RVE Staff Bulletin
Updates For The Week of October 14
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 14 (Day 4)
- Indigenous People's Day
- Staff Meeting/PD (see below for agenda)
- Deadline to submit book fair wishlist orders (for those who received a link from Darci)
Tuesday, October 15 (Day 5)
- Deadline to Complete Bloodbourne Pathagens Training (see below for details)
- Sped PLC 2:15-3:00
Wednesday, October 16 (Day 1)
- Kindergarten Alphabet Parade 9:00
- iTeam 2:15 in Large Conference Room
Thursday, October 17
- No School - MEA Break
Friday, October 18
- No School - MEA Break
Lightning Round of Quick Reminders
The number for Teachers on Call is 1.800.713.4439. Please program it into your phone. Call them if you have a last second sickness and it is too late to enter an absence into Frontline.
Waiting until I arrive to email me so I can enter it in, makes it so we won’t get a sub.
- Nurse Lisa's lunch break will be from 12:15-12:45 each day. Please make a note of it and do not send students to the nurse's office during that time unless it is an emergency.
- Keep sending Shawn pictures of things that happen each day. It can be as simple as learners reading silently, doing small groups, playing on the playground, ect. Pictures of happy kids doing school are a wonderful way for us to tell our story to our community. Keep em' comin!
This Week's Riverview Hero: Ms. Alysha Nelson!
Donations From 40 Different States Means Ms. Olson Will Dye Her Hair!!
CARES Fun Run Fundraiser Updates
- As of 5:00 PM on Sunday, Oct. 13 we have raised $25,555.00 (Almost 80% of our total goal of $32,000)
- 76% of our learners have registered online. Keep encouraging learners and their parents to REGISTER & SHARE!!
- The donation link has been shared 869 times.
- Ms. Foster's classroom is currently leading the way with over $1800 raised. Kudos to your students!!
- At this point, it looks likely that we will be camping on the roof. The tentative date is Monday, Nov. 4 (Tuesday, Nov. 5 is a CAREIALL day with no students). If you are interested in joining in the fun, click here and add your name!
Indigenous Peoples Day Resources For Teachers
Mauri Dere shared these resources a couple weeks ago. They may be helpful as you plan a meaningful learning experience for your students on Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, Oct. 14.
Monday Staff Meeting/PD Agenda
Click here to see the running agenda
On the docket for Monday:
- IDGP Update
- Fun Run Update
- Equity "Micro-PD"
Book Fair Wish List Announcement
If you received a Wish List link last week, please have your wish lists finalized by Monday, October 14th. We want to place the order before MEA.
Seeking Classroom Teachers to Host College Student Looking For Observation Hours
Ari Buck is a education student at Winona State and she is looking for classrooms to spend some time in for some of her classes. They need to be grades 1-3 (20-25 hours) or Early Childhood (15-20 hours). Please let me know if you would be willing to host Ari and I will let her advisor know.
STAR Is Looking For Teachers; Apply Below
If you are interested in teaching STAR this fall please click here and fill out the application. We won't know how many positions we will need until families register.
We Are Now Through "The First 30 Days"; Take Step Forward In Regards To Rigor
During workshop week, we talked a lot about using the start of the year to establish expectations, practice routines, and create a sense of structure and predictability for our learners. We are now through our "first 30 days" and it is time to leverage that work into a step forward in terms of academic expectations and rigor. There is no perfect way to do this or timeline, but look for opportunities as they exist in your classroom. This might mean moving faster in some areas, going deeper in some areas, or kick-starting new academic components like small group instruction, writing, or PBL. Where can you level up in your classroom?
Please Remind Your Learners To Leave Their Costumes at Home on Halloween
The following was included in the family newsletter this week:
For several years now, Riverview has asked for parent cooperation in making sure that Halloween remains a day of structure, routine, and learning at school. We kindly ask that students leave all costumes, face paint, masks, etc. at home that day and wait until they get home to begin the Halloween festivities.
Keep Referring Learners Who Could Benefit From Extra Support To STAR!
Click here for an informational sheet explaining the STAR program.
Students qualify for STAR if they are slightly below grade level benchmarks in reading, math, or social skills. Students can qualify if they have an exclamation point flags in one of these areas in their fall FastBridge assessments. Students who receive special education services are eligible for STAR as long as they meet the criteria.Students far below grade level benchmarks or students who consistently struggle to maintain focus and self-control during the school day are normally not a good fit for STAR.
Please share this enrollment form with the families of students who qualify and meet the criteria. We are hoping to get as many learners to access this extra support as possible. October 18th is the deadline for families to enroll.
District Literacy Committee Seeking Members To Move This Important Work Forward
From Kerry Benton:
We are excited to invite you to be part of a meaningful and evolving initiative: the Elementary District Literacy Committee.
We are seeking passionate educators and literacy leaders to work together to support our students’ literacy development. Your input would be invaluable as we aim to strengthen our curriculum, instructional practices, and professional development opportunities for teachers.
Committee Objectives:
Engage in rich, productive conversations about literacy, allowing us to collaborate and learn from one another
Ensure equitable access to quality literacy education for all students
Represent your building and share back what you've learned with staff
Collaborate on improving literacy instruction for elementary students
Discuss curricular resources, instructional materials and assessments
Promote and provide input on professional development across the district
Meeting Details:
We will meet three times this year. All meetings will be held at the FES Fishbowl from 2:45-3:45.
Mon, Nov 18th
Mon, Feb 3rd
Mon, Apr 14th
If you're interested in contributing to this important work and can commit to all 3 meetings, please fill out the Google form below by Oct 16th. We would be thrilled to have you on board and look forward to the impact we can make together!
The Literacy Team:
Kristi Hughes- ARES
Alli Sand- FES
Leah Olson- MVES
Stacti Hutmacher- NTES
Melissa Zey- RVES
Kerry Beton- Literacy Lead
Kindergarten Alphabet Parade Scheduled For October 16 at 9:00 A.M.
An announcement will be made when we are ready for classrooms to line the main hallways. Please note that we will be inviting all kindergarten families into the school to be a part of this special event.
Bloodborne Pathogen Training Required For Certain Staff; Complete By Oct. 15
It’s time for the annual Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP) Training. Click here to access the training presentation for your review. There is a required Google quiz for the training and a link to this quiz is on the last slide of the presentation. The following people are requried to complete this training:
- school nurses
- playground supervisors
- physical education staff
- coaches (contact sports only)
- secretaries (only those who are required to perform first aid)
- crisis response team members
- special education staff
- principals
Please review the training presentation and complete the quiz no later than October 15, 2024.
As part of the BBP quiz, the Hepatitis B vaccination is offered and there is a location to consent to or decline the vaccination. If you consent to the vaccination, you will be notified with details on receiving it.
Wellness Committee Update & Invitation To Join
Farmington Area Public Schools has been committed to creating a culture of health and wellbeing for students and staff. As we move into a new year, our wellness committee is looking to add additional members and create a stronger network throughout all the school buildings. Our next meeting will be 3:45-4:45 on Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 in room 1201 at FHS.
Purpose of the Wellness Committee
The school wellness committee is an action-oriented group that focuses on the review, revision, and implementation of the district wellness policy and other wellness-related priorities. The School Wellness Committee will:
- Support the schools in developing a healthier school environment.
- Create the vision and goals for the District Wellness Committee.
- Promote student, parent, community, involvement in developing a healthier school environment.
- Advocate for school health programs and policies within the broader school community.
- Tap into funding and leverage resources for student and staff wellness.
- Plan and implement programs for students and staff.
- Evaluate program and policy efforts.
- Provide feedback to the district regularly regarding progress on the implementation of the local wellness policy.
- Meet as a full committee 5 times per year (every other month, Sept-May). Ambassador opportunities do not require meeting participation.
If you are currently running different wellness initiatives at your school buildings (School Gardens, Safe Routes to School, Bike programs, Move Mindfully, Social Connection Activities, etc.) we strongly encourage you to join the Wellness Committee, your voice and participation in wellness activities is an important part of creating a lasting-collaborative impact on student and staff wellness. Wellness Committee members will receive $20 per meeting for their active participation. A virtual attendance option will be available for those who cannot attend in person, but want to participate in the Wellness Committee.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please submit your name and school location toserickson@farmington.k12.mn.us.
If you are interested in supporting the Wellness Committee but cannot commit to the full meeting time, please consider signing up to be a Wellness Committee Ambassador! Ambassadors are part of a communication network through all buildings to help share communications and information on initiatives being implemented within the district and at the school level.
If you are interested in being a Wellness Committee Ambassador, please submit your name and school location to serickson@farmington.k12.mn.us.
Educator Appreciation with the Gophers!! NEW DATES ADDED!
As a thank you to all Minnesota Educators we would like to offer you and your school discounted tickets to our Educator Appreciation Games.New dates have been added for our Winter sports!!
October 18th - Women's Hockey vs. Wisconsin
October 19th - Women's Hockey vs. Wisconsin
October 26th - Football vs. Maryland (Homecoming)
November 1st - Men's Hockey vs. Penn State
November 9th - Volleyball vs. Oregon
December 29th - Men's Basketball vs. Morgan State
January 4th - Men's Hockey vs. Mercyhurst
February 16th - Women's Basketball vs. Oregon
March 5th - Men's Basketball vs. Wisconsin
Mandated Reporter Training for Those Who Work with Children
- Tuesday, October 22, 2024
- 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. VIA ZOOM
- Presented by Dakota County Children and Family Services and the Dakota County Attorney’s Office
- To register for this free event, CLICK HERE
What is a mandated reporter?
Mandated reporters are people whose positions require them to report suspected child abuse or neglect to social services or law enforcement. Childcare professionals, social workers, teachers, physicians, and a number of other professionals who work with children and families are mandated reporters under Minnesota law.
What does the training cover?
· Definitions of mandated reporter and neglect/abuse as it relates to child maltreatment
· Legal requirements of a mandated reporter
· Process of making a child protection report to Social Services
· What happens at Social Services after a report is received
Will certificates of attendance be offered?
Yes, certificates will be provided for all registered attendees who participate.
Contact Laura Bartsch, Intake Supervisor or Jayne Hukee, Intake Case Specialist at 952-891-7400
Farmington Area Education Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications
The Farmington Area Education Foundation is nowaccepting grant applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Any ISD 192 staff member may apply for a grant. Applications should be submitted to your building principal no later than December 20, 2024. Click here to find the application form and learn more.
The Farmington Area Education Foundation’s mission is to support and enhance innovative educational opportunities by fostering community involvement and financial support for students in ISD 192.
Some examples of grants that have been awarded in recent years include VEX robots at Boeckman Middle School (2023), graphing calculators at Farmington High School (2023), storytelling kits at Farmington Elementary School (2022), maker space materials at Akin Road Elementary School (2022), reef and jungle room equipment at Riverview Elementary School (2022), and wi-fi signal expansion district-wide (2021).
Thank you to the Farmington Area Education Foundation for their ongoing support of our learning community!
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Archived Staff Newsletters
About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.