Woodside Elementary
October 4, 2024.
Oct. 4-Miles to Smile
Oct. 14- Parent/Teacher conferences 5-8pm In Person
Oct. 14-Indigenous People's Day/ Columbus Day
Oct. 17 -Half Day, Parent Teacher Conferences 1-4pm (virtual) and 5-8pm In Person
Oct. 18-No School
Oct.21to 25- 2nd grade Swimming Classes
Oct. 23-Half Day
Oct. 25-Trunk or Treat
Oct. 31- Halloween
"A Note from the Principal's Desk"
Chromebook Usage and Care: Guidelines for Parents
As our students rely more on technology for learning, it is important for them to understand the responsibility that comes with using school-provided Chromebooks. Proper usage and care of these devices are critical to ensuring that students have access to the tools they need throughout the school year. Below are some guidelines to help your child maintain their Chromebook and avoid unnecessary damages or disruptions to their learning.
General Care and Maintenance:
Handle with Care: Chromebooks are delicate devices. Teach your child to carry the Chromebook with two hands and avoid placing heavy items on top of it.
Keep It Clean: Remind your child to keep food and drinks away from the Chromebook. Accidental spills can cause significant damage.
Screen Care: Most damages occur to the screen. Encourage your child to avoid poking the screen or closing it with items like pencils, headphones, or other materials between the keyboard and screen.
Secure Storage: When not in use, Chromebooks should be kept in a protective case or backpack to prevent accidental drops or bumps.
School Expectations:
Assigned Devices: Chromebooks are individually assigned to students to ensure accountability. Remind your child that this device is their responsibility and should not be shared with others.
Classroom Usage: Chromebooks should be used for school-related tasks only. Non-educational activities, such as gaming or browsing inappropriate websites, should be discouraged to protect both the device and the learning environment.
What Happens in Case of Damage:
Despite everyone’s best efforts, accidents can happen. If your child’s Chromebook is damaged, the repair costs will be invoiced to you, depending on the nature and extent of the damage. For instance:
Touch screen replacement: $60
Regular screen replacement: $30
Tips for Success:
Remind your child to report any issues with the Chromebook as soon as possible. Early reporting can prevent further damage and disruption to your child’s learning.
By working together, we can ensure that our Chromebooks remain a valuable tool for learning throughout the school year. Thank you for your support in teaching your child the importance of responsibility and care when using school technology.
Uso y Cuidado del Chromebook: Guía para Padres
A medida que nuestros estudiantes dependen más de la tecnología para su aprendizaje, es importante que comprendan la responsabilidad que conlleva el uso de los Chromebooks proporcionados por la escuela. El uso adecuado y el cuidado de estos dispositivos son esenciales para garantizar que los estudiantes tengan acceso a las herramientas que necesitan durante todo el año escolar. A continuación, se presentan algunas pautas para ayudar a su estudiante a mantener su Chromebook y evitar daños innecesarios o interrupciones en su aprendizaje.
Cuidado General y Mantenimiento:
Manejar con cuidado: Los Chromebooks son dispositivos delicados. Enseñe a su estudiante a llevar el Chromebook con ambas manos y a evitar colocar objetos pesados encima.
Manténgalo limpio: Recuérdele a su estudiante que mantenga alimentos y bebidas alejados del Chromebook. Los derrames accidentales pueden causar daños significativos.
Cuidado de la pantalla: La mayoría de los daños ocurren en la pantalla. Anime a su estudiante a evitar tocar la pantalla o cerrarla con objetos como lápices, audífonos u otros materiales entre el teclado y la pantalla.
Almacenamiento seguro: Cuando no esté en uso, los Chromebooks deben guardarse en una funda protectora o mochila para prevenir caídas o golpes accidentales.
Expectativas Escolares:
Dispositivos asignados: Los Chromebooks se asignan individualmente a los estudiantes para garantizar la responsabilidad. Recuérdele a su estudiante que este dispositivo es su responsabilidad y no debe compartirse con otros.
Uso en el aula: Los Chromebooks deben usarse sólo para tareas relacionadas con la escuela. Las actividades no educativas, como los juegos o la navegación por sitios web inapropiados, deben desalentarse para proteger tanto el dispositivo como el ambiente de aprendizaje.
¿Qué Sucede en Caso de Daños?
A pesar de los esfuerzos de todos, los accidentes pueden ocurrir. Si el Chromebook de su estudiante se daña, los costos de reparación se le facturará a usted, dependiendo de la naturaleza y el alcance del daño. Por ejemplo:
Reemplazo de pantalla táctil: $60
Reemplazo de pantalla regular: $30
Consejos para el Éxito:
Recuérdele a su estudiante que informe cualquier problema con el Chromebook lo antes posible. Informar de manera temprana puede prevenir daños adicionales y la interrupción del aprendizaje de su estudiante.
Trabajando juntos, podemos asegurar que los Chromebooks sigan siendo una herramienta valiosa para el aprendizaje durante todo el año escolar. Gracias por su apoyo en enseñar a su estudiante la importancia de la responsabilidad y el cuidado al usar la tecnología escolar.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Guide for Parents
1. Before the Conference:
Prepare in Advance: Reflect on your child's progress, strengths, and any concerns you may have. Write down questions you want to ask the teacher.
Talk to Your Child: Ask your child about school—what they enjoy, where they struggle, and if they have any concerns they want you to bring up.
Review Schoolwork: Look over recent assignments, tests, and any communications from the teacher to help guide the discussion.
2. During the Conference:
Be on Time: Conferences are often scheduled back-to-back, so being punctual ensures you get the full time allocated.
Ask Questions: Focus on both academic progress and social development. Some helpful questions might be:
How is my child progressing in key subjects?
How do they participate in class?
Are there any areas where my child needs improvement?
How can I support my child at home?
Stay Open-Minded: Teachers offer valuable insights into your child's school life. Be open to their feedback and suggestions.
Share Your Thoughts: Your perspective as a parent is important. Let the teacher know about any changes or challenges your child might be facing outside of school that could affect their performance.
3. After the Conference:
Discuss with Your Child: Share the positive feedback and any areas for improvement. Make sure they know you and the teacher are working together to support them.
Create a Plan: If areas of improvement were discussed, collaborate with your child and the teacher on actionable steps to address them.
Stay Involved: Maintain regular communication with the teacher throughout the year, not just during conferences.
By coming prepared, being engaged, and maintaining ongoing communication, you can make the most of your parent-teacher conferences.
Amado Pérez-Chávez
Woodside Elementary, Principal
Guía para las Conferencias de Padres y Maestros
1. Antes de la Conferencia:
Prepárese con anticipación: Reflexione sobre el progreso de su estudiante, sus fortalezas y cualquier preocupación que pueda tener. Escriba las preguntas que desea hacerle al maestro.
Hable con su estudiante: Pregunte a su estudiante sobre la escuela: qué le gusta, dónde tiene dificultades y si hay alguna preocupación que quiera que usted mencione.
Revise el trabajo escolar: Examine las tareas recientes, pruebas y cualquier comunicación del maestro para guiar la conversación.
2. Durante la Conferencia:
Sea puntual: Las conferencias suelen programarse una tras otra, por lo que llegar a tiempo asegura que aproveche todo el tiempo asignado.
Haga preguntas: Enfóquese en el progreso académico y el desarrollo social. Algunas preguntas útiles podrían ser:
¿Cómo está progresando mi estudiante en las materias principales?
¿Cómo participa en clase?
¿Hay áreas en las que mi estudiante necesita mejorar?
¿Cómo puedo apoyar a mi estudiante en casa?
Mantenga la mente abierta: Los maestros ofrecen información valiosa sobre la vida escolar de su estudiante. Sea receptivo a sus comentarios y sugerencias.
Comparta sus opiniones: Su perspectiva como padre es importante. Informe al maestro sobre cualquier cambio o desafío que su estudiante pueda estar enfrentando fuera de la escuela y que pueda afectar su rendimiento.
3. Después de la conferencia:
Comente con su estudiante: Comparta los comentarios positivos y cualquier área de mejora. Asegúrese de que su estudiante sepa que usted y el maestro están trabajando juntos para apoyarlo.
Cree un plan: Si se discutieron áreas de mejora, colabore con su estudiante y el maestro para desarrollar pasos concretos para abordarlas.
Manténgase involucrado: Mantenga una comunicación regular con el maestro durante el año, no solo durante las conferencias.
Al prepararse, estar involucrado y mantener una comunicación continua, podrá aprovechar al máximo las conferencias de padres y maestros.
Educativamente a su servicio,
Amado Pérez-Chávez
Director Escuela primaria Woodside
Running For Rainbows
Hi Woodside Families!
This year we will be doing something new for our annual fundraiser. We are very excited for this fresh idea! Our Fundraiser will be called Running For Rainbows and will be a color run (Rainbow Run.)
Our fundraiser will start TODAY on September 30th, and go through October 30th, with the Color Run on November 1st. Your student will be bringing home a packet which explains how to register to collect online donations. They will also be bringing home an envelope to collect cash & checks. Turn in days for cash & checks will be Thursday 10/3, Thursday 10/10, Thursday 10/17, Thursday 10/24 and final turn in day will be Wednesday 10/30. *You will note that 10/24 is not listed on your envelope. This was a mistake, we WILL be collecting envelopes on October 24th!
Checks should be made out to Woodside PTO.
There are important links below, please check them out! There is a video explaining the fundraiser in both English and Spanish, a link to register your student, and a link to volunteer for the Rainbow Run. We need MANY volunteers to host a color run, plus, its really fun!
For our fundraiser, we will unlock color stations for our Rainbow Run.
$2,000- They earn the RED color station. PLUS one staff gets silly stringed
$4,000-They earn the PURPLE color station. PLUS popsicle party
$6,000-They earn the GREEN color station. PLUS another staff gets silly stringed
$8,000-They earn the ORANGE color station. PLUS Mr. Perez gets slimed
$10,000-They earn the BLUE color station. PLUS 2 more staff get silly stringed
$12,000-They earn the Yellow color station.PLUS Mrs. Tenckink gets slimed
$14,000-They earn the Pink color station. PLUS 2 more staff get silly stringed
$16,000-They earn Rainbow Blast confetti cannons. PLUS 2 more staff get silly stringed
Incentives for your student to participate:
Register on Fundhub and receive a Starburst!
The top collector for each tier earns that color Stanley water bottle!
Top 2 students from each grade level (YK/K-5)- Earn a Pizza Party with the Principal!
$30- Skittles!
$75- Paw Print Keychain!
$150-Rainbow Sunglasses!
$300-Gift Card to 5 Below!
$300- One additional entry into the Grand Prize drawing, and one additional entry for each additional $100 collected!
Grand Prizes:
$4,000- Family Night Out (Gift Cards to The Lost City & Red Robin)
$8,000- One (1) Membership to Urban Air
$12,000- Nintendo Switch Lite & $50 Gift Card to Gaming Therapy
$16,000- (4-pack) Season Passes to Michigan's Adventure
$20,000- Playstation 5
Yes, we have some awesome prizes this year, but the real incentive for your student to participate is the benefits that they will receive. Every single dollar raised will benefit every student at Woodside. The money is used for events such as the Carnival, Bingo for Books, Winter Workshop, Color Run, Trunk or Treat and the Tulip Parade. It will go towards supporting our teachers with appreciation days and classroom needs. We will provide interactive and educational assemblies, snacks for those long testing days, and grade level projects such as caterpillars for our 2nd graders. We also provide enhancements to our building and playground, and honor additional requests for funds whenever possible.
Register Your Child On Fundhub
Register or Login at getmovinfundhub.com
School Identifier: 60241bfd606ed
Fundraiser Video In English
Fundraiser Video In Spanish
Follow Woodside On Facebook!
Volunteer For The Rainbow Run!
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat is coming up on October 25. We are collecting bags of candy to help with this event. If you are able to pick some candy up to donate, please send it to school with your child labeled, “Trunk or Treat”. You may also drop donations off at the entryway in the morning or anytime in the office. Thanks in advance for your help!
Woodside Library News
We Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month September 15- October 15!
Library Days:
Mondays, Wednesdays
& Fridays
Thank you for helping students remember to bring their books back on or before their library day!
Please let Mrs. Marvin or
Ms. Wood know if you have any questions.
Get exceptional family photos and support innovative education at West Ottawa Public Schools.
With a minimum donation of $150 to the West Ottawa Educational Foundation, you will receive a mini photo session with professional photographer Astrid Cordier.
Saturday, October 12th, 2024
3 PM - 7 PM
Sunday, October 13th, 2024
2 PM - 5 PM
Hemlock Crossing Park
8115 West Olive Road
West Olive, MI 49460
Your package includes:
a 15 minute photo session
10-15 professionally edited digital images
a tax receipt
100% of your donation will go to WOEF to fund innovative and creative projects in West Ottawa classrooms. You might just get the perfect senior photo or holiday card photo!
Book now to reserve your photo session! https://west-ottawa-educational-foundation.square.site/
Sign up to be a volunteer!
A Word from Michelle Evink
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso
Welcome back to the Art Room, Woodside Families!
We are already off to an exciting start to the year in our Art Room. I will once again be posting our art projects on the digital portfolio website Artsonia, which lets us share the Artwork with friends and relatives far away. Keep an eye out for an email from Artsonia, it's not spam! If you created an account in previous years you do not have to do anything at this moment except wait for your student to finish their first project. If you have not accepted membership to Artsonia, please check it out before deleting! No personal information is shared on the site.
I look forward to working with your children and am always impressed and amazed to see how they grow, change and create over the course of the school year. I hope you will always feel welcome in the art room and that you enjoy all the masterpieces that the 2024-2025 school year will bring! If you have any questions feel free to email me at evinkm@westottawa.net
Ms. Evink
Michelle Evink
Woodside Elementary
Art Teacher, Technology Teacher, WOVA Art
School Calendar 24-25
Transportation change/Cambio de Transporte
- https://www.westottawa.net/transportation/If you need to change/ update your address please click the following link
- Si necesita cambiar/actualizar su dirección, haga clic en el siguiente enlace
Lost and Found/ Cosas perdidas
Located in the hallway by the Library.
Please have your student check for lost clothing, hats, gloves and boots regularly.
Ubicado en el pasillo junto a la biblioteca
Por favor haga que su estudiante revise por si tiene ropa, guantes, gorros y botas extraviadas regularmente.
End of Day Reminder / Recordatiorio del fin del Dia
- Student's safety is always a top priority! We require a written note or email from parents before a student can go home with a person not listed on their emergency contacts BEFORE 2:00p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at (616)786-1900
- La seguridad de los estudiantes es siempre nuestra prioridad! Requerimos una nota escrita o un correo electrónico de los padres antes de que los estudiantes puedan irse a casa ANTES de las 2:00 p.m. de alguna otra forma o con un familiar no incluido en el perfil de su estudiante. Si tiene alguna pregunta, porfavor comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela al (616) 786-1900