High Point Highlights
High Point News: December 15, 2024
Dear High Point Families,
As we approach the holiday season, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued partnership and support throughout this school year. Reflecting on the past few months, it is truly inspiring to see the hard work and achievements of our students, teachers, and staff. From academic successes to extracurricular accomplishments, every member of our school community has contributed to making this year special.
A few reminders before the break:
Dashing Through December: December 5th -20th
- We’ll be having some fun and counting down the last 12 days to Winter Break with themed dress-up days. Attached below is the Dashing through December calendar.
Winter Celebrations: December 20th
- Teachers will be sending out information regarding end of semester celebrations.
- Celebrations are ONLY for our scholars and confirmed volunteers that sign-up with teachers to assist.
Winter Break/ NO SCHOOL: December 21st-January 5th
Teacher Workday/ NO SCHOOL: Monday, January 6th
First Day of 2nd Semester- Tuesday, January 7th
On behalf of the entire staff, I wish you a joyful holiday season filled with peace, love, and happiness. Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Warm regards,
Dr. Miller
In the KNOW with PTO
We hope everyone had fun at our first Spaghetti Supper & Night of the Arts! Mark your calendar for our upcoming events:
December 20 - Students last day of school
January 7 - Students first day back to school
January 20 - NO SCHOOL - MLK Day
January 31 - ICE SKATING SPIRIT NIGHT - more info to come!
High Point won 3rd Place in the Sparkle House Contest!
Huge THANK YOU to Nicole Hudson who led the way with this project. Nicole has done an awesome job for YEARS on our HP Houses - this year was the first competition and we took home 3rd Place!
Purchase Spiritwear for the holidays! Buy now and we'll get it to you by the end of the week!
**Orders must be placed by Thursday, December 19th to be fulfilled before the holidays!**
Check out the options below - CLICK THE LINK TO PURCHASE! Inventory is limited!
Lost and Found - watch the NEW video below!
Items will be donated next the first week back from break! Please come get your child's belongings ASAP. They are located right outside the cafeteria! Ask Ms. Jackson at the front desk for help locating Lost & Found. Labeling your child's belongings is the best way to keep your items safe!
CHECK OUT THE VIDEO BELOW TO SEE IF YOU SPOT ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO YOUR CHILD! There are way more items than pictured above. If you're having trouble viewing the videos, follow us on Facebook by clicking HERE! You MUST answer the group questions or you will not be approved. Thank you!
Earn FREE MONEY for our school!
Look at those totals! Publix recently sent us a check for $296.99 simply because people signed up and entered their phone number while doing their grocery shopping. This is FREE money for our school! Please be sure to enroll and start earning money back for High Point today! Details below!
Prospective Parent Tours
Do you know a family that is interested in touring our school? Please pass along the link below for them to sign up for a tour!
Yearbooks for Sale!
All orders must be completed online using the link below or in the Treering app. Each book comes with 2 free customizable pages. You can order now and create the custom pages in the spring! We earn money back for every order, so grab yours today!
If you have not set up your Treering account yet, you can do so by clicking the link below! In your Treering account you can purchase yearbooks, upload photos and create your custom pages. Don’t forget to download the Treering app! It’s very user friendly and good for quick access.
School Passcode: 101655303886476
Get Connected with other Families on your Grade Level!
Important Reminders
- Attendance
- In order to continue to achieve academic excellence, we will need your support to ensure students are in school daily and on-time. Please note that we welcome students each day beginning at 7:10 am, and students are considered tardy if they are not seated in their classroom by 7:40 AM. After 7:40 AM, parents MUST Walk and sign-in their scholars as tardy. Scholars cannot sign themselves in. Arriving to school on-time ensures that your scholar doesn’t miss out on important learning experiences that happens early in the day. Our attendance initiative will continue this semester. There will still be a drawing each month for all scholars that had perfect attendance/ no tardies. The winner of this drawing will still have a special lunch with the principal, but ALL scholars with perfect attendance/no tardies will be given a treat (ex: snow cones, cookies, ice cream, extra recess).
- Dress Code
- Students in the school system are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way as to reflect neatness, cleanliness, and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. Extremes in dress and grooming will not be permitted. Examples include: exposed midriffs & pants torn above the knees
- Birthdays
- Birthdays are not celebrated at school. Parents may send in store-bought cupcakes, cookie cakes, ice cream, donuts, fruit snacks, etc. for the class to enjoy during their assigned lunch/recess period. Please remember to take into consideration potential allergies. Treats should be pre-cut, if applicable, and ready to serve. Brought-in pizza or other meal options cannot be served in the cafeteria. Please do not put candles on cakes or send in flowers, balloon bouquets, goodie-bags, or gifts. Parents and guardians will not be allowed into the classroom for birthday celebrations. Also, party invitations should not be sent to school to go home with students. Personal invitations must be mailed outside of school to avoid any opportunity for hurt feelings.
- Parents/Guardians can contact our cafeteria manager, Ms. Wallace, at WallaceP1@fultonschools.org if you would like the cafeteria to provide a birthday treat for your child’s class.
- Lunch Visitors
- Visitors listed as an emergency contact in Infinite Campus may be allowed to eat lunch with a student. Lunch visitors will ONLY be allowed to eat with their student. Students will not be allowed to invite a friend to eat with them and their visitor. Lunch visitors will not be allowed to sit at lunch tables with classes. There will be designated tables on the stage in the cafeteria for lunch visitors. Lunch visitors can also utilize outdoor seating areas.
- Morning Carpool
- Assisted Carpool- Carpool runs from 7:10-7:40 AM. Parents should not exit cars to open and assist their child in the carpool lane. This is a safety issue and stops the flow of the carpool line. Also, for safety reasons, all children should exit from the passenger side of the car. Carpool will end promptly at 7:40 AM so that teachers on duty can start instruction for the day. When teachers leave their post and start walking toward the building no other children should exit cars and come in through the carpool door. This is a safety and security concern. If you’re waiting in the carpool line at 7:40 AM and no one has opened your door, you will have to take your child to the front of the building to be checked in as tardy.
- Unassisted Carpool/ Front Carpool-After all buses arrive, this lane opens at 7:30 AM. This lane is for unassisted drop-off. This means that students must be able to get out of the car without an adult. This includes a parent. Parents should NOT exit the car. If you need to assist your child with exiting the car and walking into the building, you will need to park in the upper lot and walk your child into the building. Parking in the lane and walking your child into the building disrupts the flow of this carpool lane and will not be allowed. Students can ONLY be dropped off on the curb. It is extremely dangerous to drop a child off in the road rather than at the curb because they have to walk across flowing traffic. There should be no passing other cars in this lane. Also, please refrain from honking as this startles students and disrupts classrooms on the front of the school.
- Lost & Found
- Labeling students' items can be a helpful strategy to assist connecting misplaced items back to the right owner.
- Remind your child (ren) to bring in all items from recess.
- Sing-in at the front desk if you would like to check lost & found for missing items.
- Meal Charges
- Per FCS Policy, students are only allowed to charge 3 days of breakfast and lunch to their accounts before receiving an alternative lunch. Please be mindful of negative balances. FCS informs families of a negative balance via phone calls.
- Free & Reduced Lunch Application:
After School Care
YMCA-High Point
Camp Wieuca-Peachtree Dunwoody
Primrose-Sandy Springs
Sunshine House
Imperatori Martial Arts
Jewish Kids Group-Sandy Springs
Creme de la Creme-Rowell Rd.
Caterpillar International Academy