Parent Newsletter #5: 8/30/24
Highlander News from the Principal's Office
About Piedmont High School
Website: https://phs.piedmont.k12.ca.us/
Location: 800 Magnolia Ave, Piedmont, CA 94611
Phone: (510) 594-2626
Instagram: @piedmonthigh
Principal: Dr. Yoshihara
Assistant Principal: Mr. Marik
From the Desk of Your Principal
Dear Highlander Families,
Week three and we are in the groove. Learning is happening at a brisk pace. Extracurriculars are full steam ahead, and I'm learning more student names every day. One of my favorite activities is holding the door open for students. Mr. Marik and I have an internal wager going that we hope to learn the name of every student that passes through the doors we hold open by the end of the year. It's a long shot, but I like long shots.
I enjoy meeting all your children, learning what their passions are, their "topic of the day", and how we can be better together. Week 4 ushers us into September after the long weekend. I hope all our families have enjoyed the ride thus far as we look forward to the last days of summer and the autumnal equinox.
Thanks to all who participated in my one-question poll last week. While a few folks said "they weren't awake yet", the overwhelming majority said to bring the music on! So that's the plan. The students will be treated with righteous "Dad music". I'd also like to invite students to submit their playlist to me, and I'd be happy to feature it on Music Mondays. I think so much can be expressed through music as it is a universal language.
I'll see many of you at Friday Night Lights as our Highlanders take on Salesian.
Dr. Yoshihara
Important Dates
September 2: Labor Day Holiday. No school.
September 3: Booster's Meeting from 7-9 pm in the Student Center
September 5: Back to School Night from 7-9 pm. 6:30 optional start in the Alan Harvey Theater
September 6: Class of '25 Senior Fest
Bell Schedule: Fourth Week of School
Regular bell schedule on Tuesday and Wednesday. Link can be found here. Please bookmark as this will be removed in the next newsletter.
Thursday 9/5/24
Period 1 - 8:30 AM - 9:50 AM
Passing - 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM
Period 3 - 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Brunch - 11:20 AM - 11:25 AM
Passing - 11:25 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 5 - 11:35 AM - 12:55 PM
Lunch - 12:55 PM - 1:25 PM
Please note there is no period 7.
Friday 8/31/24
Period 2 - 8:30 AM - 9:50 AM
Passing - 9:50 AM - 10:00 AM
Period 4 - 10:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Brunch - 11:20 AM - 11:25 AM
Passing - 11:25 AM - 11:35 AM
Period 6 - 11:35 AM - 12:55 PM
Lunch - 12:55 PM - 1:25 PM
Passing - 1:25 PM - 1:35 PM
Period 7 - 1:35 PM - 2:55 PM
Please note there is no Academy.
Academy Schedule
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
This is Academic Support Academy. Use FlexiSched to schedule time with a teacher for academic support. This could be to review for an upcoming assessment, ask questions about homework or to make up a recent class task or activity. Students will also fill out a paper version of their schedule for Back To School Night and bring it home for you to use Thursday evening. You can also download and print the blank BTSN Student Schedule.
Friday, September 6, 2024
There is no academy scheduled today to accomodate a special class schedule as a result of a shorter school schedule in preparation for Thursday night's Back To School Night.
Back To School Night
The schedule for Back To School Night will be as follows:
6:30-6:50: Informational Session in the Alan Harvey Theater (Optional)
6:50-7:05: Passing
7:05-7:15: Period 1
7:20-7:30: Period 2
7:35-7:45: Period 3
7:50-8:00: Period 4
8:05-8:15: Period 5
8:20-8:30: Period 6
8:35-8:45: Period 7
We ask that you please be respectful of our teacher's time as they only have 10 minutes each period and have to get prepared for the next session rather quickly. You should all have access to their emails if you need to follow up on any issues related to your child.
We will students and staff around campus to provide directions. Any parent/guardian that needs access to the elevators, please check into the office, and we'll provide you a key for use in our multi-story buildings.
From our Parents Club:
We are super excited to be hosting the first Teacher & Staff Appreciation Luncheon of the year, which will be held on Friday, September 6th. This is a welcomed event after a long evening of back to school night, the night before! Please help us make this luncheon a success for our wonderful teachers and staff by signing up here to donate food and drink items!
The PHS hospitality team
Highlander of the Week
I am excited to introduce what hopefully is a new section of the Parent Newsletter--our Highlander of the Week. These are students chosen by teachers for characteristics they determine. I then speak to the students to learn what our teachers already know--how amazing they are. Our first student was chosen on the basis of Positively Contributing to Classroom Culture. Please take a moment to learn a bit more about Andson Zhou.
- So far this year, what has been your most memorable experience? My most memorable experience was in Acting 1 when we began to craft our first scenes based on simple concepts.
- If you were to describe PHS to someone who is thinking about coming, what would you say to them? I want to say that it has a “vibe” to it, you either recognize and enjoy the atmosphere, or just feel slightly off.
- If you were in charge at PHS, what is one action you might take to make it better? I would decorate the campus buildings a bit more, they, unfortunately, feel very bland, very colorless with little to distinguish between them other than size and location, while it is a very poignant and simple design, it lacks in identity.
- What is your favorite word? Aesthetic, it’s simply just that, an aesthetic word.
- What is your favorite song? “Bewildering Heart I”. It simply just captures the essence of spirit and “fight” in my opinion.
- What is your favorite food? I like Egg waffles (also called egg puffs). They're crunchy and slightly sweet with a nice shell.
- Can you share a photo of something from your summer and why it is special to you? In this photo some friends that I had just met at a summer camp 2 weeks ago, finished a horrifying escape room. It’s so special to me because it really did feel like the capstone of our experience. Where I went this summer, they take escape rooms to a crazy level, especially in horror escape rooms where there’s a massive difficulty spike, and just the feeling of on the last day I had gotten to know these people who were foreign to me, enough to the point where together we could finish an escape room together was just magical. (faces are censored to respect privacy)
Parenting Class
Feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of parenting? Piedmont Adult School is offering "Parenting with Positive Discipline," a six-week class for parents of children of all ages. Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., starting October 2 through November 6 (no class on October 16).
Led by experienced instructor Lisa Fuller, this course covers practical strategies for empowering children, alternatives to traditional timeouts, setting effective limits, and more.
Register now at piedmontadultschool.org or call 510-594-2655.
College & Career
Read this week's C&CC newsletter
Visit the C&CC web pages to schedule an appointments with Ms. M-L, access college or career resources or view the college visits schedule.
The following colleges will be visiting next week:
Tuesday, September 3
9:15 am: Purdue University-Main Campus
2:15 pm: High Point University
3:00 pm: The George Washington University
Wednesday, September 4
8:30 am: University of San Francisco
10:00 am: Oregon State University
1:30 pm: Indiana University-Bloomington
2:15 pm: University of Chicago
Counseling Corner
Class of 2028! The counselors will be having a 15-minute introduction meeting with all 9th graders between Tuesday, Sept. 3 -Friday, Sept. 20. Students will be in person and parents/ guardians will join the meeting by google meet. During this meeting, we will introduce ourselves, explain our role, and begin to get to know your student. We will share with them school resources, extra curricular opportunities and provide information about aspects of high school life. Students may need to miss part of a class and will be responsible for any missed content. If students have any exams, they should schedule the appointment around this.
Step 1- Students sign up for a meeting using your counselor’s calendly link below between Tuesday 9/3/24 - Friday 9/20/24.
Ms. Carlson (Last Name first letter A - G) calendly.com/acarlson_phscounselor
Mr. Hartford (Last Name first letter H - O) calendly.com/hartfordcounselor
Ms. Hoang (Last Name first letter P - Z) calendly.com/mhoang-piedmont
Step 2 - Find the best time and students will enter their email to book the appointment time.
Step 3 - Your student's counselor will then provide a google meet link to the parent/ guardian before the meeting time.
Please watch your email to receive the invite. We look forward to meeting you and working with your freshman student!!
PreACT & PSAT Registration
Registration for the PreACT and PSAT exams is now open!
- The PreACT will be held at PHS on Saturday, Oct 19, 2024
- The PSAT will be held at PHS on Saturday, Oct 26, 2024
It is easy to register. Log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and click on the "School Store". Then select and pay for the tests you would like to take. Once payment is received, your student will be registered for the exam(s). The cost per exam is $35.00 (which covers the cost of the exam and proctor fees). The registration deadline is Friday, September 6. Students will receive more detailed information about the exam administration as we approach the exam dates. There are no additional PreACT or PSAT exam dates planned for this school year. The PSAT is for 10th and 11th grade students. If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Low at dlow@piedmont.k12.ca.us.
SAT Test Coming to PHS
With some of the recent changes in posture with colleges, we realize there is an increased need for students to take the SAT and ACT tests. We also realize that some students are having to travel considerable distance to take this test, which can pose a hardship for our families. We are working closely with our Parent Club at finding solutions to ease this burden.
At this point, we are planning to host the SAT test on our campus, for our students, on a non-student weekday in the spring--likely in the month of March. The ordering process will be similar to the PSAT and done through the school store in Infinite Campus.
We will need parent support to assist with the proctoring since this will be a non-teaching day. The College Board provides an easier on ramp than ACT hence our desire to begin with offering this test to our families first. Again, our plan at this point is to offer the SAT, geared towards our juniors (although any student can take it) sometime in the spring. More information will follow as many details are still to be worked out. Thanks to our families for supporting the college-going culture and stay tuned.
Piedmont Parent Network
The Piedmont Parent Network is inviting interested families to join. You may get more information by visiting this link.
PHS Code of Conduct
Did you know that PHS has a Code of Conduct? This is particularly important if your child participates in extracurricular activities. It is listed on page 22 of the Student Planner. It states that violations of the Code of Conduct may result in ineligibility for extracurricular activities. Last week, I highlighted regular attendance. This week, I will highlight academic integrity.
Harvest Festival
This year’s Harvest Festival will be in Piedmont Park on Sunday, September 22nd from 11:00am - 3:00pm. The Harvest Festival is a long-standing tradition in Piedmont where families can gather to enjoy a cooking contest, art show, carnival, jazz festival, farmer’s market, scarecrows, and more! All proceeds from the scarecrow, silent auction, and carnival are directed by the Piedmont Education Foundation to the tri-schools (Havens, Beach, and Wildwood). Last year’s festivities raised $12K to help fund phonics, technology, and positive playground culture initiatives at all three elementary schools. Excited to see you there!
Volunteer for the Festival (Day of): The Piedmont Education Foundation can use lots of hands for set-up, running carnival games, clean-up, and more – middle and high schoolers are encouraged to join in. Sign up below:
- Adult Sign-up
- Student Sign-up (middle and high schoolers)
2024-25 PHS Yearbook
If you haven't purchased a yearbook yet, you can still buy one using this link.
First Day Photos? Summer Break Photos? Please share them with the yearbook staff. You can email them in .jpg format to piedmonthighyearbook@gmail.com (please include student name(s) and year) or upload them to this google form. Thanks in advance for sharing your photos!
Senior Families: Please take a look at this document for all the information about the yearbook senior section. You must take your senior portrait by December 21st! Studio One will be on campus Dec. 3rd & 4th to take portraits, or you can make an appointment at their studio. Check your email for sign up links.
You can also submit your photos for the senior section (baby photos, senior/sibling photos) -- deadline is November 8th! If you would like to place a Senior Recognition Ad honoring your senior, please find all the information you need on this flier: Senior Recognition Ad 2025 Discount pricing applies until 10/31/24.
Any questions about yearbook stuff? Please email Melanie McCauley, PHS Yearbook Adviser at mmccauley@piedmont.k12.ca.us
Some Great Fall Deals
The Berkeley Playhouse is offering discounted tickets to their upcoming performance of The Prom. Please check out the attachment if you would like to support local theater.
The San Jose Earthquakes, the major league soccer team here in the Bay Area has an exciting offer for our Back-to-School Night on August 31st vs Minnesota United FC at 7:30pm! Tickets are being offered at a discounted rate of $31.43 (complete price, all fees included), and an Earthquakes themed drawstring bag will be included with each ticket, so your students can head back to school in style! If you would like to take advantage of this offer please visit this link.
Road to Graduation
Week 3 is now behind us and many important dates are coming for seniors. Please bookmark the Road to Graduation document as it will soon be removed from the weekly parent newsletter. This is a living document that will be updated throughout the year.
Thanks & Appreciations
Much appreciation appreciation to Nairobi and Parent Club for helping with gathering information around the SAT and ACT exams. Team effort!
Juniors Helping Seniors
The Piedmont Recreation Department is looking for teen volunteers (age 16+) to teach technology to seniors one Wednesday per month.
- Spend 20-30 minutes working one-on-one with the Piedmont Seniors group offing tech help
- Answer questions about their phones, apps, tablets, computers, etc.
- Community service hours are available upon request
This rewarding experience aligns with the PHS lunch break and is conveniently situated within walking distance of PHS at the Piedmont Community Hall.
Juniors Helping Seniors: Tech Help - Fall Information
Wednesdays, 12:45pm
Piedmont Community Hall
August 28, October 23, and November 20
To learn more about the program, contact Eva Phalen.
Highlander Trivia
Thank you all that participated in last weeks' Highlander Trivia.
The question was: Piedmont High School has a lot of history. Lets flash back to 1953. Who was the Principal of PHS that year? And who was the President of the Board of Education in 1953?
The correct answer was: Principal was Mr. T. L. Bystrom, and the President of the Board of Education was Mr. R. S. Milligan.
As we had some good guesses, nobody had that history pencils sharpened. Here's to hoping this weeks trivia is a bit easier.
Newsletter Archive
Miss a prior issue or you just like reading the Highlander weekly? Never fear, old issues are here! Happy reading.