Franklin Academy- Day 1
Recap and Reminders
Day 1- Woohoo!
Day one is complete! Thank you for your support, encouraging emails and patience in all things. We are looking forward to a great day 2. It was so great to see all our students back on campus. Our teachers and staff did an amazing job. We are aware that carline and bus did experience some setbacks and we are working on a solution.
Please take a moment to read the important reminders below.
Ms. Deborah Torres, M.Ed
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
- Scholars may not exit the vehicle before 7:15AM PYP and 8:15AM MYP.
- MYP scholars must have a PYP sibling to be dropped off at 7:15AM.
- Placard- If you do not have a yellow (PYP)and blue (MYP) placard- please write on a piece of paper your child's first and last name and teacher. Placards need to be visible.
- It is very important that you pull as far forward as possible during morning and afternoon carline. Please refrain from use of your cell phone while in car line.
- Please stay in correct lanes when you enter so you do not have to switch lanes to avoid accidents.
- Please pull up and stack cars and once your car comes to a safe stop please have your child exit the car and onto the sidewalk. DO NOT wait until you get to the front door by the main entrance. We need to utilize the entire walk way to unload students.
- Parents please do not exit your vehicle to open car doors, etc.
- Once you drop off your scholar in the right lane- please put your blinker signaling left and merge to the left lane to allow us to stack the next group of cars.
- Dash Pass - Please download the app if you have not already done so.
- If you are a PYP parent, you may enter the campus for dismissal at 2:10.
- If you are a MYP parent, you may enter the campus for dismissal at 3:10 but expect delays in PYP dismissal and adjust accordingly.
We are aware that iUniforms is still processing orders. We do have a dress code for while you wait for your uniforms.
- NO T-SHIRTS - Only collared shirts are permitted
- No ripped jeans
Please note that starting on Monday, Aug. 19th- parents will need to provide receipt of order for students out of uniform.
Franklin Academy, a FREE Public Charter School, Now Serving Students in Grades K-12.
Email: torres.deborah@franklin-academy.org
Website: https://www.franklin-academy.org/
Location: Franklin Academy, Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 561-348-2525
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FranklinAcademyCharter
Twitter: @FranklinCharter