orange by 7:15 p.m. and will head to California Adventure as one group. Students will be transported to and from California Adventure on an Inspire shuttle bus and will be back for parents to pick them up by 3 a.m.
Guest policy: You may register to bring an Inspire or non-Inspire friend or sibling between the ages of 14-20 to accompany you to Grad Nite. Parents cannot attend this event as chaperones.
Grad Nite Details are as follows:
When: June 11th at 6:45 p.m. to June 12th at 3 a.m.
Meeting Location: Outlets at Orange, and the address is 20 City Blvd W., Orange, CA in the parking lot outside the AMC movie theater
Cost: $79 of Instructional Funds for ICS Students
$79 Credit Card Payment for non ICS guests
Questions? Please email Chantelle Crespo at chantelle@inspireschools.org
Spring Egg Hunt & Egg Drop Challenge in Riverside!
Friday, April 19th at 10am
***Hunt will begin at 10 am near the playground with the drop beginning soon after the hunt.***
~ Bring 12 pre-filled plastic eggs with NUT FREE ONLY treats per child participating in the egg hunt.
~ Bring a protected raw egg for an Inspire Teacher to drop from a 12 ft. ladder. Please DO NOT USE metal, glass, or any other material that can shatter.
~ Apparatus must free fall. No slides, parachutes, etc.
~ Multiple trials permitted if time allows.
~ Only Inspire Staff allowed on ladder.
Contact: Christine Cole at christine@inspireschools.org
Riverside County Library System EVENTS!
Head over to http://rivlib.info/website/events
This Week's Vendor Spotlight: Leading Edge Learning Center!
Leading Edge Learning Center (LELC) is a California certified Supplemental Education Service Provider that was established in June 2004, with the opening of our flagship center in Moreno Valley, California. Leading Edge Learning Center, originally established to provide a chance for achievement to youth who were struggling academically, has grown over the years to be a leader in education, for all ages and all levels.
Services provided by Leading Edge Learning Center include academic tutoring for TK-Adult, mentoring and educational coaching, diagnostic assessments, and test preparation, as well as career and professional skill development. Our programs are available year-round across six major counties throughout Southern California, with additional specialized camps and accelerated courses offered during targeted periods.
We have several different locations, here’s the phone number for each location:
Fontana Branch: (909) 646-7475
Moreno Valley/Perris Branch (951)924-9449
Murrieta/Temecula Branch (951)698-0290
Riverside Branch (951)684-3811
San Diego Branch (888) 517-3522
Victorville Branch (702)872-2096
This Week's Curriculum Spotlight: Phonics flip books!
Educational Website of the Week! Elephant Learning
Elephant Learning is an automated Math Academy for students from ages 2 to 16. The curriculum covers from counting to fractions, decimals, percentages, and algebra. They teach math conceptually which means that it's focused on teaching the language behind the math. Regardless of whether a child is struggling with mathematics or thriving and is way ahead, Elephant Learning can determine their level and build upon the foundation of concepts they already understand to accelerate them forward.
You can use instructional funds or pay out of pocket for the service.
Happy Homeschooling!
~ Audrey
Website: https://elephantlearning.com/
Candice Zuniga
Email: Candicez@Inspireschools.org
Phone: 714-797-1209
Audrey Everson
Hi everyone! I am a mom of 3 awesome kids ranging in age from 10 to 6 years old. My husband and I are high school sweethearts and have been married for 16 years. Having homeschooled our children over the last 6 years in 3 different states, I've found homeschooling here in California, especially with Inspire Charter, has been a great fit for our homeschool journey. I am grateful for our ability to homeschool so freely and I aspire to assist other families with their own homeschool adventures!
Email: audreye@inspireschools.org
Phone: 951-541-4809
We want to hear from you!
What do you want to hear more about? Drop us an email!
We'd love to answer all of your questions in regards to homeschooling with Inspire
and what the homeschool lifestyle looks like!
Inspire Charter Schools Contact Info
Website: https://www.inspireschools.org/
Location: 1740 East Huntington Drive #205, Duarte, CA, USA
Phone: (888) 215-3040