Board of Education News & Notes
Flemington-Raritan Regional School District
Board Meeting Highlights -- 4/25/22
Your Feedback is Appreciated: Climate Survey Responses due 5/17/22
The Board of Education approved this year's climate survey questionnaires. Surveys are available for parents, staff members, and students to complete by clicking here. One student survey is for J.P. Case Middle School students (Grades 7 and 8) while the other student survey is for students in the elementary schools as well as Reading-Fleming Intermediate School (Grades K-6). Responses are due: May 17, 2022
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Middle School Students
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Elementary through Grade 6 Students
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Parents
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Staff
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Middle School Students
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Elementary through Grade 6 Students
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Parents
2021-2022 Climate Survey - Staff
Board Presentation: Reading-Fleming Intermediate School Student Council Reusable Bag Committee
The Student Council Reusable Bag Committee at Reading-Fleming Intermediate School presented information about their reusable bag campaign. Bags can be ordered online by clicking here. The Board commended the students for their hard work and presented each of them and their club advisors with certificates of recognition. They are: Mia Brown, Giavonna Ransone, Abhigna Nalluri, Aliza Azhar, Samantha Elizabeth Yannoccone and Lindsey Rodriguez. Club Advisors are Lisa Coster and Alissa Forrester. Congratulations, RFIS Huskies!
Board Presentation: Effective School Solutions
Representatives from Effective School Solutions, joined by Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Special Education Dr. Danielle Hamblin, provided the Board with a mid-year report on the services they provide through a partnership with our District. The update included an overview of the multi-tier approach used to support students' mental health, highlights of the program and various statistics. The presentation is linked here.
Policy & Regulation Update
The Board presented the following new policies and regulation for a 2nd reading and adoption:
- P 6115.01 - Federal Awards/Funds - Internal Controls - Allowability of Costs (M)
- P 6115.02 - Federal Awards/Funds - Internal Controls - Mandatory Disclosures (M)
- P 6115.03 - Federal Awards/Funds - Internal Controls - Conflict of Interest (M).
Next Meeting - May 2, 2022
The Board of Education will hold the next regular meeting on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 7 p.m. at J.P. Case Middle School. During the meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing on the 2022-2023 Budget. To view the 2022 Board Schedule, click here.
Board Members (2022)
Pamela Baker, Valerie Bart (Vice President), Loretta Borowsky, Jeff Cain, Michelle Hurley, Laurie Markowski, Susan Mitcheltree (President), Melanie Rosengarden, Murty Varanasi
About the Board of Education
Board Committees & Contacts
Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Minutes
About the Board of Education
Board Committees & Contacts
Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas & Minutes
The Flemington-Raritan Regional School District values children. Together, WE:
Foster social, emotional, and academic growth in a safe and nurturing environment.
Respect values and traditions within our families and schools.
Strive to respond to the needs of our diverse and changing community.
Develop the curiosity and creativity of critical thinkers to become collaborative problem solvers who meet the challenges of a globally competitive society.
Every Student - Every Day - Every Opportunity