Klein High Choir Weekly Update
Week 11
Next Week At A Glance
Tue 11/5 - No School
Wed 11/6 - Kemah Choir Days (Liederkranz & Chamber)
Kemah Choir Days Contest
This Wednesday, Liederkranz and Chamber will participate in the Kemah Choir Days Festival at the Kemah Boardwalk. This trip is during the school day. Below you will find both an Info Document (timeline, what to bring, etc) and the trip permission form. The trip permission form is due on Monday, November 4 by the end of the school day. Both the info document and permission form was passed out to the students this week in class.
KISD Men's Choir Concert
The annual Klein ISD Men's Choir Concert is on Tuesday, November 12th at Klein High School at 7PM. Before the concert, our tenors and basses will participate in a group rehearsal/dinner from 2-7PM. This is a mandatory event for our Chorale Tenors/Basses and we have also invited select members of Cantus to join the event. Cantus students received an info letter detailing the event this week. Please read the info document below for all details.
Region Weekend
Coffee House Thanks
Coffee House last Tuesday was a huge hit! Congratulations to our students for putting together an evening full of talent and some really tasty snacks. Thank you to our choir officers, especially our sound techs, and booster club for your help!
Potluck Social
Our Potluck Social is coming up quickly. both Klein Choir students and family members are invited to this gathering on Thursday, November 21 from 6-8PM in the KHS Cafeteria. Every student that attends is asked to bring a dish or drink to the Potluck. We will post food/drink sign-up sheets in the choir room next week.
Upcoming Dates
November 6 - Kemah Choir Contest (Chamber & Liederkranz)
November 12 - Klein ISD Men's Choir Concert (Cantus & Chorale Men)
November 15 - Region Rehearsal (Region Choir members)
November 16 - Region Clinic & Concert (Region Choir members)
November 21 - Potluck Social
Contact Information
The preferred mode of communication for us is email
Sean Stultz 832-484-4089 - sstultz1@kleinisd.netRebecca Berger 832-484-4088 - rhickman1@kleinisd.net
Email: sstultz1@kleinisd.net
Website: kleinhighchoir.com
Phone: 832-484-4089