Principal's Message
Enadia Way Technology Charter, 3-17-24
Total Donations Collected: $16,000!
Monday's Eagle Trot and Food Truck!
Monday, 3/18: Eagle Trot Event 9:00-10:00! All parents and families are welcome to attend during the trot! Enter through the gate closest to the Parent Center. Volunteers please check in through the Main Office.
Note: Guests are spectators and cheerleaders only. Guests may NOT run or be on the track during the event. (Keep toddlers in strollers or arms!)
Student Attire: Students should wear RUNNING SHOES (tied well!) and Enadia Spirit wear (if you have it) and shorts. Students should wear sunscreen and a hat. If you don't have spirit wear, than your child should be in uniform. Thanks to your generous donations, water bottles are available for all!
FOOD TRUCK AT 12:00: See the menu below. The food is FREE! As always, your child may pack their own lunch. The entire school will be picnicking on the big grassy field for lunch. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD BRING A BEACH TOWEL!
Eagle Trot Events ALL WEEK!
Monday, 3/18: Eagle Trot Event Walk-A-Thon (9:00-10:00)- family and friends are welcome! Volunteers needed to pass out water bottles! ALL STUDENTS PARTICIPATE.
Monday, 3/18: LAUSD's Cafe LA Food Truck brings FREE lunch! All students picnic on the large grassy field! (Have students bring a picnic blanket or beach towel!)- Students may bring their own lunch.
Monday, 3/18: 1:45 pm- "The Results" Pep Rally (when raffle ticket winners are drawn)
Tuesday, 3/19: Fun Sports Activity (10:30-11:30)- students with $60+ donation
Wednesday, 3/20: Tie-Dye T-Shirt Party (10:30-12:00)- students with $100+ donation
Thursday, 3/21: Free Dress (For students with lanyard and $40+ donation)
Friday, 3/22: Movie Screening (Migration) and Popcorn (12:45-2:25)- students with $80+ donation
Parent School Experience Survey
Directions: Complete one survey per Enadia household. Please reflect on your experiences this school year. When you are finished, either print or take a screenshot of the "thank you for taking the survey" verification page. Please send the verification through Class Dojo to the classroom teacher. All students whose parents complete the survey will be given a prize and the classes that reach 90% completion rate will get an extra 20 minutes of recess! I will come around daily with my prize cart and make sure that each sibling receives a prize when the oldest sibling has the verification.
Final ELAC Meeting!
Lost & Found
Please retrieve lost jackets and sweaters from the Lost & Found. All items will be donated to charity on 3/22. Also, if you have lost any glasses or keys, please stop by the Main Office and ask to see the drawer of found items.
Easter Bunny
A neighbor needs a new home for this cute bunny. If you are looking to adopt a sweet pet, please contact Mrs. Jeanne for the contact information.
Conga Kids "Experience the Diaspora" Assembly
This past Wednesday we had a wonderful assembly by Conga Kids! All students in K-5th got to watch 4 amazing dancers accompanied by 4 musicians/singers. They taught the students about the influence of enslaved peoples in the development of Cuban music and dance. It was fantastic! Last year's Eagle Trot donations paid for the assembly!
Upcoming Events
- 3/18: Eagle Trot Event! 9:00-9:30 UTK-2nd; 9:30-10:00 3rd-5th! All welcome to attend!
- 3/18-4/5: Yearbook Pre-Sales! Order your yearbook now! Just $20.
- 3/19: First Day of Spring and Narooz!
- 3/20: Parent Workshop with Miss Vargas, 2:40 in Parent Center (How to Navigate Schoology & the Parent Portal
- 3/21: ELAC Meeting #6 at 5pm via Zoom
- 3/22: Awards Assembly (Academics, Respect, Kindness, AR & Attendance)
- 3/22: School Experience Survey window ends
- 3/23-4/1: SPRING BREAK! School Resumes on 4/2!