News from Centennial Middle School
Friday, November 8th
Centennial Middle School
Website: www.isd12.org/cms
Location: 399 Elm Street, Lino Lakes, MN, USA
Phone: 763-792-5400
Week at a Glance
Monday, November 11th: A Day
- Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 12th: B Day
- MS Conferences (in-person), 4:00-7:30 pm
Wednesday, November 13th: A Day
Thursday, November 14th: B Day
- MS Conferences (virtual), 4:00-7:30 pm
Friday, November 15th: A Day
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- Tuesday, November 19th: 8th Grade Choir Concert w/ CHS, 6 pm, MS Auditorium
- Thursday, November 21st: 6th and 7th Grade Choir Concerts w/ CHS, 6 pm & 7 pm, Auditorium
Message from the Principal
At Centennial Middle School we work with a program called Character Strong. Students are exposed to the Character Strong curriculum through their MDS classes. This week we participated in a Character Dare as a school, where students were encouraged to introduce one person they know to another person they don't know. MDS teachers gave tickets to students who completed the dare. Tickets will then be drawn and announced on Monday and student winners will receive prizes.
Please take some time as a family to discuss with your children the anti-bullying curriculum we are covering in school. A few tips that students can use if they are being bullied or to support a peer who is being bullied can be found here.
Buy a Lanyard and Help H2O for Life!
CMS Student Council is kicking off our 18th annual H20 for Life fundraiser next week by selling lanyards with sleeves for ID cards! All profits will go to H20 for Life! The lanyards are $3 each and will be sold during lunches Wednesday, November 16th--Friday, November 18th and the following Tuesdays in November.
This is a fun way to have your students support a great outreach to students in other countries who need clean water so they can attend school... with an added bonus of helping your child have their lanyards at lunch!
We have raised $71, 202 for H2O for Life over the past 17 years; and we are excited to continue this long-standing service project by selling lanyards! Thank you for joining us!
CMS Student Council
Mid-Semester Report Cards Available Now
Grading Message
Mid-Semester report cards are now available to view and print via Campus Portal.
Log in to your parent Campus Portal account:
Web version: On the left side bar, select “Documents.” Select “Middle School Report Card” to view and print.
App: Select the three bars in the upper left. Select “Documents.” Select “Middle School Report Card” to view and print.
If you have trouble accessing the report card, feel free to contact Tammy Larsen at tlarsen@isd12.org. If you do not have a Parent Portal account or internet access, please email Tammy to request a printed copy of your student’s report card.
Fall Conference Sign-up Information
Conferences at Centennial Middle School are coming up on Tuesday, November 12th & Thursday, November 14th from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm. We will be offering the option of in-person conferences at CMS or virtual conferences via Google Meet. Please see the information below for details and how you can sign up for conferences.
Please be aware of the following when you sign up for conferences:
- Conferences on Tuesday, November 12th are in-person conferences at CMS. You will conference with staff in their classrooms. There is no option for virtual conferences on Tuesday, November 12th..
- Conferences on Thursday, November 14th are virtual conferences via Google Meet. There is no option for in-person conferences on Thursday, November 14th. If you want to attend an in-person conference at CMS, you will need to sign up for a conference on Tuesday, November 12th.
- CMS is using MyConferenceTime as the platform for signing up for conferences.
- Each conference is scheduled for five minutes. Thank you in advance for waiting to join the meeting or waiting in the hall until your scheduled conference time.
- You can choose to view multiple teacher schedules at the same time. See the link below for help with scheduling.
- You do not need to conference with all your child’s/children’s teachers – only those you would like to.
- Once you have signed up for conferences, you will receive an email confirmation. Your confirmation email will contain a link to the Google Meet. Note: You will only need this if you are joining virtually on Thursday, November 14th.
All questions regarding conferences and the sign-up process should be directed to Sara Verke at sverke@isd12.org or 763-792-5413.
Conference Sign-Up Links:
6th Grade - 6th grade
7th Grade - 7th grade
8th Grade - 8th grade
ELL, Special Education Teachers and Therapists - ELL, Special Educations and Therapists
Specialists - Specialist
MyConferenceTime: Schedule List - Centennial Middle School MN MyConferenceTime
Helpful Links:
Help with signing up: https://www.myconferencetime.com/info/help/video-how-to-sign-up/
Canceling a conference: https://myconferencetime.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/48000236886-cancel-a-registration
Donations for Staff Conference Meal
In-person conferences will be held at the Middle School on Tuesday, November 12th from 4:00-7:30 pm. Please consider donating so we can host a meal for our teachers after school that day. Donations may be dropped off in the school office any time between 7:30am-2pm on November 12th.
Non-perishable donations may be brought to school November 11th between 7:30am-3pm. Cash donations for pizza should be sent to the school office in an envelope labeled "conference meal."
*To ease with cleanup, we encourage donations be provided in disposable containers that do not need to be returned. If you do need to pick up your container afterwards, please clearly label it with your name.
Thank you for considering donating to our amazing staff here at CMS!
Help! Lost and Found is Overflowing!
Lost and found items are always on display in the back hallway, on the first floor, in the 7th grade area. If your child is missing something, please remind them to check out the overflowing displays before school, on their way to lunch, during MDS, or after school. You may want to check the lost and found display yourself next week if you’re visiting school for a parent-teacher conference. Unclaimed lost and found items will be donated to a local charity in mid-November.
As always, small and valuable items that have been turned in, such as cell phones, jewelry, and keys, are always kept in the main office until claimed.
Yearbook News!
Order your 2024-25 CMS Yearbook before the price goes up! There are three ways to order! Go to jostens.com/backtoschool, scan the QR code, or call 1-877-767-5217.
Do you want to show how proud you are of your student?
Take out an ad in the yearbook! You could do a baby picture, a recent picture, or a nice letter celebrating your student! Use the QR code, the phone number, or the website to get started. All ads must be in before November 27th to be printed in the yearbook!
Help! We need your summer pictures for the yearbook! Please send in pictures of your middle school child enjoying summer fun and sports by February 1st. Click here to submit.
We are looking for great fall or winter sports and activity photos for the yearbook! Please upload one or two photos of your student enjoying a fall/winter sport or participating in a fall/winter activity. All photos must be in by February 1st in order to be in the yearbook. Click here to upload your photos.
Reporting Student Absences
Student absence requests are submitted through Campus Parent Portal. An “Attendance Request” link is also found on the Parent Hub of the school website for easy access to the Portal and resources to assist.
The direct link can be found here: Campus Attendance Reporting
Helpful links: Parent Portal Login Assistance
For attendance reporting questions, please email Sara Verke at sverke@isd12.org.
District News
American Indian Education Parent Committee meeting
Mark your calendar for the upcoming American Indian Education Parent Committee meeting on November 13. The meeting will be held at Centennial High School, Room 435 from 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
CMS Theatre Department in Participation with Community Education, Presents:
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow – A Middle School Mystery"
Performances will be held at the Centennial Middle School Auditorium on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8 at 7:00 .pm., and on Saturday, November 9 at 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Ticket information can be found here.
Community Education
It’s almost here! The Winter Activity Guide will open for registration on Wednesday, December 4 at 8 am. Look for offerings for middle-schoolers for winter and early spring, including:
- Middle School Archery
- Middle School Cougar Strength
- Middle School Girls Who Code
- Middle School Spring Musical: Matilda Jr.
- Middle School Chess Club
- Middle School Tennis and more!
Here’s what’s happening soon:
Nov. 24- Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. 6)
Dec. 2- Cookies and Canvas (gr. 6-8)
Dec. 3- Middle School Cougar Strength (gr. 7-8)
Dec. 5- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+)
Dec. 9- Middle School Speech Team (gr. 6-8)
Dec. 14- Centennial Ski/Snowboard Club (gr. 6-12)
Go online to view all activities and to register: www.isd12.org/community-education.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack!
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Contest for 6th Grade Students
"Mayor for a Day" Essay Contest for 6th Grade Students Only
The League of Minnesota Cities is once again encouraging our state’s 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to share ideas about how they would make cities better through submitting essays in the League’s “Mayor for a Day” essay contest.
Contest information can be found at www.lmc.org/mayorforaday. Three winning students will be chosen from among submitted entries. Each winning student will receive $100 and will have their essay published in a future issue of Minnesota Cities magazine.
Centennial Resource Locker
The Centennial School District has compiled a wide variety of resources for our students, families, and greater community. These resources include mental health, learning and enrichment, services specific to our aging population, crisis, where to find economic assistance and much, much more. You can find these resources on our district website here.
Centennial Cougar Fan Gear!
Browse Centennial Cougar gear for men, women, kids and even must-have accessories online!
24/7 Free Academic Support for Students in Grade 6-12
Centennial School District has partnered with Paper to provide free, 24/7 access to 1-on-1 tutoring and writing support for students in grade 6-12. Through federal relief funds, we are able to provide additional academic support for students. Students can access this online tutor via the chat function. The app is available on student Chromebooks. For more information about Paper, click here.