January Update
Mini Rams Integrated Preschool Program
📣Mini Ram Important Dates
Tuesday, January 14th: Early Childhood Advisory Council Meeting at 6:00 PM at the Granatino Early Education Center. Come join educators, parents/caregivers, and community partners to discuss local early childhood resources, support and community events. All welcome!
Wednesday, January 15th: FREE parent/caregiver workshop: How to Parent an Anxious Child, Live Virtual Presentation, 6:00-7:30 PM. See below on how to register!
Monday, January 20th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr Day
🥰Free Parent/Caregiver Workshop!
Family Workshop: How to Parent an Anxious Child
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 06:00 PM
LIve Interactive Zoom
😁Preschool Application and Intent to Return Form for 2025-2026 School Year!
2025-2026 Application and Intent to Return Timeline
For NEW students: Online Application HERE
For CURRENT students only: Intent to Return Form HERE (if your student is currently enrolled in our program, please fill out this form)
Open House for New Students and Families at Granatino Early Education Center, 10:15 - 11:15 AM
Families are invited to tour our classrooms, meet our teachers, and enjoy a craft!
Deadline for Application and Intent to Return Form
Waitlist application opens
Families who applied for preschool will be notified of acceptance via email. At this time, families will receive a registration packet and deposit information.
3/26/25 Peer Screening and In-Person Registration. All new students will be assigned a timeslot for a preschool screening. Families will be invited for in-person registration to turn in necessary paperwork.
Registration and deposit deadline
🌻Fall Fest & Holiday Showcase Fun!⛄
⭐Early Childhood Advisory Council Meeting ⭐
📣Preschool Staff Shout Out!
Our Amazing OT, Miss Meg
With enormous pleasure and infinite respect, the Early Education Team recognizes Meaghan Zadrozny, AKA “Miss Meg”, for her expertise, talent, and commitment to Marshfield’s youngest learners.
Over her many years as an Occupational Therapist within the Marshfield Public Schools district, Miss Meg has supported students at multiple levels: Early Education, Elementary, Middle, and High School as well as students who attend outside placements. Whether working directly with students, supporting parents, or collaborating with her colleagues, Miss Meg is always respectful, responsive, thoughtful, creative, and 100% committed to developing environments, activities, and strategies to help children achieve their fullest potential.
Miss Meg approaches her students with empathy and humor, embracing them wherever they are in their individual journey of learning. She creates engaging, unique activities that not only help children develop skills but are also fun, based on the child’s interests, and highly motivating. Whenever Miss Meg enters the classroom, ALL of the children clamor to join her activity. And, there have even been tears when it’s time for her to go.
For parents who are navigating the world of special education for the first time, Miss Meg is a knowledgeable and patient guide. She provides clear and relatable explanations to help them understand sensory processing and self-regulation. When discussing the challenging behaviors young children can present, Miss Meg is calm and reassuring; she recognizes the struggles parents face and shines a bright light into that tunnel.
As the only OT servicing the Early Education program, Miss Meg manages her caseload and the many varied components of her role with grace and flexibility. Even when she is swimming in evaluations, reports, IEPs, and paperwork she always makes time to collaborate with her colleagues and never hesitates to add “one more thing” to her plate to support others.
The Early Education Team feels exceedingly lucky and honored to count Miss Meg as our colleague, Team member, and friend. And, the littlest students of Marshfield could not ask for a more dedicated advocate or skilled therapist to support them as they begin their journey in school.
Courtney Coutts, Director of Early Childhood
Email: ccoutts@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org/o/ece
Text/phone: 781-834-5048