MTMS Wolf Wire
August 18, 2023
Important Dates
August 26 - MT fundraising day at Chipotle
A Few Words from the Principal
Here are a few items to help everyone have a great week.
Next week the temperatures are expected to be 100 or above.
- While it will be hot outside it will be cool inside of MTMS. Please make sure that you dress appropriately. Make sure shorts and shirts are long enough.
- If you are bringing a water thermos/ bottle. We encourage you to put your name on it. this will help us return your bottle to you. We already have several that have been left in places and lost after 1.5 days.
- Outdoor practices may be altered due to the weather. Look for communication from coaches regarding practices.
Before and after school quick tips for bike riders, walkers, and those being dropped off:
- Bike riders - The bike racks have been moved to the back of the school on the new concrete. When you reach the side walk by the car loop, please walk your bike for your safety and others.
- Walkers - If you need to cross Monticello, please use the crosswalk and/or wait for the light. When you need to cross streets - wait for the traffic to stop before entering the crosswalk.
- Car riders - Make sure that you are pulling as far forward to the cross walk and get out any where along the loop - between the baseball fields and the cross walk. Have your stuff ready and exit the car as fast as possible.
- Please do not park in the parking lot and have your students walk to the school or to the car, this is a safety concern. If there is a unique situation, please use the crosswalk.
We are one family at MT. This year we are starting PACKs to build this connection.
What are Packs?
PACKs are a group of around 14 students from grades 6-8 partnered with a staff member.
When will the PACKs meet?
Every Wednesday we will have an alternate schedule to allow us to have PACK time in the middle of the day. See the schedule below. This will take the place of ELT on Wednesdays.
Why are we implementing PACKS?
- We want to continue to grow an environment where we are kind to one another
- We want to continue to develop skills that will help each student feel safe, comfortable, and ready to learn
- We want to increase the support students have to help them build the academic and social emotional skills needed to be successful
- To allow students to have one more person in the school that cares about them and supports them
Looking forward to next week.
Let's Go Timberwolves!
Changes to signing out students early to increase safety
To ensure the safety of our students, parent/guardians (or other previously authorized third parties) will be required to enter the main office to sign-out their student for appointments or early dismissals. This policy was modified in the past due to Covid procedures and, while it is more convenient to call from your vehicle, the safety of our students is our paramount concern.
From PTA
Wolf Nation, we hope you had a great first week of school! Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table at Back to School Night. If you missed us, here are some QR codes that might be helpful. Please check them out to see how you can sign up for text reminders, buy your MTMS spirit wear (store closes August 30th), and bookmark our Facebook page and website. Several of you asked about our ‘Just Give It’ fundraising campaign. With all the back-to-school fees and expenses, we have decided to wait until October to kick-off our main fundraising campaign. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, you can help support MTMS with our first restaurant give-back day.
Please help us kick off our restaurant fundraising season with a bang by supporting our largest restaurant partnership at the local Chipotle - 22410 W 66TH ST! Spread the word to your pack (friends, family, neighbors, etc.) that all day on Saturday, August 26th Monticello Trails receives a burrito-ful 33% back on all orders using our code J8R43CK. Your participation helps 'Do Good' with Staff Appreciation Events, Parent Teacher Conference Snacks & Meals, Student Socials, Student Support, plus more!
Your Back-to-School Photos Are Wanted
The Publications staff wants YOUR student(s) in the MTMS publications (Yearbook, The Howler and MTTV)... we are looking for back-to-school photos. Ideas include but are not limited to:
- eating donuts with friends,
- taking the annual BTS photo,
- showing off their new haircut or BTS clothes,
- shopping for school supplies
- walking to school,
- setting up their locker, etc
To share these photos, click here or go to and enter school code 3046410 to securely upload the photos to Herff-Jones Eshare.
Building Aide
We would love to welcome people who enjoy working with kids and would bring positive energy to our team.
For more information:
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves