Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
Weekly Wrap-up (February 5, 2021)
What's Coming
Tuesday, February 9
- Track A Valentines celebration 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Wednesday, February 10
- Traditional Remote Day for Track A, B & D students-- remember to tune in for your morning class meetings!
Friday, February 12
- Track B Valentines celebration 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Valentines Activities at SHES
- Track A celebrations will be on Tuesday, February 9th from 3:15-3:45 p.m.
- Track B celebrations will be on Friday, February 12th from 3:15-3:45 p.m.
Classroom celebrations will be for students to enjoy store-bought, prepackaged treats donated by parents as they socially distance in our classrooms. Students will also enjoy a classroom game, craft, or other activity together.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to invite parents into the building for these classroom parties, yet Valentine cards will be sealed and sent home with students for parents to choose when they are opened and enjoy reading them together!
SHES Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences sign-up is open!
SHES Virtual Spelling Bee Winners!
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
In addition to our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place spellers, SHES digital spelling bee participants included: Marcos Chavez, Kord Cox, Brenna Durbin, Macy Durbin, Jillian Goetz, Brooklyn Hummer, Lorelai James, Mason Moore, and Sierra Zoll.
Second Step Program: Emotional Management
This month, our schoolwide theme is emotion management. In our Second Step weekly lessons, morning meetings and school announcements we’ll be prompting students to notice their own feelings by paying attention to clues in their bodies, and we’ll be reminding them to use their Second Step skills to calm down:
· Stop—Use your signal
· Name your feeling
· Calm down: Breathe, count, use positive self-talk
These skills help students calm down strong emotions when faced with learning and social challenges, which helps them succeed academically and get along well with others.
Second Step lessons specifically teach about calming down strong emotions such as anger, disappointment, frustration, and anxiety. You’ll be receiving Home Links that describe why managing strong emotions is important and include fun activities to do with your child to help him or her identify strong feelings and calm down. We hope the Home Links will give you tools to use together when your child is upset.
Please tell your child’s teacher if you have questions about how you can help your child learn to calm down at home.
Tech Tip... Zoom Accounts are NOT for students!
- ELIGIBILITY. You affirm that You are at least 16 years of age and are otherwise fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in this Agreement, and to abide by and comply with this Agreement. Your access may be terminated without warning if we believe that You are under the age of 16 or are otherwise ineligible.
SHES students should NOT have their own personal accounts. All class meetings links are created by our SHES teachers and staff. Students join meetings with these direct links and do not need to have active Zoom accounts.
We have found that there are some students who have created their own accounts. Some accounts have been used for chatting and hosting personal or group Zoom sessions. This violates the Zoom terms of service and in collaboration with parents, we have used these situations as learning experiences for students and deactivated these accounts. Please take some time to talk about this important issue with your student(s). If you find you are in need of helping your child(ren) disable an established account(s), the following video illustrates easy steps to assist you in that process.
COVID Mitigation Reminders
Temperature checks and sanitizing will continue as each student and staff member enters the building each day. Student water bottles will continue to be used for bottle filling stations rather than drinking fountains. Hand washing/sanitizing will continue each hour.
We are a closed campus at this time. If you need to drop off something for your Thunderbolt or pick your student up for an appointment, please call the mainline, 357-5400, and someone will assist you.
Our teachers and custodial staff are doing everything possible to keep our Thunderbolts safe each day.
Tell Us Something Good
Family Service Guidance Center Real-World Parenting Conversations
About Me
When I am not at school, I can usually be found with family at sporting events, bargain shopping, enjoying time outside, crafting, watching a movie or reality TV series at home, or cheering on the KU Jayhawks.
Email: hummerr@usd450.net
Website: https://shes.usd450.net/
Location: 2410 Southeast Burton Street, Topeka, KS, USA
Phone: 785-730-5345