Tudor Weekly Update
Hat Day at Tudor
Smiling Behind the Mask!
This week Dr. Bishop announced that we will be hopefully starting back to school October 19th. Students will be at school five days a week from 9:30 - 3:00. These are positive changes for our school community, however there many questions left to be answered as we make this transition.
I have been working hard with district leadership and school staff to make sure that we have plans and procedures in place to keep our staff and students safe. The Anchorage School District Website has a great deal of information about the mitigation plans. Please take some time to review the information. I will also be holding weekly Town Hall Meetings via Zoom. These meetings will be a chance for me to answer your questions as well gather your concerns to relay to district administration. The days, times, and zoom links are listed below.
Remember that there is still one month left of first quarter. Teachers are working hard providing daily lessons and instruction. Students need to keep actively engaged by participating in Zoom sessions (or watching the recordings), completing assignments, and submitting work. Teachers are checking daily for participation and will be using that data as well as graded assignments to complete report cards.
Please remember keeping a clear consistent routine for your family will help all students find success. Posted schedules and a distraction free work area will help not only your child, but also the other children in the class. Remind your students that they are on camera so they need to be dressed appropriately for school.
I hope you all have a great week. If you have questions or concerns please call the office at 742-1050.
In Person School - What do we need to know:
Zoom Town Hall: https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
Meeting ID: 533 723 8526
Material Distribution: Please come this week
If you missed it, materials are still available in the front entry way. Look for your teacher's cart.
Materials Distribution Schedule:
- Thursday Oct. 1st: 11am - 7 pm
- Friday Oct. 2nd: 9am - 4pm
6th Grade Band and Orchestra
You may have heard that Fine Arts is indeed starting sixth grade students on band and orchestra instruments (virtually!). There are links in each sixth grade teacher's canvas page and on the Fine Arts website, but I wanted to reach out and provide you directly with a link to get your child signed up, if you have not already had the opportunity. In the link below, there are three blue areas you can check out:
- A short video entitled, "What Will I Play".
- A link entitled Register for 6th Grade Band and Orchestra.
- A link with teacher names for your school.
Nurse Notes
Nurses Notes
Does your child need an Asthma Plan? Allergy Plan? Other Medical Care Plan? Take prescription medication at school? Take over the counter medication at school?
A new plan or form is needed every school year. Students will be back in the school building at some point, so, please get all plans and forms from the doctor as soon as possible. We want everything to be ready for them to have necessary care and treatments at school. Please just send the plans now and bring medications when students are back in the building.
Don't forget to sign the parent section of all forms.
The completed forms can be scanned and emailed to the nurse at : mccall_joy@asdk12.org, sent by fax to the school at 907-742-1066 (call to alert nurse it is coming) or dropped off at the school front desk.
Call the school nurse if you have any questions: 907-742-1051
Joy McCall, RN
Up Coming Events:
- 9/23 - 6:30 Town Hall Mtg. https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
- 9/30 - 6:30 Town Hall Mtg. https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
- 10/1 Materials Distribution 11:00 - 7:00
- 10/1 PTA Mtg 6:00
- 10/1 - 6:30 Town Hall Mtg. https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
- 10/2 Materials Distribution 9:00 - 5:00
- 10/2 Spirit Day - Tie Day (Find a Tie or Make a Tie and Wear it Class)
- 10/14 - 6:30 Town Hall Mtg. https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
- 10/15 Material Collection for Grading
- 10/15 Tie Dye Day (Wear anything with Tie Dye Day)
- 10/16 Material Collection for Grading
- 10/17 No School (Inservice Day)
- 10/19 Tentative First Day of School
- 10/21 Full Day of School (1/2 Day Cancelled)
- 10/22 Full Day of School (1/2 Day Cancelled)
- 10/23 No School (Inservice Day)
- 10/24 - 6:30 Town Hall Mtg. https://asdk12.zoom.us/j/5337238526
- 10/29 PTA “Virtual” Pumpkin Carving and Costume Contest
News from the Library:
Virtual Field Trips are here again and next week we are diving deep! We will be connecting with scientists to learn about Sea Jellies: The Stinging Survivalists at 10:30 (repeat session) and Sharks 4 Kids Biologist, Cailla Strobel at 1:30.
If you are looking for a way to bring learning from the experts into your home, check these out! Here is the link for all the information, upcoming sessions, best age range (as some sessions are repeated but for different ages) and to sign up: https://bit.ly/3mas4Qv. Because safety of students is paramount, we are giving out zoom links via quick registration located on the link above. Happy Learning!