OHS Weekly Wag 🐾
Woofin' it with Principal Wells Week #15, December 1, 2024
We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We were thankful for...
PTA stuffing our fridge before the break!🦃
Also this Week at OHS...
Fifth grade had their own Thanksgiving fun while practicing essential Math skills like division with remainders, determining volume, multiplication, reading decimals in expanded form, and adding fractions. Students had to solve math problems to determine which secret potion would break the Gobbler’s Curse and prevent the people of Mathhatten from turning into turkeys.
Who says reviewing for tests can’t be fun and involve a little friendly competition? In 6th grade math, students played team Jeopardy, and in 6th grade science, they played a game called Gimkit to prepare for an upcoming unit test. They even had some help from some of our ORR High School students who came to assist in classrooms as part of community service day.
Monday, December 2nd:
-Sport Fit 3:00-4:00
Tuesday, December 3rd:
-Chorus 7:45-8:40 am
-Crafting 3:00-4:00
-Jazz Band 3:00-4:00
Wednesday, December 4th:
-Concert Band 7:45-8:40 am
-Math Olympiad 3:00-4:00
-PTA Meeting via Zoom 7:00-8:00 pm (Link will be emailed separately)
Thursday, December 5th:
-Concert Band 7:45-8:40 am
-Robotics 3:00-4:00
Upcoming Dates
December 6- Term 1 Report Cards Issued
December 19- Winter Chorus & Band Concert 1:45 pm and 5:00 pm
February 26- Project 351Workshop 9:45-12:15
April 3 and 4- Grade 6 ELA MCAS
April 8 and 9- Grade 5 ELA MCAS
April 10 and 11- Grade 4 ELA MCAS
March 19- Project 351Workshop 9:45-12:15
March 21- Term 2 Report Cards Issued
March 25- PreK-6 Art Show @ Center School
May 6 and 7- Grade 5 Math MCAS
May 8 and 9- Grade 6 Math MCAS
May 13 and 14- Grade 4 Math MCAS
May 15 and 16- Grade 5 Science MCAS
PTA Corner
Giving Tuesday: With giving Tuesday around the corner on 12/3, consider a donation to the Mattapoisett PTA. We are a registered non-profit, money raised goes back to the schools providing educational enrichment programs. Please feel free to share this link with family and friends. Visit our donation form at ($0 processing fees) at https://www.zeffy.com/fundraising/giving-tuesday-64
Amazon Wishlist: The PTA has a wishlist on Amazon that helps them support hospitality events and fulfill teacher requests. You can check it out through the provided link (http://bit.ly/mattapoisettpta)
Minted Fundraising: use the code FUNDRAISEMATTAPOISETT at Minted.com; saves you 20% while giving the PTA 15% back. A win-win for everyone!
Giving Thanks with Grateful Hearts: on 11/25 the PTA stocked the break rooms at both schools for all staff to enjoy some snacks ahead of Thanksgiving.
Join us 12/4, at 7pm on zoom for our next PTA meeting. (Zoom link will be emailed to all families separately.)
Important School Contact Information
Phone: 508-758-6241
Main Office / Principal's Secretary: Mrs. Jennifer Janicki
School Nurse: Mrs. Amy Ripley
School Adjustment Counselor: Mrs. Bethanie Grant
In addition to this newsletter, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OHSmattapoisett
You can also download the ORR Connect App to get the latest updates.
See the Mobile App Info Sheet for details on the information within our app. If you have questions, please email weareor@oldrochester.org.
Search ORRconnect in the app store or use the following links from your mobile device.
From your Android Mobile Device
Finally, most communications to families will be emailed this year, as this is the most efficient and timely method. Please let us know if you would prefer to receive communication regarding your student via first-class mail.
Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.
Principal Wells
Think, Learn, Care
Email: stephaniewells@oldrochester.org
Website: https://ohs.oldrochester.org/
Location: 20 Shaw St.
Phone: 508-758-6241
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OHSmattapoisett