The Rolling Hills E.D.G.E. !
December 2 - December 6, 2024
A Blueprint for Education, Dedication, Goals and Excellence !
Actions That Will Contribute to Students' Committment in the Classroom at RHE (Adapted)
The NFL is the most popular sport in America and has been for 30 years running. Right now, we are in the middle of football season. I believe that those of us who do our work in the classroom have something to learn from the athletes and coaches on the field–especially, great coaches and winning teams. There are a lot of reasons why we watch football—tribalism among fans and teams, the physicality of the game, the thrill of unpredictable outcomes. Another reason is that it acts out the dynamics of teamwork, leadership and victory on a grand stage.
Hall of Fame Coach Vince Lombardi understood this aspect of the game. He taught his players about perseverance, discipline and, above all, commitment. Lombardi saw individual commitment as the key to success in any endeavor. As he said, “Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” If the great coach is right, then all of us who care about student outcomes should be asking ourselves how we can create classrooms where commitment flourishes.
There are three practical actions that may inspire your students to commit and follow through:
- Define expectations. Commitment requires personal buy-in; however, people need to know exactly what they are buying into before they commit. Clearly defining and communicating priorities eliminates uncertainty and ultimately empowers individuals to achieve greater results. Take the time to revisit your classroom management, rules and expectations to make sure everyone knows what is expected of them.
- Discover core reasons. Motivating students is a more powerful and sustaining force than external factors like grades or negative consequences for poor behavior or performance. People commit to what is important—to them. So helping them recognize why a particular task or behavior is important will accelerate commitment or personal buy-in.
- Deploy the right strength at the right time. When students feel personally responsible for the outcomes they produce, they are inclined to access a wide range of behaviors to fulfill their commitments.
One of the great joys of teaching is helping students discover that they are more academically powerful than they previously knew. As educators, it is our duty to encourage students to access behaviors that contribute to their success in the classroom. Are your actions inspiring commitment or are you enforcing compliance? Is there a spirit of team culture in your classroom? Do students feel like they are a part of your team ? For the next 3 weeks let's work together to foster a team spirit as a campus, and in you respective classrooms to ensure our students commit to their education and the work they have to do prior to the next holiday break. Please be sure to let me know how I can assist you.
Happy to serve,
Principal Johnson
Our 2024-2025 Theme: The BLUEPRINT of RHExcellence: Plan, Manage, Execute!
During the 2024-2025 school year, at Rolling Hills Engineering Academy teachers and campus staff will plan, manage, and execute as we address how teaching and learning will occur on our campus. Our ultimate goal is student academic achievement and social-emotional well-being so we will be intentional about what we do daily to ensure students succeed both academically and socially.
A Peek at What's Ahead...
Please place the following dates on your calendar:
December 2 Return to school
December 6 Classroom Spelling Bee
December 9-13 Kinder - 2nd Grade MAP Reading Fluency / Foundational Skills Dyslexia Screener
December 9-13 - Computer Science Education Week & Hour of Code
December 11-12 Calibration Walks
December 19 - LISD School Board Meeting
December 23-31 Winter Break
January 6 Campus Professional Learning / Student Holiday
January 7 Students return
January 14-22 MOY MAP Testing 3rd, 4th, 5th
A Message for LISD Campus Mentors
Hello Mentors!
Circling back with a few reminders.
Mentors are responsible for meeting with mentees, providing assistance with understanding/completing/submitting the assignments, and documenting time spent together on the spreadsheet provided. Remember, mentors are to meet with each mentee for a minimum of 12 hours each semester and to conduct 1 observation.
As a mentor, you will be responsible for submitting the time log and signed observation, both which are due December 13, 2024. You will upload each to the Google Classroom. So, if you have not joined, please do so as well. If I need to resend you the invite, please let me know.
Last, but not least. If you have not submitted your signed Mentor Commitment Form, please do so ASAP.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. LaCour at 214.729.3479.
Computer Science Week
December 9-13 is Computer Science Education Week and Hour of Code. Here are the details regarding coding activities and campus competition! CS Week spirit wear flier, linked here. Contact Latasha Murry or Faith Milika with questions.
December Calendar and Spirit Days for Staff & Students !
Parent Picnic on the Patio !
On Friday, November 22nd, parents who attended the district's " Strengthening Families" Event had the opportunity to receive a special invitation to "picnic on the patio" with their students. We had a great turn out. We look forward to the next RHE hosted event !
Stay informed:
Membership Opportunities coming soon!
Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs) offer a range of benefits that can positively impact schools, students, and families. Here’s a breakdown of these benefits:
- Enhanced Community Support
Increased Resources
Volunteer Assistance
Improved Communication
Positive School Environment
As a school community we can invest in our work, and demonstrate collaboration by being members of the PTO and partnering together. The PTO's main function is to support our efforts with students, campus initiatives, and to contribute positively to the culture of the school.