Husky Highlight
October 25, 2024
Early Release Day on Friday, November 1st
Dismissal is at 12:15
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Pou tradwi Bilten sa a, klike sou li, epi sèvi ak lyen ki adwat la (Haitian Creole)Note from Ms. Moulton
Greetings, Hosmer Families!
THANK YOU, thank you for your partnership this week as we held the first half of caregiver conferences. These meetings are so important in helping to building and strengthen the partnership between home and school. We have more conferences scheduled for Tuesday evening and Friday afternoon. If you have not yet booked a conference with your child's teacher, please click here to find sign-up links for all teachers. Simply select the "Sign Up Genius Link" underneath the name of your child's teacher to go directly to their page.
Coffee & Curriculum
Wondering what your kids are learning this year? We are beginning a series of grade-level curriculum discussions to occur throughout November. The flyer is attached below. Please join us to see what kids are reading, learning, and doing! The Math and Literacy Coaches (Forrest Sturgis & Mis Mulvey) will join me for these interactive sessions where you'll also get some tips on how to help at home. We'd love to have you!
Schoolwide Buddy Activity
We have been having some wonderful buddy classroom meet-ups this month focused on the book The Circles All Around Us by Brad Montague. This is a lovely picture book about circles of community, beginning with self and family, and broadening to include friends and other members of our communities. Students have worked with their "buddy" in a higher or lower grade to complete self-portraits that will soon be on display! A few pictures are below.
Fire Safety with WFD
A big thank you to the Watertown Fire Department, which has been meeting with students across grade levels about fire safety. Some of these took place this week with more scheduled for next week. Some topics discussed were what to do when a smoke alarm goes off. One suggestion is to have a central meeting place outside if everyone needs to leave the house. Ask your children more about what they learned and whether they have any questions about what to do at home.
Direct Line to the Nurses Office
The nurse's office now has a direct line! You can reach them directly at 617-926-7751
Unwanted Halloween Candy?
If you have unwanted/leftover Halloween candy (even just the stuff that your family might not like!), we will gladly take it off your hands in the Main Office. I am often purchasing candy for faculty meetings, etc. and your extra's last year really helped. We actually got through the whole rest of the year without having to purchase snacks for meetings and professional development!
Caring for the Landscaping
Encourage children to use sidewalks. Walking through flower beds is damaging our plantings.
With a grateful heart,
Ms. Moulton, Principal
Important Dates:
- Tuesday, October 29th -Evening Caregiver Conferences
- Friday, November 1st- Early Dismissal at 12:15; Caregiver Conferences
- Tuesday, November 5th - NO SCHOOL - Election Day
- Thursday, November 7th - Elementary School Joint Diversity Council Meeting at Hosmer
- Friday, November 8th - Kindergarten Coffee & Curriculum 8:30-9:30am
- Monday, November 11th - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
- Friday, November 15th - Grades 1 & 2 Coffee & Curriculum 8:30-9:30am
- Thursday, November 21st - SPECIALS NIGHT FOR GROWN-UPS!
- Friday, November 22nd - Grades 3-5 Coffee & Curriculum 8:30-9:30am
- Wednesday, November 27th - 12 noon Dismissal for THANKSGIVING BREAK
- Thursday, November 28th & Friday, November 29th - NO SCHOOL
Student Attendance
Some of you may have seen/heard about the statewide effort to improve chronic absenteeism. A child is considered chronically absent if they miss 10% or more of the days enrolled. For most students, this means 18 days/year. Any absence is counted, no matter the reason. Research shows that students who are often absent (or tardy/dismissed early) are at an academic disadvantage. At Hosmer, we are working hard to follow up with families and communicate when students are approaching a concerning number of absences. The state requires this communication after 5 and 10 absences. please make every effort for children to attend school every day. Thank you!
Coffee & Curriculum
Learn about our curriculum programs, the most important skills of the grade level, and how you can support learning at home.
- Kindergarten: Friday, November 8th
- Grades 1&2: Friday, November 15th
- Grades 3-5: Friday, November 22nd
Specials Night for Grown-Ups!
Would you like to experience Art, Music, PE, Library & Spanish classes the way our students do?
Join us for this fun event where you will participate in activities in each "class". (Sneakers needed for PE!) RSVP using the QR Code (Please note that this event is for grown-ups only.)
Recess Yard Safety
We have a lot of children using the playground after hours, which is wonderful. That said,
in order to ensure student safety, we need your help. Here is a list of expectations that students are held to during the school day. Please reinforce these same expectations when supervising children outside of school hours.
- Children should only play within the fenced-in areas. They should NOT play in the rain catchment areas/"gullies" on the outside of the fence.
- Students should not be throwing rocks of any size. This includes throwing rocks at the metal poles and solar panels. They also should not drop the rocks into the drainage covers.
- Students should not jump over fences or climb on the solar panels.
- We love our beautiful trees, but please do not climb them.
We also need your help encouraging bike safety. Our parking lot is active at all times. Outside of school hours, neighbors are permitted to park. We have noticed students removing helmets when they are not supervised. Please remind children of your expectations for their safety.
Dogs on School Property
We have seen dogs accompanying students at drop off and coming to pick up students at the end of the day. In accordance with the town ordinance, dogs are not allowed on school property or in public parks maintained by the Town. At Hosmer, school property is considered the sidewalks around the building and inside the fences that surround the playgrounds. Below is a map with red lines to indicate the locations where dogs need to stop on the sidewalks approaching the school.
Thank you for your help with this.
Absence Reporting Form
When your child will be absent from school, please complete this Google Form. This is reviewed daily by office staff to ensure that students are safe and accounted for.
Nurse's Direct Phone Number: 617-926-7751
Lunch Menu
We are very pleased to announce that breakfast and lunch continue to be free for all students.
PTO Information
Hello Hosmer community!
We hope you've been enjoying the sunshine this week! A few announcements from the PTO this week below:
1. We want to hear from you!
We want to hear from the Hosmer community about your engagement with the PTO, and any ideas you have for future meeting topics. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey (less than 5 minutes) so we can work to make the PTO more responsive and accessible for our community!
2. Google calendar for upcoming PTO events!
We’ve created a Google Calendar to make it convenient for you to stay aware of upcoming PTO events throughout the school year. Please note that times and dates may be updated over time as needed. How to add a calendar: Thank you for being part of this community! The Hosmer PTO
Community Information
About Us
Location: 1 Concord Road, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7740
Nurses Direct Line: 617-926-7751
Twitter: @HosmerSchool