Loveland City Schools Newsletter
May 4, 2024
Superintendent's Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
Listening to our Loveland City School District community allows us to learn and grow while building relationships with families and community members. Over the last few years, we have worked collaboratively with the community to build our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision, host town halls, and gather input through community surveys.
We are creating a new Community Advisory Team (CAT) to provide more avenues for feedback and meaningful conversations. The CAT will serve as a bridge between the Loveland City School District community and district leadership.
Mission and Purpose
The primary mission of the Community Advisory Team is to advise district leadership on key priorities and issues facing the district. This feedback will enhance the quality of education and experience for students, parents, and staff. Members of the CAC will strive to offer informed suggestions to help the district reach the goals of the #beLOVEland Strategic Vision: Student Success, Collaborative Culture, Community Engagement, and Fiscal Responsibility.
There will be four meetings throughout the school year:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 5:30p
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 5:30p
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 5:30p
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 5:30p
How To Get Involved
The Community Advisory Team is open to district residents, parents, students, and staff who are passionate about education and making a difference. If you are interested in joining the Community Advisory Team for the 24-25 school year, please apply by following this link to complete a brief Google Form. Applications will be accepted through August 30, 2024.
If you have any questions, please let me know: mikebroadwater@lovelandschools.org.
Go Tigers!
Mike Broadwater
Loveland City Schools
Treasurer’s Message
Loveland Tiger Community,
Fiscal responsibility is one of the main goals of our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision, and our community has let us know that they want us to advocate for solutions to Loveland’s unique state funding challenges.
Over the past few months, we’ve taken a few important steps in that process. About thirty community members have volunteered to be part of our State School Funding Committee. We have held two meetings with this group to educate them about Ohio’s school funding model and how it impacts Loveland City Schools. That group will continue its work, and we expect to share more information with our community soon about how you can help us lobby state lawmakers.
We began conversations with state lawmakers last month during a visit to Columbus. Loveland City School District Board of Education President Jonathan Eilert, Vice President Lynn Mangan, Superintendent Mike Broadwater, and I had conversations with several lawmakers. We met with State Senator Terry Johnson of District 14, State Senator Steve Wilson of District 7, and State Representative Rachel Baker of District 27, who represent our district in Columbus. We found them all receptive to our message and look forward to continuing the conversation.
If you have questions about district finances, please contact me at espyjo@lovelandschools.org.
John Espy
Loveland City Schools
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Loveland High School Climbs Higher on “Best Schools” List
Loveland High School has been named to the “Best High Schools” list by US News and World Report. LHS climbed to #10 among Cincinnati Metro Area High Schools and ranks #39 among all Ohio High Schools.
“Student success is the number one goal of our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision, and recognition like this is confirmation that we are on the right track. Thank you to our amazing staff, hard-working students, and supportive community!” Superintendent Mike Broadwater said.
Read the entire story on our website by following this link.
Gretchen Watts, Celebrate Excellence
Loveland Intermediate School Intervention Specialist Gretchen Watts was our Loveland representative to Celebrate Excellence, a recognition program that honors outstanding teachers. The Hamilton County Education Foundation honors teachers across our area. Mrs. Watts has been part of our district for nearly 20 years, and we are fortunate to have her. Superintendent Mike Broadwater and LIS Principal Julie Carter attended the Celebrate Excellence event along with Gretchen Watts and her husband.
Loveland Early Childhood Center Receives Five Stars
Loveland Early Childhood Center has received a Five-Star Step Up To Quality Award from the State of Ohio. The award recognizes the high-quality preschool program offered at LECC. Step Up To Quality is Ohio’s rating system for learning development programs, designed to help families select great programs for their children. We’re proud of LECC for continuing to receive the highest quality ratings!
Purple Up Day! For Military Kids
Loveland City School District marked Purple Up! Day for Military Kids on April 15. April is the Month of the Military Child, recognizing the challenges and sacrifices of the children of US service members. Thank you to those who serve!
Loveland Middle and High Schools Earn “Purple Stars”
Loveland Middle School and Loveland High School have both been named “Purple Star Schools” by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. The Purple Star designation recognizes our commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Military-connected students and families face special challenges when moving between schools or when a parent or guardian is deployed.
Superintendent’s Art Gallery
Congratulations to the young artists from Loveland Intermediate School who had their tiger portraits selected for the Superintendent’s Art Gallery this year. Their work will be on display in the Superintendent’s office for the next year. Way to go!
Spring Signing Day
- Congratulations to the following Loveland High School seniors who will continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level.
- Cody Hustead-Bluffton-Football
- Mya Veeneman-Ohio Northern University-Soccer
- Averi Case-University of Cincinnati-Cheer
- Vinny DeSalvo-Transylvania University-Baseball
- Andrew Kitts-Otterbein University-Baseball
- Aiden Hansen-Centre College-Baseball
Armed Forces Commitment Ceremony
Congratulations to the members of the Loveland High School class of 2024 who are serving our country in the Armed Forces. We held our Armed Forces Commitment Ceremony last week to honor and recognize those who are choosing to serve our country after graduation. Thank you to Navy Captain Rodolfo L. Caños for delivering words of inspiration during the keynote address.
Nick Young - US Airforce
Sam Oughterson - US Army
Dilnura Abduolimova - US Marine Corps
Aubrey Hyatt - Ohio National Guard
Andrea Pease - Ohio National Guard
Mason Spears - Ohio National Guard
Tyler Wolf - Ohio National Guard
Jack Gerber - US Military Academy at West Point
Thank you for your service to our country!
Loveland Business Advisory Council Earns 3-Stars!
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has awarded the Loveland City School District’s Business Advisory Council three stars. The Council is a partnership between district leadership and community business leaders that ensures our students learn the skills to prepare them for future jobs.
Each year, the Department of Education and Workforce measures how well Business Advisory Councils develop student skills for future careers, build partnerships with the business community, and coordinate learning experiences for students. Councils can earn up to 4 stars. Loveland’s BAC earned two stars last year.
The Loveland City School District Business Advisory Council allows district leaders to develop relationships with the local business community and get input on developing curriculum to ensure students are ready for the real world. The Business Advisory Council also helps guide our Loveland Tiger Pathways experiential learning program, which places students in local businesses for job shadowing, internships, and volunteer opportunities to provide real-world workforce experience.
Bus Driver Appreciation
Our Loveland bus drivers are the best around! Last week we celebrated National School Bus Drivers Day with a group photo. We have a critical need for more amazing people to join our transportation team. You can sign up today by following this link.
Get Involved
Looking for ways to support Loveland City Schools? Several organizations raise funds and provide extra support to programs in our Loveland Tiger community. Follow the links for membership information:
Loveland Elementary PTA (LEPTA): https://www.lovelandelementarypta.org/
Loveland Middle/Intermediate PTSA: https://www.lovelandmintptsa.org/
Loveland High School PTO: Google Form
Loveland Athletic Boosters: https://lovelandathleticboosters.com/
Loveland Music Boosters: https://www.lovelandmusicboosters.com/
Loveland Robotics Boosters: https://www.lovelandroboticsboosters.org/
Loveland Schools Foundation: https://www.lovelandschools.org/Page/135
Check out the 2023-24 Loveland Schools Quality Profile
Loveland City School District
Email: setteran@lovelandschools.org
Website: www.lovelandschools.org
Location: 757 S Lebanon Rd, Loveland, OH, USA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovelandcityschools/
Twitter: @LovelandTigers