Blue Ash Elementary Weekly News

Principal's Message
Dear Blue Ash Families,
Happy February! It’s hard to believe how quickly the school year is flying by. I hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying the start of the new month.
We are excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 12th. We want to thank our families for their support with classroom celebrations and please see information from your child's teacher about items that are acceptable to send in for this party.
Looking ahead, students will not be in attendance from February 13th - February 17th. Our staff will engage in professional development days and we are observing President's Day on February 17th. We hope you enjoy this time off with your family.
Our newsletter this week contains many reminders for next year. Please take time to review all information and don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need support. We hope you have enjoyed the warmer weather this weekend and we will see you tomorrow for a new week!
Warm regards,
Specials Schedule: Week of February 3rd
Blue Ash Calendar
Upcoming Events...
February 3rd ~ AM/PM 101 Dalmatian Rehearsals
February 5th ~ PTO Night Owl Meeting 7 pm
February 7th ~ PBIS T - shirt day!
February 10th ~ AM/PM 101 Dalmatian Rehearsals
February 13th ~ Prof. Dev. Day - No School
February 14th ~ Prof. Dev. Day - No School
February 17th ~ Presidents Day - No School
February 18th ~ PM Dalmatian Rehearsal
February 19th ~ AM Dalmatian Rehearsal
February 24th ~ AM/PM Dalmatian Rehearsals
March 3rd ~ Author Visit Loren Long *Info below*
4th Grade Greene Counselor Visit: February 4th
Hello 4th Grade Parents!
We are looking forward to welcoming your students to our building next year! In preparation for the transition, next week we will be visiting your student's class to meet them and review their specials choices for 5th grade. They will be viewing this video as well! Feel free to talk with your child about the options and their choices. In March we will be uploading their specials choices to the eBackpack in parent portal so you can double check and alert us to changes if needed.
Go Aves!
Mrs. Morelli & Mrs. Rose - E.H. Greene School counselors
Sign up HERE
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be held January 13-February 10, 2025. As a reminder, children must be 5 years old by September 30, 2025.
We are still updating our website with new information regarding the process. Please check back in early December for the latest information.
Do you have a child who will be starting preschool or kindergarten in the Fall 2025? Sign up now to receive information and updates about registration!
Dear Families,
People have created a variety of tools to help them get things done. Some of these tools make work easier, some save time, and some do both. Some tools are used to create works of art and some tools are used to build. This week, children will explore tools people use for both work and play.
This week’s Family Connections activities can be found at:
This week’s storybook, “Simple Machines” can be found at:
Looking forward to an exciting week!
The Preschool Team
A reminder to our RETURNING preschool families: Please remember to bring in your Tuition Agreement Form and your deposit of $450.00 to Symmes Elementary, to hold your spot for the 25/26 school year! This fee can not be paid on-line! If you have any questions, please email Joanie at or call her at 513-686-1740, ext. 1856.
101 Dalmatians Information
AM Cast: Rehearsals will start at 8am on Mondays January 13. Please drop your child off at the gym door (door 9) in the back of the building where car drop off typically occurs. The students will enter the gym through these doors where rehearsals will take place. We will dismiss them to class at 9am.
PM Cast: Rehearsals will start immediately after school at 4pm on Monday January 13 in the gym. Students are to go immediately to the gym once dismissed from class. At 5pm- You must come to the main entrance to pick up your child and we will release them to you, we will not send any children outside without a parent present. We will bring them to the main entrance after rehearsal, no need to come into the school. Please do not park in the roundabout to pick up your child, this may cause delays and back ups, we ask that you kindly park in the main lot and walk to the front door to pick up your child.
Rehearsals Dates are as followings: 1/13,1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24
PM cast dress rehearsal is March 3rd after school 4 pm - 6pm
AM cast dress rehearsal is March 4th AFTER school from 4 pm - 6pm
3/10 Showtimes-5:30pm- 6:15pm- AM Cast, 6:45-7:30pm- PM cast
Sycamore Youth Sports
PaySchools for Online Payments
Sycamore Schools has officially transitioned to PaySchools for academic fees, fines, and school meals. You will need to create a log-in during your first visit. PaySchools will allow you to pay for items such as AP test fees, classroom fees, summer school tuition, as well as school meals. Athletic fees should be paid through Final Forms.
Our old online payment system through Parent Portal no longer exists. If you need help with your PaySchools account, check out the PaySchools user guide on our Online Payments page.
District and Activity Flyers
All district-approved flyers will be listed on Sycamore Schools' website instead of in our weekly newsletters. This will help condense our newsletters to important school information. If you are still interested in viewing community flyers about events and activities for students, please click here: LINK