A Special Edition of #Proud2bMPS
A Message from Dr. Sutfin
Technology Update
As we begin remote learning, we are working through some technology challenges, and we know many of you are as well.
If you had trouble connecting on this first day of remote learning, it may have been because of one of our servers. A piece of hardware on our server went down. The new hardware is on its way and is being installed today, Wednesday, March 25th. This problem is affecting school devices. If you are using a home device, you will not notice the issue.
If you are having a different technology problem, please reach out to your school. Families with elementary students can reach out to their teacher librarian. Middle and High school students can reach out to the Helpdesk or their building’s Tech Support Center.
Most importantly, please know if you are struggling to get online, it’s alright. We understand. We are finding our way, and we know you are too. This is just the beginning. We are working to get students back to learning, and we know this will happen slowly.
Millard Meal Sites
During the school building closures, the following meal sites are open to provide children between the ages of 1 to 18 a grab-and-go breakfast and lunch. Curbside pick up will be provided at the front entrance. No paperwork is required.
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Monday through Friday
- Keith Lutz Horizon High School
- Millard North High School
- Millard South High School
- Central Middle School
- Millard North Middle School
- Cody Elementary
- Disney Elementary
- Holling Heights Elementary
- Rockwell Elementary
- Sandoz Elementary
Millard Public Schools
Email: MPSCommunicates@mpsomaha.org
Website: www.mpsomaha.org
Phone: 402.715-8200
Facebook: facebook.com/millardpublicschools
Twitter: @MillardPS