Take Flight 🦅
West Leyden Student Activities

🦅 August 19, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Ms. Gruettner, and I am West Leyden's Student Activities Director. Leyden offers so many opportunities to get involved, including joining clubs, attending special events, participating in spirit days, volunteering in the community, and much more.
West Leyden has over 60 clubs, including: academic, cultural, general interest, honors, music / performing arts, and service. To learn more, visit the West Leyden Clubs page (Leyden webpage > Activities & Arts > Clubs - West) or see a list here. Most clubs will have their first meeting in the next few weeks. You can always check the West Leyden Student Activities calendar or email the club sponsor for more information.
During your lunch period, stop by the Student Activities Office (room 125, located between the Student Cafeteria and the Commons) to say "Hi!" or email me at agruettner@leyden212.org with any questions!
🎮 Top 10 Reasons to Get Involved with After-School Activities 🏋🏻
10. College Admissions
9. Better Mental Health
8. Development of Networking Skills
7. Résumés
6. Essential Life Skills
5. Productive Breaks
4. Social Opportunities
3. Higher Self-Esteem
2. Explore Interests and Broaden Perspectives
1. Improve Academic Performance
💻 FBLA and Snowball Stayed Involved Over the Summer 👏
Five Leyden Eagles joined 13,000 other students from all over the United States in Orlando, Florida, to compete in Future Business Leaders of America's National Leadership Competition. There were 74 different events, and one of our students, Marina Stoyanova, placed 9th in the nation in the cybersecurity competition. Way to go, Marina! Contact Mr. Haworth at mhaworth@leyden212.org to learn how to join FBLA.
🦅 Leyden's Newest Eagle Needs A Name 🦅
In honor of Leyden's 100th anniversary, we have a NEW Eagle mascot and we need YOU to suggest a name for it! The best names will be selected and voted on by Leyden students, faculty, and staff at both campuses. The winning name will be announced at Homecoming!
Click HERE or on the eagle mascot above to submit YOUR most spirited and creative name ideas. Submissions will be accepted until 3:00 pm on August 26th. Goooo, Eagles!
🧭 Leyden's First-Ever Student Activities Fair 🧭
On Thursday, August 29th, and Friday, August 30th, during Eagle Time, you will get the opportunity to visit Leyden's first-ever Student Activities Fair. At the fair, you will be able to learn more about the activities that are offered at West Leyden.
Students who complete the "Adventure Awaits" treasure map (given out during the fair) will be entered into a raffle to win Leyden swag!
🚸 Strive for 95 🚸
We want you HERE! Leyden's new "Strive for 95" campaign offers a lot of cool prizes for students who strive to maintain 90% or higher attendance.
- Monthly raffles to win Leyden clothing, free Homecoming or Prom tickets, Stanley drinking cups, Javaccino dollars, pizza parties for you & your friends, and much more.
- 1/2 off Homecoming tickets
- $20 off Prom tickets (juniors & seniors only)