Tiger News from Principal Stilwell
October 2024 Newsletter for Garfield Elementary
This Week ...
Monday October 7
- Walking Club 8:40-9:00 am
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am (Multi-purpose Room)
- Soccer Club Starts 3:30-4:30 pm
- Agape Meeting 3:30-4:15 pm
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Riverside Neighborhood Meeting 6:30-8:00 pm (Garfield Library)
- Soccer Club 3:30-4:30 pm
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Walking Club 8:40-9:00 am
- Imagine Learning 8:15-9:00 am (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Showcase of Learning 5:00-6:00 pm (information below)
Friday October 11
- Teacher Workday, NO SCHOOL
Looking Ahead ...
- Picture Day
- Agape Meeting 3:30-4:15 pm (Room 306)
- PTA Meeting 4:00-5:00 pm (Multi-Purpose Room)
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL (sign-ups coming soon)
- Evening Conferences 4:30-7:00 pm
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL
Thursday November 7
- Veteran's Day Assembly
Friday November 8
- Early Release, 1:00 pm Dismissal
Monday November 11
- Veteran's Day Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Garfield Soccer Club
Showcase of Learning - Thursday Oct 10
Come see some of the great learning your student has done so far this year and get a snapshot of learning ahead for this school year.
5:00 – 6:00 pm Classrooms (15-minute rotations)
- 5:05 – 5:20 pm – Rotation 1
- 5:25 – 5:40 pm – Rotation 2
- 5:45 – 6:00 pm – Rotation 3
In the classrooms teachers will be sharing an overview of what your student will be learning, their daily schedule and classroom goals for this school year. Student work will be displayed to give you a chance to see what your student has been learning so far!
Other places to visit …
- Counselors – Learn about our social-emotional learning curriculum, RULER from our counselors Mr. Smith and Ms. Simkins in the courtyard.
- Resource and Speech – if receiving Speech or Resource Room services please visit Ms. Bubernak and Ms. Camacho in room 105.
- Multi-Language – if students are receiving ML services, please visit Ms. Kika and Ms. Drake in room 106 for our ML program and supports.
- Specialists – PE, Music, Library, and STEM (grades 3-5)
*Please note this evening is for all families to learn about their students’ learning this school year at Garfield Elementary. The teachers and staff are not available for 1:1 conferencing during the evening. Please schedule a time to meet with your student’s teacher if you wish to speak more with the teacher regarding your student.
We will be having Conferences November 4 and 5. Scheduling for those will be coming in the next few weeks.
Picture Day is October 16
EPS Partnership with Sno-Isle and Everett Public Libraries
Coming Soon!
We are excited to announce that, starting in November, all Everett Public School students will have access to Sno-Isle and Everett public library resources. This partnership will broaden our students’ access to eBooks, audiobooks, research databases and online tutoring as well as allowing them to check out physical books at the public libraries.
The partnership accounts will be easily accessible from home, school or at the public libraries using a student’s ID number. There will be more details coming out to families at the end of October. In November, our librarian will begin showing Garfield students how they can access the Sno-Isle and Everett Public Library accounts.
Parents will be given the option to opt their student(s) out from the partnership by filling in and returning this form to the school.
Every Day A Learner!
Attendance Procedures
We look forward to seeing your child at school every day. Regular school attendance is important, and we will work with you to ensure your child is present to benefit from an excellent education. If your child is absent, please email our attendance email address, gaeattendance@everettsd.org. If email is not possible, please call 425-385-4705 to report the absence. Please make sure there is an email or a written note within 30 days after your student returns to school.
Free Haircuts Program
Kutz 4 Kidz Barber and Salon Vouchers
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department is excited to share that eligible students can receive free year-long haircuts through the Kutz 4 Kidz program! This incredible program is sponsored by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Snohomish County and the Coverson Family.
Who’s eligible?
Kutz 4 Kidz supports homeless, low-income families, and students receiving free or reduced lunch, with a special focus on African American students and those facing economic hardships.
How to get vouchers?
Let Ms. Simkins or Mr. Smith our counselors know you are interested.
Free Dance Classes - Still Space Available!
Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program!
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides all enrolled students at Garfield Elementary with a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables during the school day (Monday -Thursday) outside of breakfast or lunch. The goals of the FFVP are to expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience, increase children's fruit and vegetable consumption and make a difference in children's diets to impact their present and future health. We are so excited and grateful that every student at Garfield Elementary is getting fresh fruits and vegetables.
Would you like to Volunteer?
Interested in volunteering!
Please go to the district website to complete your application for volunteering linked here. Need help or have any questions regarding the process please call (425) 385-4700 or stop by our main office 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Resources and Supports
If your family is in need of any resources please do not hesitate to reach out to our counselors, Hayley Simkins (hsimkins@everettsd.org) or Michael Smith (msmith@everettsd.org). You can also call our main office (425) 385-4700 and they will direct to whomever can help you with your needs. We are here for YOU and we will help you in any way you need. Please do not hesitate to ask.
Natural Leaders Academy
The Natural Leaders Academy is brought to you by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Department and Washington Alliance for Better Schools (WABS).
This event is for interested and current Natural Leader families to learn about the Natural Leaders program.
Dates & Format: Total of 4 sessions – 2 in-person and 2 virtually
- In-Person, Wednesday, October 23, 2024
- Virtual, Tuesday, October 29, 2024
- Virtual, Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- In-Person, Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Community Resource Center - 3900 Broadway Everett, WA 98203 and Virtually via Zoom
Other information:
- Registration required.
- Interpretation services available.
- Childcare for school-aged children and dinner provided for all in-person sessions.
- $200 Stipend for families who complete ALL sessions.
If you are interested please contact our Natural Leaders liaison Ms. Kika Sleeper (msleeper@everettsd.org).
Garfield PTA
Hello Garfield families!
The next PTA member meeting is on Wednesday, October 23rd from 4-5p at Garfield (in mp room) and over Zoom. We apologize to those who could not get into the meeting on September 26th. We had technical difficulties with Zoom and will send an updated link before the next meeting. If you'd like to connect with us before then, please email us at GarfieldTigersPTA@gmail.com- The next Popcorn Friday is October 25th
- FIRST FUNDRAISER: Our first fundraiser is on Saturday, December 14th. We will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets at the Silvertips game. If you’d like to learn more about how you can participate, check out our sign-up page here!
- If you'd like to donate items to the PTA, check out our Amazon wishlist!
Everett Public Schools does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Title IX/Civil Rights Compliance Officer and ADA Coordinator, Chad Golden, 425-385-4100; Section 504 Coordinator, Dave Peters, 425-385-4063; Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator, Joi Odom Grant, 425-385-4137, JGrant@everettsd.org.
Everett, WA 98201
Principal: Kathleen Stilwell
Email: kstilwell@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4700