May Newsletter
May 2024
Principal Updates
We are at the point in the school year that brings excitement for the students, parents, and staff. We are in the last few weeks of school which brings field trips, field days, and end of the year programs. I would like to thank all of our parents for a great school year and the opportunity to work with your children. I truly believe we will provide a great finish for all of them in the next few weeks. Here are the important dates for you to add to your calendar:
Preschool Families
Wednesday, May 29- Preschool Graduation- 6:00 PM @ Grace Church- Norton Campus
Thursday, May 30- Preschool Field Day for AM and PM Classes- Columbia Woods Park
Kindergarten Families
Tuesday, May 14- Kindergarten Field Trip- Akron Zoo
Friday, May 17- Kindergarten Field Day- 1:00 PM start time- Front yard at Norton Primary
Tuesday, May 21- Kindergarten End of Year Program @ 6:00 PM in the NHS Performing Arts Center
Staff Appreciation Week May 6 to May 10
Please join PAC in thanking our teachers. Choose a day or two (or five) to participate in showing our teachers just how they're loved and appreciated.
Monday, May 6- They do SMORE than teach! Write a note to tell your special teacher why you appreciate them.
Tuesday, May 7- Camping Survival! Bring your teacher a "survival" tool for their classroom.
Wednesday, May 8- Happy Camper! Make your teachers light up and bring a gift card to their favorite store, restaurant, coffee shop, etc.
Thursday, May 9- Campfire Treats! Bring your teachers favorite treat.
Friday, May 10- Nature is full of Wildflowers! Draw a picture or bring a flower for your teacher!
Show Up and Shine at Norton Primary
One of Norton Primary’s Building Goals for this school year was for the Staff to build an environment that supports learning and is fun for the students, which will increase daily student attendance. Some of the fun activities held throughout the school year were Dance Party Friday’s in the gymnasium, Spirit Weeks with crazy outfits, At-TEN-Dance programs (where at 10 AM we stop what we are doing and dance with DJ Dizzy Doc), and a fun assembly with Parker “Basketball” Jones. Parker “Basketball” Jones shared the importance of “Showing Up and Shining” during the assembly to support daily attendance at school. The Primary Staff would like to thank all of the students and their families for their support this school year. We hope that you had a fantastic time! Let's finish strong by “Showing Up and Shining”.
Kindergarten Field Day- Friday, May 17, 2024
Kindergarten Field Day has been scheduled for Friday, May 17th. This event will be held in the front yard of Norton Primary and will start promptly at 1:00 PM. Your student will compete with their class for an opportunity to become a 2024 Field Day Champion. There will be eight stations of athletic events that will test class speed, strength, agility and stamina. The last event will be a bracket style Tug of War contest that is sure to be entertaining.
The eight events this year are Steal the Gold, Pump and Run, Volley Count, Sponge Relay, Medicine Ball Relay, Bean Bag Toss, The Soccer Kick, and of course, a rest station where students may enjoy a popsicle.
If you would like to come and watch your student participate, you are more than welcome. Please plan to bring a folding chair and cheer on the classes as they compete. We are asking spectators to please stay about 10 feet behind the white lines around the field for your safety and the safety of our students. Please note, parking spots will be limited on the Primary campus and parking at the shopping plaza across the street may provide an additional option.
Field Day will end at 3:00 PM and all students must return to their classrooms to receive their awards. If you would like to take your student with you after the event, you must sign them out in your child’s classroom.
Important Dates
May 6 PAC Meeting @ Norton Elementary School (NES)- Music Room
May 13,15, & 16- Kindergarten End of Year Acadience Assessments
May 13 Committee of the Whole Meeting @ 6:00 PM- Norton Middle School (NMS) Panther Room
May 13 Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 PM- Norton Middle School (NMS) Panther Room
May 14 Kindergarten Field Trip- Akron Zoo
May 17 Kindergarten Field Day- front yard @ 1:00 PM
May 21 Kindergarten Dress Rehearsal 9:30-10:30 AM- Norton High School (NHS) Performing Arts Center
May 21 PAC Flower Fundraiser Pick-up 3:00-6:00 PM @ Grace Church- Norton Campus
May 21 Kindergarten End of Year Performance @ 6:00 PM- Norton High School (NHS) Performing Arts Center
May 27 No School- Memorial Day
May 29 Preschool Graduation @ 6:00 PM- Grace Church Norton Campus
May 30 Preschool Field Day- Columbia Woods
May 30 Student’s Last Day of School- Report Cards will be sent home