Scott 6th Grade Center
June 17, 2024
Scott 6th Grade Center's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
4th Quarter Honor Roll
Congratulations to all our students on a wonderful school year. Please see below for the 4th Quarter Honor Roll. We are so proud of you!
Distinguished Honors
Elizabeth Abbott
Nadiah Barrios-Burrage
Jacob Borneman
Kaylee Brown
Brandon Butler
Jailene Calle
Aubrey Campbell
Ava Carlin
Paul Carpenter
Aniyah Carroll
Tamira Carroll
Gianna Chenger
Joshua Crans
Lucas D’Amato
Colin Davis
Alexandria DiDonato
Zoe Everitt
Alana Gregg
Lizbeth Guadarrama-Flores
Mia Hand
Giovanni Iozzo
Emleigh Jakatt
Zamaya Jones
Zane Kurzeja
Sullivan Lupacckino
Roman Majors
Chase McConnell
Kylie McCoy
Zoey McLaughlin
Grayson Miraglia
Mark Moles
Jacob Morales
Joel Moyao
Roman Norris
Emily O’Neil
Abigail Pandosh
Lucas Parks
Eric Pompey
Ian Porter
Jaydan Powell-Williams
Luke Ramsay
Finn Randler
Elin Reginski
Brianna Richards
Julia Russo
Katie Scheivert
Cameron Schwenk
Megan Sheller
Andersyn Slover
Morgan Soden
Eugene Tiggett
Taliyah Tooles
Jena Trexler
Cohen Walton
Latham Warner
Blakely Wimmer
Chaeli Alston
Aniya Anderson
Xaviah Anderson
Raul Argueta-Guevara
Brianna Avila-Castillo
Aubrey Aviles-Barajas
Joshua Baez-Maldonado
Bradley Ball
Arrington Barron
Lucy Berger
Bryan Bermudez-Gomez
Michael Bermudez-Gomez
Anabel Best
Lily Brady
Daniela Bravo Vazquez
Benjamin Brittin
Zakai Brown
Symphony Bryant
Haley Burkey
Skylar Burkey
Katana Butler
Sheily Cac Caal
Donye Camp
Aubree Campli
Margo Canning
Liviana Caridi
Osvaldo Carranco Avila
Aileen Carillo- Lopez
Stephan Carter
Brandon Casillas-Martinez
Perla Castaneda-Catana
Gabriella Chilla
Brody Chmielecki
Zachary Compton
Doris Cooper
Gulianna Cross
James Dannenberg
Hunter Degezelle
Emma Delp
Riley Demarse
Annamarie DeNicola
Dayon Deveaux
Leah Diener
Anthony Ent
Nelson Estrada-Barrios
Andre Figueroa
Noah Ganesh
Julian Garcia
Obec Garcia Moyao
Adianez Glover
Angel Gomez-Martinez
Camila Gomez-Martinez
Marlee Griffin
Alex Guadarrama-Salome
Chloe Hall
Matteo Hamelton Del Castillo
Addison Hamilton
Ja’Vohn Hamilton
Eric Hernandez Garcia
Nathaniel Hinds-Hunt
Quane Holley
Ilyanexys Humphrey
Jameson Jeffers
Juliet Johnson
Sophia Jordan
Geovany Juarez Paz
Max Kershner
Owen Kooser
Julien Kulp
Margaret Lagarde
Tucker Lesyk
Landon Levan
Kaniyah Lindsey
Daniela Lopez
Diana Lopez-Zamudio
Drake Ly
Genesis Malo-Aguaiza
Joshua Manthey
Cayleigh March
Gregory Matthews
Eli Matukaitis
Ajanae Maxwell
Tatum Mayan
Jordan Mayo
Breann McCormick
Brynn McWilliams
Lizbeth Mendez-Hernandez
Peyton Merke
Ryan Mertz
Brielle Milbourne-Shelton
Matthew Miller
Robert Moses
Kayleigh Mowday
Cristian Murillo-Deras
Mason Murphy
Korinne Newman
Gloriana O’Neill
Brion Oakley
Jianna Oliver
Abel Osborn
Julianna Parsons
Nathaniel Pennington
NJ Quattlebaum
Stephen Rementer
Trevor Robinson
Gabriela Rodas Velasquez
Skylar Russell
Liam Ruszkay
Josh Sanchez-Ruiz
Franciso Santos
Jassiel Sarinana-Ponce
Peyton Sawhill
Shir Lai Scott
Ruby Scrivanich-Holman
Danasia Shockley
Nolan Small
Ben Smiley
Greyonni Smith
Jiovanni Smith
Landon Smith
Maggie Smith
Macy Statler
Chloe Stonewall
Mackenzie Studer
Lucas Tavera
Mionnie Tilghman
Madilyn Torrente
Lealyn Turpin
Jocelin Valdez Ortiz
Cash’Mere West
Jasmine White
Julie Whitney
Sydney Wilkins
Skylar Williams
Brielle Wilson
Ryan Witkowski
Donyelle Young
Hillary Zavala Nunes
Summer Reading
Students entering grade 6 and 7 in the fall will choose a book to read from the lists below. Students should complete a graphic organizer for their book and turn it into their English teacher upon return to school. The organizer will be graded as a homework assignment for the first marking period. The due date is 9/23/24.
Use the links below to access your grade’s reading list and assignment.
GRADE 6/ Summer Reading 2024 Assignment Entering 6th Grade.pdf
English Learners grades 6 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 6
GRADE 7/ Summer Reading Assignment 7 Final (1).pdf
English Learners grades 7 / SPANISH Summer Reading Grade 7
24-25' Fall Sports Registration Information
Free Sports Physical Information
Nurse's Corner
Please read the attached allergy information for guidance.
As a reminder, school does not provide routine allergy medicine or eye drops. Please check with your child's doctor and follow their advice for allergy care. If your child needs to take medication during school, please have your doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring in the prescribed medication, including over-the-counter medication.
Also, students with outstanding physicals and immunizations for 7th grade will be receiving a "Notice of Incomplete Examination" (gold colored form) from their advisory teacher.
Any questions, please contact Ann Keenan, School Nurse
Upcoming Dates
August 26- First Day of School
September 12- Back to School Night 6- 8
Upcoming Community Events
Summer at the Library
Coatesville Kid Raiders Registration
Coatesville Kid Raiders Football & Cheerleading
Registration for the 2024 Fall Season opens April 5th
Online registration: www.Coatesvillekidraiders.com
Flag football & flag cheerleading Ages 5-6
Tackle football & varsity cheerleading Ages 7-13*
Practices begin over the summer and our first game is played around Labor Day, so sign up today and don't miss out on the 2024 Season!
*Child’s league age is determined by the child’s age on July 31, 2024
Football and cheerleading programs are open to all genders and abilities.
Visit our website and if you have additional questions:
FACEBOOK Coatesville Kid Raiders Official
All-Girls Flag Football Camp
Designer Boo Bag Bingo- Benefiting the Coatesville Music Programs
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Megan Murray- Guidance Counselor murraym@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary, and Attendance Secretary shumates@casdschools.org