Happy New Year Newsletter
Sharing Best Wishes for 2025
One Word for 2025
My One Word
Read how to implement this practice.
Mrs. Johnson's One Word
I want to celebrate ALL that is good in my life and embrace challenges with gratitude for their teachings.
Short Video With Words
Try it out as a family project!
January Calendar of Events
January 2: School Resumes
January 15: PAWS (Partners at Windsor School) 6:00 - 7:00 Windsor Library - students can come and read or do puzzles in the library during the meeting
January 16: No School for students; Staff Professional Development
January 17: No School for students; Staff Professional Development
January 20: No School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
January 21: Board Meeting: Presentation of 1st Draft Reimagine Education
Thursday, February 6, 3:00 - 6:45
Tuesday, February 11 12:00 - 6:45
New Staff
Ms. Kayla Goodenbour
School Nurse
Gady Chavaque-Rodriguez
Special Education Associate
We are pleased to welcome two new staff to our Windsor Family: Ms. Gady Chavaque-Rodriguez and Ms. Kayla Goodenbour is the school nurse and Ms. Chavaque is a special education associate.
Here is an introduction to our newest staff:
Kayla's Introduction
Hello Families!
My name is Kayla and I am excited to be starting as the new nurse at Windsor Elementary! I have been in the medical field for 10 years. I started as an EMT and worked my way up to an ER nurse where I have spent most of my nursing career!
I am originally from Waterloo, Iowa and we were previously living in Milwaukee, WI. My husband is active duty military and was a lucky enough to get moved back to Iowa this year! I have two kiddos, a 5 year old daughter and a two year old son, both keep us busy and on our toes! In my free time, I enjoy reading and being outside exploring new places with my family!
I look forward to working with all of you and being part of the Windsor team!
Gady's introduction
Dear parents and Windsor Staff.
My name is Gady Chavaque, and it is an honor to introduce myself as part of the educational community at Windsor Elementary School. I am originally from Guatemala and moved to the United States four months ago, bringing with me the excitement of sharing my experiences and learning alongside all of you.
My first language is Spanish, followed by Guatemalan Sign Language, and English is my third language. I grew up of a loved family of 7, I am the second of five siblings, and I also have five nieces and nephews who are my greatest joy. Additionally, I have a dog named Snow, who has been a wonderful friend.
I have always loved working with children, which led me to dedicate my life to education. I worked as a teacher for several years in Chimaltenango, Guatemala, and took part as a volunteer in my community with various educational projects. I also collaborated with Helps International, bringing help to the poorest communities through programs for stoves, water purifiers, and medical brigades. Moreover, I worked at my church as a Bible teacher and Sunday school director, experiences that strengthened my passion for teaching and serving.
I hold a teaching diploma and a degree in theology, which have allowed me to deepen my commitment to education. I have taken every opportunity to grow and learn so I can offer children a school experience where they love studying, view school as a space for growth, and feel inspired to build their future. I also believe children teach us as much as we teach them, and I value every interaction I have with them.
My greatest desire is to be the support I longed for when I was a student: someone who inspires trust, motivates, and guides with empathy. As the saying goes:
“Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.”
As Special Education Associate, I am very excited to work with you, to learn from this community, and to contribute everything I can for the benefit of our students. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any help or if you would like to know more about me.
Become Involved at Windsor!
Opportunities to become involved at Windsor:
🏫Adult chess - Mr. Goldstein one of our volunteer staff is offering chess to parents/caregivers of Windsor students. Please call 515-242-8440 or email carrie.johnson@dmschools.org if interested.
🏫If you have a talent, hobby, interest, travel experience please consider sharing with our students! We are always open to enriching and broadening our students' lives with the diversity of experience, culture, and professions in our Windsor Community. We'd love to learn from you!
🏫We are starting daytime clubs as a way to provide additional opportunities for all students to explore their passions and interests. If you have interest and availability to lead or co-lead a club activity, please reach out. We'd love to involve the talents of our Windsor Community!