Birth to 5 Community Coalition News
August 2024
Are you or someone you know looking for local food pantries?
August Summer Fun Activities
- Suncathers: Suncatchers use natural materials that you can press and seal to enjoy their visual appeal a little longer.
- Rock Painting Ideas: Rock painting has to be one of the most calming yet fun activities to do with your kids! Such painting is a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy together and there are so many great rock painting ideas to try.
- Flower Pot Painting Ideas: Painting is a fun way to add some color or brighten up an otherwise boring pot. These crafty ideas will always spruce up clay pots so your flower pots colorful and unique.
- Sensory Bottles : Making sensory bottles means babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can explore objects that normally are off limits! DIY sensory bottles are easy to make and are a great way of getting older siblings involved in making fun sensory toys for all to enjoy.
NURTURING KINDNESS ...during the summer months!
Teaching our young children to be kind and helpful is so important! To nurture kindness, grownups can try incorporating in-the-moment opportunities into daily routines. Remember to:
CELEBRATE spontaneous acts of helpfulness and kindness
USE kind words and smiles with others
MODEL how to be kind, supportive, and loving by helping others who are in need or having a hard time
- SAY positive things that will make someone feel good rather than sad
- SPEAK to others in a polite way, kind manner (practicing using manners such as "Please and Thank you")
- THINK before saying something about someone and take the time to consider how the other person might feel
- HELP your child understand emotions and feelings
- VALIDATE feelings and emotions
- TALK with your child about the behaviors you see and ask "How would you feel if.....?" when a situation is experienced or observed
Infants: Birth to 1 year
watch faces, and begin learning about facial expressions early in life
- begin to look to their grownups to gauge his/her reaction to a person or situation which helps them understand the world and the people around them
- establish a secure, strong, loving relationship
Toddlers: 1-2 years
- look to their grownups to gauge his/her reaction to a person or situation which helps them understand the world and the people around them
- learn that facial expressions speak for different emotions
- understand that other people have feelings different from our own
- empathize with your child
- talk about others’ feelings
- read stories about feelings and explain why characters may be feeling the emotions
- label and validate your child's big emotions for this shows how you are recognizing his/her feelings and how difficult it is for him/her
- use “I” messages models the importance of self-awareness. It focuses on the feelings of the speaker rather than thoughts/feelings of the listener ("I don’t like it when you hit me. It hurts.")
- use pretend play to experience different emotions
Preschool: 3 to 5 years
- begin to understand their emotions and feelings
- begin to understand emotions and feelings of others
interested in new experiences
cooperate with other children
learn how to negotiate solutions to conflicts
show more independence
- label and validate your child's big emotions since this shows how you are recognizing his/her feelings and how difficult it is for him/her
- use “I” messages models the importance of self-awareness. It focuses on the feelings of the speaker rather than thoughts/feelings of the listener ("I don’t like it when you hit me. It hurts.")
- read stories about feelings and discuss why characters may be feeling the emotions
- use pretend play/role play to experience different emotions and how to resolve conflicts
DuPage County Back to School Fair 2024
Catholic Charities’ Back to School Fairs help prepare children from low-income households for a new school year by providing a variety of services, including free school supplies!
The Back to School Fair will be held as a drive-through.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 (11:00am - 6:00pm)
DuPage County Fairgrounds
2015 Manchester Road
Wheaton, Il
Pre-registration for the Fair is required. Click here to register!
SAVE THE DATE : Let's Play! Fall Fest 2024
SAVE THE DATE for our third annual CCSD93's Let's Play! Fall Fest. Our event is sponsored by the CCSD93's Birth to 5 Community Coalition, CCSD93's Early Childhood Center, and CCSD93's ECC PBIS team. The event will be on Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 10-12 at Heritage Lakes School and is open to our partners and community. Rain date is Sunday, October 27, 2024.
Our event will include "trunk or treat", face painting, music, story times, pumpkin patch and so much more!
More information to be shared in the coming months!
"Play and Learn With Me From Birth to 3" playgroups are returning in the fall 2024
Monthly playdates and networking opportunities for children birth to 3 and their grownups will be continuing for the 20024-25 school year! The playdates will be monthly on Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30 at the CCSD93's Early Childhood Center.
Playdate dates: 9-20, 10-18, 11-15, 12-20, 1-17, 2-14, 3-14, 4-11.
Eventbrite link for registration www.ccsd93.com/Birthto3LearnandPlay
Have A Child Between The Ages of 2 and 5?
Please contact the CCSD93's Early Childhood Center (630-307-3750) at any time to discuss how we can work together to support your children and your family.
We can:
monitor your infant or toddler’s growth and development in your own home
answer your questions about available birth to 3 screenings and 3 to 5 year old preschool screenings
answer questions about development and available resources
share upcoming coalition events and support groups
What is the CCSD93 Birth to 5 Community Coalition?
As a Birth to 5 Community Coalition, Community Consolidated School District 93 (CCSD93) , in partnership with many community agencies and businesses, strive to work with children and families from birth to five to improve each child's school readiness. We focus on the needs of the “whole child”. To that end, our coalition partners work together to identify the supports and services available in our community that speak to a child’s needs or the needs as a family. Priority is given to families who may experience barriers related to language, income level, limited or low level literacy skills, limited access to transportation, or unfamiliarity with processes related to accessing social/community services. I
If you would like to learn more about the Coalition or our outreach events, please feel free to call us, visit our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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