Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
November 28, 2023
🗓️ Important Dates
November 28: Giving Tuesday
November 29: High School Placement Test (8th Grade) & Science/History Fair Projects Due
November 30: Science/History Fair, 6:30pm
December 1: First Friday Mass, 8:30am, hosted by 4th grade & Pep Rally
December 2: Jingle Bell Fun Run at SMR, 8am
December 3: Advent Begins
December 4: Field Trip, grades 3 & 4
December 7: Christmas Pageant & Cookie Walk, 6:30pm
December 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass, 8:30am & Santa Shop
December 11: Picture Day Make-ups
December 13: Progress Reports Posted on Portal (grades 4-8) & Sacrament of Reconciliation
December 15: NJHS Induction Ceremony & Middle School Monthly Activity
December 19: Early Dismissal, 12:30pm
December 20 - January 1: No School - Christmas Break
January 2: School Resumes
FAW Thanksgiving Luncheon Thank You
We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming over 500 guests to our Thanksgiving Luncheon. It was a delicious feast with all the trimmings and great fellowship for all! Thank you to Sabrina Jarboe and her team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to bring back this beloved tradition!
Today is Giving Tuesday!
It’s #GivingTuesday! This is a nationally celebrated day devoted to giving back. We hope you will consider donating to our amazing school! By donating to Father Andrew White School, you are supporting the vital programs and the overall accessibility of a Catholic education for our young people. To make a tax-deductible contribution to our school, please visit here: or feel free to send cash or a check to the office if you prefer. Thank you for your generosity and prayerful support!
Greenery Sale Pickup
Thank you to all who ordered poinsettias, wreaths, and Christmas cactuses! Please plan to pick up your orders tomorrow at the St. Aloysius Church Hall, Wednesday, November 29th between 5:30 – 7pm or Thursday, November 30th between 7:30 – 8:15am or 2 – 3pm.
Science and History Fair
Our Science and History Fair will be held this Thursday, November 30th with doors opening at 6:30pm. Awards will be announced at 7pm. We hope you can attend this wonderful event showcasing amazing projects by our students!
During school hours on Friday, December 8th, our children will be able to experience the joy of choosing their own Christmas presents for family members and pets. This year Santa Shop will be held in the St. Aloysius Church Hall and your children will be able to select from an inventory of pre-purchased gifts for those on their shopping list. Gifts will be set up on tables and displayed by category (Moms, Grandmas, Dads, Grandpas, Brothers, Sisters, and Pets). Your child(ren) should have received a money control envelope where they will be able to list the names of the people they are shopping for and how many gifts they are buying. Each gift is $3. Please return the envelope with payment for the gifts by this Friday, December 1st. Parent volunteers will assist the children during their shopping experience and gifts will come home wrapped and ready to be placed under the tree!! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Linda Greer at
Please return your Santa Shop envelopes!
Used Uniform Pop Up Event!
This Friday, December 1st we will have a used uniform pop up event from 3 - 4:30pm in the Gym. Thank you for donating your clean, used uniforms in excellent condition.
UMD Xfinity SMYBL Basketball Event
All are invited to attend this year's University of Maryland/ SMYBL Basketball event on January 6th, 2024! For those who are not familiar with the event- select FAW Varsity players on the boys and girls basketball teams will be invited to play at the Xfinity Center on the campus of UMD before the #20 ranked UMD Lady Terrapins game! The FAW Cheer team will be participating as well! We encourage all FAW players/ students/ supporters to attend and cheer on our teams!
Please see the attached flyer and game day itinerary for details regarding this year's event! Please return your RSVP order form as soon as possible. All forms/ payments will be due by this Friday, December 1st. Please return all forms/ payments directly to the school office. Each ticket ($20/ticket) will be good for: SMYBL Basketball game/ FAW Cheerleading event, Lady Terrapins vs. Purdue game and a t-shirt!
Register for the Fun Run!
Our Jingle Bell Fun Run is scheduled for this Saturday, December 2nd from 8am - 12 noon at St. Mary’s Ryken High School.
Hang out with friends - new and old - and enjoy the festive tunes to put you in the holiday spirit! We are so excited to see you at this event! Participants of all kinds are welcome - walkers and/or runners - the more, the merrier! There will be a hot chocolate bar and cookies for your enjoyment. Awards will be given for the most festive outfits. Be sure to say hi to Santa at the finish line!
RaiseRight Gift Cards for Sale!
Christmas is right around the corner! If you would like to order gift cards, please see the links below. You are able to order electronic gift cards or you can submit a paper order form (linked below). Physical gift card orders are due by December 7th to ensure delivery by Christmas. For questions, please contact:
Click HERE to read a message from our RaiseRight Gift Card Coordinator, Jessica Casto.
Click HERE to learn more about our Gift Card Program.
For Physical Gift Cards:
Complete and Return the Order Form below by Dec. 7th!
Christmas Pageant 2023
The Christmas Pageant is upon us! The Christmas Pageant 2023 is the students' gift to you, their families. Please join us on Thursday, December 7th at 6:30pm in the school Gym. All students in grades PK-5 should report to their classrooms dressed in their "Christmas Best" promptly at 6:15pm. Any involved Middle School students should report to the Art/Music room at 5:45pm. Christmas Best = dress slacks, sweaters, button-ups, dresses, skirts/blouses. No jeans, graphic Tees, sneakers, or (girls) heels. We look forward to sharing our talents and efforts with you!
🍪 Get your Holiday Munchies at the Christmas Pageant! ☕
Please join us for the annual 8th Grade Cookie Walk. It will take place at Father Andrew White on Thursday, December 7th, before and after the Christmas Pageant. Come and sample the homemade cookies baked by the 8th grade class. Half of the money raised will go to support a family from the St. Aloysius Angel Tree and the other half will go towards the end of the year 8th grade trip. We hope to see you all there! Also be sure to stop by the Hot Cocoa station! All proceeds from the Hot Cocoa sale will go to the Missionaries of Charity Sisters.
Save the Date: Make Up Picture Day: December 11, 2023
If your child was absent for our school picture day or would like to retake his/her picture, please mark your calendar for our make up day: December 11, 2023. If your child received photos and would like a retake, you must return the Lifetouch packet of pictures in original condition to the photographer on our Picture Makeup Day.
We are one of the best of the best!
We are happy to report that we are a finalist in the category of Private Schools! Thousands of votes have been counted and we were informed that Father Andrew White School has once again made it to the TOP THREE category.
Win or lose, we are proud to have been voted a finalist in the 2023 Best of the Best– Southern Maryland’s Official Community Choice Awards!
Log Your Volunteer Hours!
Kindly remember to log your volunteer hours today! All FAW families have had accounts created for them, regardless of if you receive the Service Scholarship or not. Only those that receive the Service Scholarship are required to submit their hours; however, it's always nice to see how all of our families volunteer and also to track the amount of hours required to run certain fundraisers. If you did not receive login instructions, please contact the office at To view your approved volunteer hours, enter your email address here and click on the link through your email.
NOTE: Chaperoning field trips does not qualify as volunteer hours for fulfillment of the Service Scholarship.
2024-2025 TADS Tuition Assistance Program
Applications for next year’s Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program are now available. Families may apply online by logging on to
On the top toolbar, hover over “TUITION ASSISTANCE” and then click on the “ARCHDIOCESAN TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM” link at the top of the menu. Any families who think they will need tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year MUST APPLY THROUGH THIS ADW PROGRAM FIRST, before asking for aid from FAW.
The TADS admissions portal is accessible for the 2024-2025 admissions cycle for all archdiocesan elementary schools.
TADS tuition assistance deadline: February 16, 2024
In the human body, a part of the neurological system called the limbic system is responsible for releasing and expressing emotions. In fact, the area of the brain that is active when we are anxious is the same area used when we are grateful. Thus, if we replace worry and anxiety with gratitude, our bodies benefit in many ways. Mentally, it helps us refocus on what we have instead of what we lack. Physiologically, the feel good chemicals dopamine and serotonin are released, and over time, our bodies actually become better able to handle negative emotions when they do arise. Finally, on a spiritual level, nothing can compare to the peace and joy that fills us each time we give praise and thanksgiving to our creator.
Science and History Fair Judges (volunteers) are Needed!
Jingle Bell Fun Run Volunteers Needed
Looking for easy volunteer hours that can be completed on a weekend?! Here is your opportunity! Check out the Jingle Bell Fun Run SignUpGenius to let us know how you can help this Saturday, December 2nd!
Volunteer Opportunity:
🎄 Decorate the School for Christmas 🎄
Do you love to decorate for Christmas? We do too! Come earn volunteer hours by lending a hand to decorate our school this Friday, December 1st from 3 - 4:30pm. Email the office to let us know you are interested!
Volunteer Opportunity:
Sound/AV Expert Needed for Christmas Pageant
Calling any and all sound/AV experts! The Christmas Pageant is coming and we need some help with the sound/AV equipment! FAW will supply the equipment, you supply the know-how! If you have this skill and want to start adding to your volunteer hours, please contact Mrs. Cacko, Thank you so much for your consideration!
Volunteer Opportunity: Landscaping
Do you enjoy landscaping? We are looking for volunteers to assist on our school grounds. Please email Rachel Richards at to let her know you can help.
Volunteer Opportunity Form
Complete this form to show us how you are interested in volunteering this year!
Volunteer Information
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Consider Donating to FAW on Giving Tuesday (today)
❏ Bring in Science/History Fair Projects (Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning)
❏ Pick up Poinsettias and Wreaths Orders (Wednesday & Thursday)
❏ Attend the Science and History Fair (Thursday)
❏ Return Santa Shop Envelopes (by Friday)
❏ Attend the Used Uniform Pop Up Event (Friday)
❏ Sign up for and attend the Jingle Bell Fun Run (Saturday)
❏ Consider Volunteering (see details above for many opportunities)
❏ Apply for Tuition Assistance through the ADW
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
❏ Order Gift Cards (by December 7)
Phone: 301-475-9795