The Patton Post
Friday, October 7th

Principal's Message
Friday, October 7th
Thank you all who signed up for conferences! Signups are open until Tuesday, October 18th so you still have time to do so.
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA sponsored Movie Night last Friday night! It was a perfect evening for an outdoor movie and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
We had another successful Fire Drill on Thursday and, again, our Panthers handled it amazingly and behaved impeccably.
It was so wonderful to see so many people walking to school on National Walk to School day on Thursday - thank you to all those who came out the evening before to "chalk the walk" as well! It's always so wonderful to be greeted with such lovely messages on a morning!
Ellie Chin
Picture Retake Day - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7th
If you forgot to order photos please don't worry! When you receive your proof, there will be information provided regarding how to order the photos.
Thursday, October 20th & Friday, October 21st
You will have received an email with a SignUp Genius Link on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. Conferences will run 8:15am - 7:45pm on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th and 8:15 - 11:45am on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st.
Please remember: There will be NO SCHOOL on these days.
The SignUp link is provided below should you need it.
Health Forms are Due by October 15th
As stated last week, the state of Illinois requires all incoming Kindergartners and new students to Arlington Heights School District 25 to provide an updated physical, immunization record and an eye exam by October 15, 2022.
If you need guidance on the religious/medical exemption process regarding immunizations please reach out to me at lpecora@sd25.org or via phone at 847 398-4288.
Please note that students will be excluded from school on Monday, October 17th if these forms are not received by the 15th of October.
Thanks very much!
Nurse Lauren
Calling all 4th and 5th Graders! MATH CLUB IS HERE!
Math Club meets the last Wednesday of each month during lunch recess. Participating students will eat during FIRST shift! Please see the attached flyer for more information!
Also this year, any interested 4th and 5th grade students will have the opportunity to take part in the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) Grade School Mathematics Contest (information attached).
These forms have also been sent home via backpack mail so be sure to check your child/ren's folders.
Hurricane Ian Relief Fundraiser
PAJAMA DAY - Friday, October 14th
On Friday, October 14th, the Patton Student Council is sponsoring a fundraiser to lend support to those who are victims of Hurricane Ian. Bring in $2 (more or less as you see fit) and wear your comfy PJs for the day! Let’s show our Patton Spirit and help those in need!
Barb Donahue, our school Social Worker, provides group experiences for children whose families are currently in transition. Transitions can include divorce, separation, remarriage or step-family situations. If you think this might appeal to you and your family please read this letter and reach out to Barb with any questions you may have, either via email bdonahue@sd25.org or her confidential voicemail service at 847-506-5927.
The PTA will be running a book fair during Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday 20th (9-8pm) and Friday 21st October (9-12pm). This year they are also offering an online pre-sale (see information below) Please click the blue button underneath the flyer to access the pre-sale.
4th and 5th Grade Homework Club
Have your 4th or 5th grader stay after school on (most) Tuesdays in room 255!
Mr. Morkert will provide a quiet space where kids can work on assignments, read,
or get extra help. If interested, you must sign up using the link below (space is limited to 12). Please be sure to include your child's name when you sign them up and note whether you will pick up your child or if they can walk home. CAP kids welcome as well. Please contact Mr. Morkert for any questions (tmorkert@sd25.org).
Monday, October 10th - Indigenous People's Day
Pre-ordering for apples and donuts for this event has finished but there will be limited extras of everything available to purchase on the day. Please remember that parking lot pick-up procedures will still be in action at the start of this event. Children must also be accompanied by an adult for this event.
In Need of Warm Clothes?
As the seasons change and the weather gets a bit chillier, please know that we have a selection of coats/hats/gloves etc, available for families in need. Please reach out to Barb Donahue, our school social worker's confidential email bdonahue@sd25.org for more information or to request assistance.
Lost and Found
You know the Lost and Found is FULL when you have to take TWO photos to get it all in! :) Please do have your child come and have a look through this collection. All Lost and Found items will also be displayed at Parent/Teacher Conferences so please take some time to take a look when you come in for your child's/children's conferences.
Anything not collected after Parent/Teacher conferences will be donated to Goodwill.
Recognize a Staff Member - Give a Pat on the Back to a Patton Staff Member
Patton teachers and staff work so hard to support our students on a daily basis. We invite you to fill out this google form if you would like to recognize a staff member or a team for their hard work. We will pass on the good news to them. Thank you in advance for sending an encouraging word as we know it will mean so much to our staff.
FRI. OCT 14th: PTA Sponsored Pumpkin Patch
THURS. & FRI. OCT 20th & 21st: Parent/Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AHSD25